Through the Bible – Day 179

Bible text(s)

Job 13

Job continues

I know and understand

1I know and understand

every bit of this.

2None of you are cleverer

than I am;

there's nothing you know

that I don't.

3But I prefer to argue my case

with God All-Powerful—

4you are merely useless doctors,

who treat me with lies.

5The wisest thing you can do

is to keep quiet 6and listen

to my argument.

7Are you telling lies for God

8and not telling the whole truth

when you argue his case?

9If he took you to court,

could you fool him,

just as you fool others?

10If you were secretly unfair,

he would correct you,

11and his glorious splendour

would make you terrified.

12Your wisdom and arguments

are as delicate as dust.

Be quiet while I speak

13Be quiet while I speak,

then say what you will.

14I will be responsible

for what happens to me.

15God may kill me, but still

I will trust him

and offer my defence.

16This may be what saves me,

because no guilty person

would come to his court.

17Listen carefully to my words!

18I have prepared my case well,

and I am certain to win.

19If you can prove me guilty,

I will give up and die.

Job prays

I ask only two things

20I ask only two things

of you, my God,

and I will no longer

hide from you—

21stop punishing

and terrifying me!

22Then speak, and I will reply;

or else let me speak,

and you reply.

23Please point out my sins,

so I will know them.

24Why have you turned your back

and count me your enemy?

25Do you really enjoy

frightening a fallen leaf?

26Why do you accuse me

of horrible crimes

and make me pay for sins

I did in my youth?

27You have tied my feet down

and keep me surrounded;

28I am rotting away like cloth

eaten by worms.

Job 14

Job continues his prayer

Life is short and sorrowful

1Life is short and sorrowful

for every living soul.

2We are flowers that fade

and shadows that vanish.

3And so, I ask you, God,

why pick on me?

4There's no way a human

can be completely pure.

5Our time on earth is brief;

the number of our days

is already decided by you.

6Why don't you leave us alone

and let us find some happiness

while we toil and labour?

When a tree is chopped down

7When a tree is chopped down,

there is always the hope

that it will sprout again.

8Its roots and stump may rot,

9but at the touch of water,

fresh twigs shoot up.

10Humans are different—

we die, and that's the end.

11We are like streams and lakes

after the water has gone;

12we fall into the sleep of death,

never to rise again,

until the sky disappears.

13Please hide me, God,

deep in the ground—

and when you are angry no more,

remember to rescue me.

Will we humans live again?

14Will we humans live again?

I would gladly suffer

and wait for my time.

15My Creator, you would want me;

you would call out,

and I would answer.

16You would take care of me,

but not count my sins—

17you would put them in a bag,

tie it tight,

and toss them away.

18But in the real world,

mountains tumble,

and rocks crumble;

19streams wear away stones

and wash away soil.

And you destroy our hopes!

20You change the way we look,

then send us away,

wiped out for ever.

21We never live to know

if our children are praised

or disgraced.

22We feel no pain but our own,

and when we mourn,

it's only for ourselves.

Job 15

The second round of the debate

Eliphaz's second speech

If you had any sense

1Eliphaz from Teman said:

2-3Job, if you had any sense,

you would stop spreading

all this hot air.

4Your words are enough

to make others turn from God

and lead them to doubt.

5And your sinful, scheming mind

is the source of all you say.

6I am not here as your judge;

your own words are witnesses

against you.

7Were you the first human?

Are you older than the hills?

8Have you ever been present

when God's council meets?

Do you alone have wisdom?

9Do you know and understand

something we don't?

10We have the benefit of wisdom

older than your father.

11And you have been offered

comforting words from God.

Isn't this enough?

12Your emotions are out of control,

making you look fierce;

13that's why you attack God

with everything you say.

14No human is pure and innocent,

15and neither are angels—

not in the sight of God.

If God doesn't trust his angels,

16what chance do humans have?

We are so terribly evil

that we thirst for sin.

Just listen to what I know

17Just listen to what I know,

and you will learn

18wisdom known by others

since ancient times.

19Those who gained such insights

also gained the land,

and they were not influenced

by foreign teachings.

20But suffering is in store

each day for those who sin.

21Even in times of success,

they constantly hear

the threat of doom.

22Darkness, despair, and death

are their destiny.

23They scrounge around for food,

all the while dreading

the approaching darkness.

24They are overcome with despair,

like a terrified king

about to go into battle.

