Through the Bible – Day 222

Bible text(s)

Psalms 109

(A psalm by David for the music leader.)

A prayer for the LORD's help

1I praise you, God!

Don't keep silent.

2Destructive and deceitful lies

are told about me,

3and hateful things are said

for no reason.

4I had pity and prayed

for my enemies,

but their words to me

were harsh and cruel.

5For being friendly and kind,

they paid me back

with meanness and hatred.

6My enemies said,

“Find some worthless fools

to accuse him of a crime.

7Try him and find him guilty!

Consider his prayers a lie.

8Cut his life short

and let someone else

have his job.

9Make orphans of his children

and a widow of his wife;

10make his children beg for food

and live in the slums.

11“Let the people he owes

take everything he owns.

Give it all to strangers.

12Don't let anyone be kind to him

or have pity on the children

he leaves behind.

13Bring an end to his family,

and from now on let him be

a forgotten man.

14“Don't let the LORD forgive

the sins of his parents

and his ancestors.

15Don't let the LORD forget

the sins of his family,

or let anyone remember

his family ever lived.

16He was so cruel to the poor,

homeless, and discouraged

that they died young.

17“He cursed others.

Now place a curse on him!

He never wished others well.

Wish only trouble for him!

18He cursed others more often

than he dressed himself.

Let his curses strike him deep,

just as water and olive oil

soak through to our bones.

19Let his curses surround him,

just like the clothes

he wears each day.”

20Those are the cruel things

my enemies wish for me.

Let it all happen to them!

21Be true to your name, LORD God!

Show your great kindness

and rescue me.

22I am poor and helpless,

and I have lost all hope.

23I am fading away

like an evening shadow;

I am tossed aside

like a crawling insect.

24I have gone without eating,

until my knees are weak,

and my body is bony.

25When my enemies see me,

they say cruel things

and shake their heads.

26Please help me, LORD God!

Come and save me

because of your love.

27Let others know that you alone

have saved me.

28I don't care if they curse me,

as long as you bless me.

You will make my enemies fail

when they attack,

and you will make me glad

to be your servant.

29You will cover them with shame,

just as their bodies

are covered with clothes.

30I will sing your praises

and thank you, LORD,

when your people meet.

31You help everyone in need,

and you defend them

when they are on trial.

Psalms 110

(A psalm by David.)

The LORD gives victory

1The LORD said to my Lord,

“Sit at my right side,

until I make your enemies

into a footstool for you.”

2The LORD will let your power

reach out from Zion,

and you will rule

over your enemies.

3Your glorious power

will be seen on the day

you begin to rule.

You will wear the sacred robes

and shine like the morning sun

in all your strength.

4The LORD has made a promise

that will never be broken:

“You will be a priest for ever,

just like Melchizedek.”

5My Lord is at your right side,

and when he gets angry

he will crush

the other kings.

6He will judge the nations

and crack their skulls,

leaving piles of dead bodies

all over the earth.

7He will drink from any stream

that he chooses, while winning

victory after victory.

Psalms 111

Praise the LORD for all he has done

1Shout praises to the LORD!

With all my heart

I will thank the LORD

when his people meet.

2The LORD has done

many wonderful things!

Everyone who is pleased

with God's marvellous deeds

will keep them in mind.

3Everything the LORD does

is glorious and majestic,

and his power to bring justice

will never end.

4The LORD God is famous

for his wonderful deeds,

and he is kind and merciful.

5He gives food to his worshippers

and always keeps his agreement

with them.

6He has shown his mighty power

to his people

and has given them the lands

of other nations.

7God is always honest and fair,

and his laws can be trusted.

8They are true and right

and will stand for ever.

9God rescued his people,

and he will never break

his agreement with them.

He is fearsome and holy.

10Respect and obey the LORD!

This is the first step

to wisdom and good sense.

God will always be respected.

Psalms 109:1-111:10CEVOpen in Bible reader

Romans 9

God's anger and mercy

19Someone may ask, “How can God blame us, if he makes us behave in the way he wants us to?” 20But, my friend, I ask, “Who do you think you are to question God? Does the clay have the right to ask the potter why he shaped it the way he did? 21Doesn't a potter have the right to make a fancy bowl and a plain bowl out of the same lump of clay?”

22God wanted to show his anger and reveal his power against everyone who deserved to be destroyed. But instead, he patiently put up with them. 23He did this by showing how glorious he is when he has pity on the people he has chosen to share in his glory. 24Whether Jews or Gentiles, we are those chosen ones, 25just as the Lord says in the book of Hosea,

“Although they are not

my people,

I will make them my people.

I will treat with love

those nations

that have never been loved.

26“Once they were told,

‘You are not my people.’

But in that very place

they will be called

children of the living God.”

27And this is what the prophet Isaiah said about the people of Israel,

“The people of Israel

are as many

as the grains of sand

along the beach.

But only a few who are left

will be saved.

28The Lord will be quick

and sure to do on earth

what he has warned

he will do.”

29Isaiah also said,

“If the Lord All-Powerful

had not spared some

of our descendants,

we would have been destroyed

like the cities of Sodom

and Gomorrah.”

Israel and the good news

30What does all this mean? It means that the Gentiles were not trying to be acceptable to God, but they found that he would accept them if they had faith. 31-32It also means that the people of Israel were not acceptable to God. And why not? It was because they were trying to be acceptable by obeying the Law instead of by having faith in God. The people of Israel fell over the stone that makes people stumble, 33just as God says in the Scriptures,

“Look! I am placing in Zion

a stone to make people

stumble and fall.

But those who have faith

in that one will never

be disappointed.”

Romans 10

1Dear friends, my greatest wish and my prayer to God is for the people of Israel to be saved. 2I know they love God, but they don't understand 3what makes people acceptable to him. So they refuse to trust God, and they try to be acceptable by obeying the Law. 4But Christ makes the Law no longer necessary for those who become acceptable to God by faith.

Romans 9:19-10:4CEVOpen in Bible reader
Canadian Bible Societyv.4.29.1
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