Through the Bible – Day 187

Bible text(s)

Proverbs 1

Introduction: how proverbs can be used

1These are the proverbs

of King Solomon of Israel,

the son of David.

2Proverbs will teach you

wisdom and self-control

and how to understand

sayings with deep meanings.

3You will learn what is right

and honest and fair.

4From these, an ordinary person

can learn to be clever,

and young people can gain

knowledge and good sense.

5If you are already wise,

you will become even wiser.

And if you are clever,

you will learn to understand

6proverbs and sayings,

as well as words of wisdom

and all kinds of riddles.

7Respect and obey the LORD!

This is the beginning

of knowledge.

Only a fool rejects wisdom

and good advice.

Parental advice on the importance of seeking wisdom and not being foolish

Warnings against bad friends

8My child, obey the teachings

of your parents,

9and wear their teachings

as you would a lovely hat

or a pretty necklace.

10Don't be tempted by sinners

or listen 11when they say,

“Come on! Let's gang up

and kill somebody,

just for the fun of it!

12They're well and healthy now,

but we'll finish them off

once and for all.

13We'll take their valuables

and fill our homes

with stolen goods.

14If you join our gang,

you'll get your share.”

15Don't follow anyone like that

or do what they do.

16They are in a big hurry

to commit some crime,

perhaps even murder.

17They are like a bird

that sees the bait,

but ignores the trap.

18They gang up to murder someone,

but they are the victims.

19The wealth you get from crime

robs you of your life.

Wisdom speaks

20Wisdom shouts in the streets

wherever crowds gather.

21She shouts in the market places

and near the city gates

as she says to the people,

22“How much longer

will you enjoy

being stupid fools?

Won't you ever stop sneering

and laughing at knowledge?

23Listen as I correct you

and tell you what I think.

24You completely ignored me

and refused to listen;

25you rejected my advice

and paid no attention

when I warned you.

26“So when you are struck

by some terrible disaster,

27or when trouble and distress

surround you like a whirlwind,

I will laugh and make fun of you.

28You will ask for my help,

but I won't listen;

you will search,

but you won't find me.

29No, you would not learn,

and you refused

to respect the LORD.

30You rejected my advice

and paid no attention

when I warned you.

31“Now you will eat the fruit

of what you have done,

until you are stuffed full

with your own schemes.

32Sin and self-satisfaction

bring destruction and death

to stupid fools.

33But if you listen to me,

you will be safe and secure

without fear of disaster.”

Proverbs 2

Wisdom and bad friends

1My child, you must follow

and treasure my teachings

and my instructions.

2Keep in tune with wisdom

and think what it means

to have common sense.

3Beg as loud as you can

for good common sense.

4Search for wisdom

as you would search for silver

or hidden treasure.

5Then you will understand

what it means to respect

and to know the LORD God.

6All wisdom comes from the LORD,

and so do common sense

and understanding.

7God gives helpful advice

to everyone who obeys him

and protects all those

who live as they should.

8God sees that justice is done,

and he watches over everyone

who is faithful to him.

9With wisdom you will learn

what is right

and honest and fair.

10Wisdom will control your mind,

and you will be pleased

with knowledge.

11Sound judgment and good sense

will watch over you.

12Wisdom will protect you

from evil schemes

and from those liars

13who turned from doing good

to live in the darkness.

14Most of all they enjoy

being mean and deceitful.

15They are dishonest themselves,

and all they do is crooked.

Wisdom and sexual purity

16Wisdom will protect you

from the smooth talk

of a sinful woman,

17who breaks her wedding vows

and leaves the man she married

when she was young.

18The road to her house leads

down to the dark world

of the dead.

19Visit her, and you will never

find the road to life again.

20Follow the example

of good people

and live an honest life.

21If you are honest and innocent,

you will keep your land;

22if you do wrong

and can never be trusted,

you will be rooted out.

Proverbs 3

Trust God

1My child, remember

my teachings and instructions

and obey them completely.

2They will help you live

a long and prosperous life.

3Let love and loyalty

always show like a necklace,

and write them in your mind.

4God and people will like you

and consider you a success.

5With all your heart

you must trust the LORD

and not your own judgment.

6Always let him lead you,

and he will clear the road

for you to follow.

7Don't ever think that you

are wise enough,

but respect the LORD

and stay away from evil.

8This will make you healthy,

and you will feel strong.

9Honour the LORD by giving him

your money and the first part

of all your crops.

10Then you will have

more grain and grapes

than you will ever need.

11My child, don't turn away

or become bitter

when the LORD corrects you.

12The LORD corrects

everyone he loves,

just as parents correct

their favourite child.

The value of wisdom

13God blesses everyone

who has wisdom

and common sense.

14Wisdom is worth more

than silver;

it makes you much richer

than gold.

15Wisdom is more valuable

than precious jewels;

nothing you want

compares with her.

16In her right hand

Wisdom holds a long life,

and in her left hand

are wealth and honour.

17Wisdom makes life pleasant

and leads us safely along.

18Wisdom is a life-giving tree,

the source of happiness

for all who hold on to her.

19By his wisdom and knowledge

the LORD created

heaven and earth.

20By his understanding

he let the ocean break loose

and clouds release the rain.

21My child, use common sense

and sound judgment!

Always keep them in mind.

22They will help you to live

a long and beautiful life.

23You will walk safely

and never stumble;

24you will rest without a worry

and sleep soundly.

25So don't be afraid

of sudden disasters

or storms that strike

those who are evil.

26You can be sure that the LORD

will protect you from harm.

27Do all you can for everyone

who deserves your help.

28Don't tell your neighbour

to come back tomorrow,

if you can help today.

