Through the Bible – Day 152

Bible text(s)

2 Chronicles 4

The furnishings for the temple

1Solomon had a bronze altar made that was nine metres square and four and a half metres high. 2He also gave orders to make a large metal bowl called the Sea. It was four and a half metres across, just over two metres deep, and thirteen and a half metres around. 3Its outer edge was decorated with two rows of carvings of bulls, ten bulls to about every forty-five centimetres, all made from the same piece of metal as the bowl. 4The bowl itself sat on top of twelve bronze bulls, with three bulls facing outwards in each of four directions. 5The sides of the bowl were seventy-five millimetres thick, and its rim was in the shape of a cup that curved outwards like flower petals. The bowl held about sixty thousand litres.

6He also made ten small bowls and put five on each side of the large bowl. The small bowls were used to wash the animals that were burnt on the altar as sacrifices, and the priests used the water in the large bowl to wash their hands.

7Ten gold lampstands were also made according to the plans. Solomon placed these lampstands inside the temple, five on each side of the main room. 8He also made ten tables and placed them in the main room, five on each side. And he made a hundred small gold sprinkling bowls.

9Solomon gave orders to build two courtyards: a smaller one that only priests could use and a larger one. The doors to these courtyards were covered with bronze. 10The large bowl called the Sea was placed near the south-east corner of the temple.

11Huram made shovels, sprinkling bowls, and pans for hot ashes. Here is a list of the other furnishings he made for God's temple: 12two columns, two bowl-shaped caps for the tops of these columns, two chain designs on the caps, 13four hundred pomegranates for the chain designs, 14the stands and the small bowls, 15the large bowl and the twelve bulls that held it up, 16pans for hot ashes, as well as shovels and meat forks.

Huram made all these things out of polished bronze 17by pouring melted bronze into the clay moulds he had set up near the River Jordan, between Succoth and Zeredah.

18There were so many bronze furnishings that no one ever knew how much bronze it took to make them.

19Solomon also gave orders to make the following temple furnishings out of gold: the altar, the tables that held the sacred loaves of bread, 20the lampstands and the lamps that burnt in front of the most holy place, 21flower designs, lamps and tongs, 22lamp snuffers, small sprinkling bowls, ladles, fire pans, and the doors to the most holy place and the main room of the temple.

2 Chronicles 5

1After the LORD's temple was finished, Solomon put in its storage rooms everything that his father David had dedicated to the LORD, including the gold and silver, and the objects used in worship.

Solomon brings the sacred chest to the temple

(1 Kings 8.1-13)

2-3The sacred chest had been kept on Mount Zion, also known as the city of David. But Solomon decided to have the chest moved to the temple while everyone was in Jerusalem to celebrate the Festival of Shelters during the seventh month.

Solomon called together all the important leaders of Israel. 4-5Then the priests and the Levites picked up the sacred chest, the sacred tent, and the objects used for worship, and they carried them to the temple. 6Solomon and a crowd of people walked in front of the chest, and along the way they sacrificed more sheep and cattle than could be counted.

7The priests carried the chest into the most holy place and put it under the winged creatures, 8whose wings covered the chest and the poles used for carrying it. 9The poles were so long that they could be seen from just outside the most holy place, but not from anywhere else. And they stayed there from then on.

10The only things kept in the chest were the two flat stones Moses had put there when the LORD made his agreement with the people of Israel at Mount Sinai, after bringing them out of Egypt.

11-13The priests of every group had gone through the ceremony to make themselves clean and acceptable to the LORD. The Levite musicians, including Asaph, Heman, Jeduthun, and their sons and relatives, were wearing robes of fine linen. They were standing on the east side of the altar, playing cymbals, small harps, and other stringed instruments. One hundred and twenty priests were with these musicians, and they were blowing trumpets.

They were praising the LORD by playing music and singing:

“The LORD is good,

and his love never ends.”

Suddenly a cloud filled the temple as the priests were leaving the holy place. 14The LORD's glory was in that cloud, and the light from it was so bright that the priests could not stay inside to do their work.

2 Chronicles 6

1Solomon prayed:

“Our LORD, you said that you

would live in a dark cloud.

2Now I've built a glorious temple

where you can live for ever.”

Solomon speaks to the people

3Solomon turned towards the people standing there. Then he blessed them 4-6and said:

Praise the LORD God of Israel! He brought his people out of Egypt long ago and later kept his promise to make my father David the king of Israel. The LORD also promised him that Jerusalem would be the city where his temple will be built, and now that promise has come true.

7When my father wanted to build a temple for the LORD God of Israel, 8the LORD said, “It's good that you want to build a temple where I can be worshipped. 9But you're not the one to do it. Your son will build the temple to honour me.”

10The LORD has done what he promised. I am now the king of Israel, and I've built a temple for the LORD our God. 11I've also put the sacred chest in the temple. And in that chest are the two flat stones on which is written the solemn agreement the LORD made with our ancestors when he rescued them from Egypt.

Solomon prays at the temple

12-13Earlier, Solomon had a bronze platform made that was about two metres square and over a metre high, and he put it in the centre of the outer courtyard near the altar. Solomon stood on the platform facing the altar with everyone standing behind him. Then he lifted his arms towards heaven; he knelt down 14and prayed:

LORD God of Israel, no other god in heaven or on earth is like you!

You never forget the agreement you made with your people, and you are loyal to anyone who faithfully obeys your teachings. 15My father David was your servant, and today you have kept every promise you made to him.

