Through the Bible – Day 205

Bible text(s)

Psalms 65

(A psalm by David and a song for the music leader.)

God answers prayer

1Our God, you deserve praise

in Zion, where we keep

our promises to you.

2Everyone will come to you

because you answer prayer.

3Our terrible sins get us down,

but you forgive us.

4You bless your chosen ones,

and you invite them

to live near you

in your temple.

We will enjoy your house,

the sacred temple.

5Our God, you save us,

and your fearsome deeds answer

our prayers for justice!

You give hope to people

everywhere on earth,

even those across the sea.

6You are strong,

and your mighty power

put the mountains in place.

7You silence the roaring waves

and the noisy shouts

of the nations.

8People far away marvel

at your fearsome deeds,

and all who live under the sun

celebrate and sing

because of you.

9You take care of the earth

and send rain to help the soil

grow all kinds of crops.

Your rivers never run dry,

and you prepare the earth

to produce much grain.

10You water all its fields

and level the lumpy ground.

You send showers of rain

to soften the soil

and help the plants sprout.

11Wherever your footsteps

touch the earth,

a rich harvest is gathered.

12Desert pastures blossom,

and mountains celebrate.

13Meadows are filled

with sheep and goats;

valleys overflow with grain

and echo with joyful songs.

Psalms 66

(A song and a psalm for the music leader.)

Shout praises to God

1Tell everyone on this earth

to shout praises to God!

2Sing about his glorious name.

Honour him with praises.

3Say to God, “Everything you do

is fearsome,

and your mighty power makes

your enemies come crawling.

4You are worshipped by everyone!

We all sing praises to you.”

5Come and see the fearsome things

our God has done!

6When God made the sea dry up,

our people walked across,

and because of him,

we celebrated there.

7His mighty power rules for ever,

and nothing the nations do

can be hidden from him.

So don't turn against God.

8All you people,

come, praise our God!

Let his praises be heard.

9God protects us from death

and keeps us steady.

10Our God, you tested us,

just as silver is tested.

11You trapped us in a net

and gave us heavy burdens.

12You sent war chariots

to crush our skulls.

We travelled through fire

and through floods,

but you brought us

to a land of plenty.

13I will bring sacrifices

into your house, my God,

and I will do what I promised

14when I was in trouble.

15I will sacrifice my best sheep

and offer bulls and goats

on your altar.

16All who worship God,

come here and listen;

I will tell you everything

God has done for me.

17I prayed to the Lord,

and I praised him.

18If my thoughts had been sinful,

he would have refused

to hear me.

19But God did listen

and answered my prayer.

20Let's praise God!

He listened when I prayed,

and he is always kind.

Psalms 67

(A psalm and a song for the music leader. Use with stringed instruments.)

Tell the nations to praise God

1Our God, be kind and bless us!

Be pleased and smile.

2Then everyone on earth

will learn to follow you,

and all nations will see

your power to save us.

3Make everyone praise you

and shout your praises.

4Let the nations celebrate

with joyful songs,

because you judge fairly

and guide all nations.

5Make everyone praise you

and shout your praises.

6Our God has blessed the earth

with a wonderful harvest!

7Pray for his blessings

to continue

and for everyone on earth

to worship our God.

Psalms 65:1-67:7CEVOpen in Bible reader

Acts 24

Paul is kept under guard

24Several days later Felix and his wife Drusilla, who was Jewish, went to the place where Paul was kept under guard. They sent for Paul and listened while he spoke to them about having faith in Christ Jesus. 25But Felix was frightened when Paul started talking to them about doing right, about self-control, and about the coming judgment. So he said to Paul, “That's enough for now. You may go. But when I have time I will send for you.” 26After this, Felix often sent for Paul and talked with him, because he hoped that Paul would offer him a bribe.

27Two years later Porcius Festus became governor in place of Felix. But since Felix wanted to do the Jewish leaders a favour, he kept Paul in jail.

Acts 25

Paul asks to be tried by the Roman Emperor

1Three days after Festus had become governor, he went from Caesarea to Jerusalem. 2There the chief priests and some Jewish leaders told him about their charges against Paul. They also asked Festus 3if he would be willing to bring Paul to Jerusalem. They begged him to do this because they were planning to attack and kill Paul on the way. 4But Festus told them, “Paul will be kept in Caesarea, and I am soon going there myself. 5If he has done anything wrong, let your leaders go with me and bring charges against him there.”

6Festus stayed in Jerusalem for eight or ten more days before going to Caesarea. Then the next day he took his place as judge and had Paul brought into court. 7As soon as Paul came in, the Jewish leaders from Jerusalem crowded around him and said he was guilty of many serious crimes. But they could not prove anything. 8Then Paul spoke in his own defence, “I have not broken the Law of my people. And I have not done anything against either the temple or the Emperor.”

9Festus wanted to please the leaders. So he asked Paul, “Are you willing to go to Jerusalem and be tried by me on these charges?”

10Paul replied, “I am on trial in the Emperor's court, and that's where I should be tried. You know very well that I have not done anything to harm the Jewish nation. 11If I had done something deserving death, I would not ask to escape the death penalty. But I am not guilty of any of these crimes, and no one has the right to hand me over to these people. I now ask to be tried by the Emperor himself.”

12After Festus had talked this over with members of his council, he told Paul, “You have asked to be tried by the Emperor, and to the Emperor you will go!”

Acts 24:24-25:12CEVOpen in Bible reader
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