25This is because they rebelled

against God All-Powerful

26and have attacked him

with their weapons.

27They may be rich and fat,

28but they will live in the ruins

of deserted towns.

29Their property and wealth

will shrink and disappear.

30They won't escape the darkness,

and the blazing breath of God

will set their future aflame.

31-32They have put their trust

in something worthless;

now they will become worthless

like a date palm tree

without a leaf.

33Or like vineyards or orchards

whose blossoms and unripe fruit

drop to the ground.

34Yes, the godless and the greedy

will have nothing but flames

feasting on their homes,

35because they are the parents

of trouble and vicious lies.

Job 16

Job's reply to Eliphaz

I have often heard this

1Job said:

2I have often heard this,

and it offers no comfort.

3So why don't you keep quiet?

What's bothering you?

4If I were in your place,

it would be easy to criticize

or to give advice.

5But I would offer hope

and comfort instead.

6If I speak, or if I don't,

I suffer all the same.

My torment continues.

7God has worn me down

and destroyed my family;

8my shrivelled up skin proves

that I am his prisoner.

9God is my hateful enemy,

glaring at me and attacking

with his sharp teeth.

10Everyone is against me;

they sneer and slap my face.

11And God is the one

who handed me over

to this merciless mob.

Everything was going well

12Everything was going well,

until God grabbed my neck

and shook me to pieces.

God set me up as the target

13for his arrows,

and without showing mercy,

he slashed my stomach open,

spilling out my insides.

14God never stops attacking,

15and so, in my sorrow

I dress in sackcloth

and sit in the dust.

16My face is red with tears,

and dark shadows

circle my eyes,

17though I am not violent,

and my prayers are sincere.

18If I should die,

I beg the earth not to cover

my cry for justice.

19Even now, God in heaven

is both my witness

and my protector.

20My friends have rejected me,

but God is the one I beg

21to show that I am right,

just as a friend should.

22Because in only a few years,

I will be dead and gone.

Job 13:1-16:22CEVOpen in Bible reader

Acts 9

Saul in Jerusalem

26When Saul arrived in Jerusalem, he tried to join the followers. But they were all afraid of him, because they did not believe he was a true follower. 27Then Barnabas helped him by taking him to the apostles. He explained how Saul had seen the Lord and how the Lord had spoken to him. Barnabas also said that when Saul was in Damascus, he had spoken bravely in the name of Jesus.

28Saul moved about freely with the followers in Jerusalem and told everyone about the Lord. 29He was always arguing with the Jews who spoke Greek, and so they tried to kill him. 30But the followers found out about this and took Saul to Caesarea. From there they sent him to the city of Tarsus.

31The church in Judea, Galilee, and Samaria now had a time of peace and kept on worshipping the Lord. The church became stronger, as the Holy Spirit encouraged it and helped it grow.

Peter heals Aeneas

32While Peter was travelling from place to place, he visited the Lord's followers who lived in the town of Lydda. 33There he met a man named Aeneas, who for eight years had been sick in bed and could not move. 34Peter said to Aeneas, “Jesus Christ has healed you! Get up and make up your bed.” Straight away he stood up.

35Many people in the towns of Lydda and Sharon saw Aeneas and became followers of the Lord.

Peter brings Dorcas back to life

36In Joppa there was a follower named Tabitha. Her Greek name was Dorcas, which means “deer”. She was always doing good things for people and had given much to the poor. 37But she became ill and died, and her body was washed and placed in an upstairs room. 38Joppa wasn't far from Lydda, and the followers heard that Peter was there. They sent two men to say to him, “Please come with us as quickly as you can!” 39Straight away, Peter went with them.

The men took Peter upstairs into the room. Many widows were there crying. They showed him the coats and clothes that Dorcas had made while she was still alive.

40After Peter had sent everyone out of the room, he knelt down and prayed. Then he turned to the body of Dorcas and said, “Tabitha, get up!” The woman opened her eyes, and when she saw Peter, she sat up. 41He took her by the hand and helped her to her feet.

Peter called in the widows and the other followers and showed them that Dorcas had been raised from death. 42Everyone in Joppa heard what had happened, and many of them put their faith in the Lord. 43Peter stayed on for a while in Joppa in the house of a man named Simon, who made leather.

Acts 9:26-43CEVOpen in Bible reader
Canadian Bible Societyv.4.27.6
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