16You promised that someone from his family would always be king of Israel, if they do their best to obey you, just as he did. 17Please keep this promise you made to your servant David. 18There's not enough room in all of heaven for you, LORD God. How could you possibly live on earth in this temple I have built? 19But I ask you to answer my prayer. 20This is the temple where you have chosen to be worshipped. Please watch over it day and night and listen when I turn towards it and pray. 21I am your servant, and the people of Israel belong to you, and so whenever any of us look towards this temple and pray, answer from your home in heaven and forgive our sins.

22Suppose someone accuses a person of a crime, and the accused has to stand in front of the altar in your temple and say, “I swear I am innocent!” 23Listen from heaven and decide who is right. Then punish the guilty person and let the innocent one go free.

24Suppose your people Israel sin against you, and then an enemy defeats them. If they come to this temple and beg for forgiveness, 25listen from your home in heaven. Forgive them and bring them back to the land you gave their ancestors.

26Suppose your people sin against you, and you punish them by holding back the rain. If they stop sinning and turn towards this temple to pray in your name, 27listen from your home in heaven and forgive them. The people of Israel are your servants, so teach them to live right. And send rain on the land you promised them for ever.

28Sometimes the crops may dry up or rot or be eaten by locusts or grasshoppers, and your people will be starving. Sometimes enemies may surround their towns, or your people will become sick with deadly diseases. 29Please listen when anyone in Israel truly feels sorry and sincerely prays with arms lifted towards your temple. 30You know what is in everyone's heart. So from your home in heaven answer their prayers, according to what they do and what is in their hearts. 31Then your people will worship you and obey you for as long as they live in the land you gave their ancestors.

32Foreigners will hear about you and your mighty power, and some of them will come to live among your people Israel. If any of them pray towards this temple, 33listen from your home in heaven and answer their prayers. Then everyone on earth will worship you, just as your own people Israel do, and they will know that I have built this temple in your honour.

34Sometimes you will order your people to attack their enemies. Then your people will turn towards this temple I have built for you in your chosen city, and they will pray to you. 35Answer their prayers from heaven and give them victory.

36Everyone sins. But when your people sin against you, suppose you get angry enough to let their enemies drag them away to foreign countries. 37-39Later, they may feel sorry for what they did and ask your forgiveness. Answer them when they pray towards this temple I have built for you in your chosen city, here in this land you gave their ancestors. From your home in heaven, listen to their sincere prayers and forgive your people who have sinned against you.

40LORD God, hear us when we pray in this temple. 41Come to your new home, where we have already placed the sacred chest, which is the symbol of your strength. I pray that when the priests announce your power to save people, those who are faithful to you will celebrate what you've done for them. 42Always remember the love you had for your servant David, so that you will not reject your chosen kings.

2 Chronicles 4:1-6:42CEVOpen in Bible reader

John 13

Jesus' last week: his trial and death

Jesus washes the feet of his disciples

1It was before Passover, and Jesus knew that the time had come for him to leave this world and to return to the Father. He had always loved his followers in this world, and he loved them to the very end.

2Even before the evening meal started, the devil had made Judas, the son of Simon Iscariot, decide to betray Jesus.

3Jesus knew that he had come from God and would go back to God. He also knew that the Father had given him complete power. 4So during the meal Jesus got up, removed his outer garment, and wrapped a towel around his waist. 5He put some water into a large bowl. Then he began washing his disciples' feet and drying them with the towel he was wearing.

6But when he came to Simon Peter, that disciple asked, “Lord, are you going to wash my feet?”

7Jesus answered, “You don't really know what I am doing, but later you will understand.”

8“You will never wash my feet!” Peter replied.

“If I don't wash you,” Jesus told him, “you don't really belong to me.”

9Peter said, “Lord, don't wash just my feet. Wash my hands and my head.”

10Jesus answered, “People who have bathed and are clean all over need to wash just their feet. And you, my disciples, are clean, except for one of you.” 11Jesus knew who would betray him. That is why he said, “except for one of you.”

12After Jesus had washed his disciples' feet and had put his outer garment back on, he sat down again. Then he said:

Do you understand what I have done? 13You call me your teacher and Lord, and you should, because that is who I am. 14And if your Lord and teacher has washed your feet, you should do the same for each other. 15I have set the example, and you should do for each other exactly what I have done for you. 16I tell you for certain that servants are not greater than their master, and messengers are not greater than the one who sent them. 17You know these things, and God will bless you, if you do them.

18I am not talking about all of you. I know the ones I have chosen. But what the Scriptures say must come true. And they say, “The man who ate with me has turned against me!” 19I am telling you this before it all happens. Then when it does happen, you will believe who I am. 20I tell you for certain that anyone who welcomes my messengers also welcomes me, and anyone who welcomes me welcomes the one who sent me.

Jesus tells what will happen to him

21After Jesus had said these things, he was deeply troubled and told his disciples, “I tell you for certain that one of you will betray me.” 22They were confused about what he meant. And they just stared at each other.

23Jesus' favourite disciple was sitting next to him at the meal, 24and Simon motioned for that disciple to find out which one Jesus meant. 25So the disciple leaned towards Jesus and asked, “Lord, which one of us are you talking about?”

26Jesus answered, “I will dip this piece of bread in the sauce and give it to the one I was talking about.”

Then Jesus dipped the bread and gave it to Judas, the son of Simon Iscariot. 27At once Satan took control of Judas.

Jesus said, “Judas, go quickly and do what you have to do.” 28No one at the meal understood what Jesus meant. 29But because Judas was in charge of the money, some of them thought that Jesus had told him to buy something they needed for the festival. Others thought that Jesus had told him to give some money to the poor. 30Judas took the piece of bread and went out.

It was already night.

John 13:1-30CEVOpen in Bible reader
Canadian Bible Societyv.4.29.1
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