29Don't try to be mean

to neighbours who trust you.

30Don't argue just to be arguing,

when you haven't been hurt.

31Don't be jealous

of cruel people

or follow their example.

32The LORD doesn't like

anyone who is dishonest,

but he lets good people

be his friends.

33He places a curse on the home

of everyone who is evil,

but he blesses the home

of every good person.

34The LORD sneers at those

who sneer at him,

but he is kind to everyone

who is humble.

35You will be praised

if you are wise,

but you will be disgraced

if you are a stubborn fool.

Proverbs 4

Advice to young people

1My child, listen closely

to my teachings

and learn common sense.

2My advice is useful,

so don't turn away.

3When I was still very young

and my mother's favourite child,

my father 4said to me:

“If you follow my teachings

and keep them in mind,

you will live.

5Be wise and learn good sense;

remember my teachings

and do what I say.

6If you love Wisdom

and don't reject her,

she will watch over you.

7The best thing about Wisdom

is Wisdom herself;

good sense is more important

than anything else.

8If you value Wisdom

and hold tightly to her,

great honours will be yours.

9It will be like wearing

a glorious crown

of beautiful flowers.”

The right way and the wrong way

10My child, if you listen

and obey my teachings,

you will live a long time.

11I have shown you the way

that makes sense;

I have guided you

along the right path.

12Your road won't be blocked,

and you won't stumble

when you run.

13Hold firmly to my teaching

and never let go.

It will mean life for you.

14Don't follow the bad example

of cruel and evil people.

15Turn aside and keep going.

Stay away from them.

16They can't sleep or rest

until they do wrong or harm

some innocent victim.

17Their food and drink

are violence and cruelty.

18The lifestyle of good people

is like sunlight at dawn

that keeps getting brighter

until broad daylight.

19The lifestyle of the wicked

is like total darkness,

and they will never know

what makes them stumble.

20My child, listen carefully

to everything I say.

21Don't forget a single word,

but think about it all.

22Knowing these teachings

will mean true life

and good health for you.

23Carefully guard your thoughts

because they are the source

of true life.

24Never tell lies or be deceitful

in what you say.

25Keep looking straight ahead,

without turning aside.

26Know where you are headed,

and you will stay

on solid ground.

27Don't make a mistake by turning

to the right or the left.

Proverbs 5

Be faithful to your wife

1My son, if you listen closely

to my wisdom and good sense,

2you will have sound judgment,

and you will always know

the right thing to say.

3The words of an immoral woman

may be as sweet as honey

and as smooth as olive oil.

4But all that you really get

from being with her

is bitter poison and pain.

5If you follow her,

she will lead you down

to the world of the dead.

6She has missed the path

that leads to life

and doesn't even know it.

7My son, listen to me

and do everything I say.

8Stay away from a bad woman!

Don't even go near the door

of her house.

9You will lose your self-respect

and end up in debt

to some cruel person

for the rest of your life.

10Strangers will get your money

and everything else

you have worked for.

11When it's all over,

your body will waste away,

as you groan 12and shout,

“I hated advice and correction!

Proverbs 1:1-5:12CEVOpen in Bible reader

Acts 15

An important decision in Jerusalem

1Some people came from Judea and started teaching the Lord's followers that they could not be saved, unless they were circumcised as Moses had taught. 2This caused trouble, and Paul and Barnabas argued with them about this teaching. So it was decided to send Paul and Barnabas and a few others to Jerusalem to discuss this problem with the apostles and the church leaders.

The church leaders meet in Jerusalem

3The men who were sent by the church went through Phoenicia and Samaria, telling how the Gentiles had turned to God. This news made the Lord's followers very happy. 4When the men arrived in Jerusalem, they were welcomed by the church, including the apostles and the leaders. They told them everything God had helped them do. 5But some Pharisees had become followers of the Lord. They stood up and said, “Gentiles who have faith in the Lord must be circumcised and told to obey the Law of Moses.”

6The apostles and church leaders met to discuss this problem about Gentiles. 7They had talked it over for a long time, when Peter got up and said:

My friends, you know that God decided long ago to let me be the one from your group to preach the good news to the Gentiles. God did this so that they would hear and obey him. 8He knows what is in everyone's heart. And he showed that he had chosen the Gentiles, when he gave them the Holy Spirit, just as he had given his Spirit to us. 9God treated them in the same way that he treated us. They put their faith in him, and he made their hearts pure.

10Now why are you trying to make God angry by placing a heavy burden on these followers? This burden was too heavy for us or our ancestors. 11But our Lord Jesus was kind to us, and we are saved by faith in him, just as the Gentiles are.

12Everyone kept quiet and listened as Barnabas and Paul told how God had given them the power to perform a lot of miracles and wonders for the Gentiles.

13After they had finished speaking, James said:

My friends, listen to me! 14Simon Peter has told how God first came to the Gentiles and made some of them his own people. 15This agrees with what the prophets wrote,

16“I, the Lord, will return

and rebuild

David's fallen house.

I will build it from its ruins

and set it up again.

17Then other nations

will turn to me

and be my chosen ones.

I, the Lord, say this.

18I promised it long ago.”

19And so, my friends, I don't think we should place burdens on the Gentiles who are turning to God. 20We should simply write and tell them not to eat anything that has been offered to idols. They should be told not to eat the meat of any animal that has been strangled or that still has blood in it. They must also not commit any terrible sexual sins.

21We must remember that the Law of Moses has been preached in city after city for many years, and every Sabbath it is read when we Jews meet.

Acts 15:1-21CEVOpen in Bible reader
Canadian Bible Societyv.4.29.1
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