Through the Bible – Day 224

Bible text(s)

Psalms 117

Come, praise the LORD

1All you nations,

come, praise the LORD!

Let everyone praise him.

2His love for us is wonderful;

his faithfulness never ends.

Shout praises to the LORD!

Psalms 118

The LORD is always merciful

1Tell the LORD

how thankful you are,

because he is kind

and always merciful.

2Let Israel shout,

“God is always merciful!”

3Let the family of Aaron

the priest shout,

“God is always merciful!”

4Let every true worshipper

of the LORD shout,

“God is always merciful!”

5When I was really suffering,

I prayed to the LORD.

He answered my prayer,

and took my worries away.

6The LORD is on my side,

and I am not afraid

of what others can do to me.

7With the LORD on my side,

I will defeat all

of my hateful enemies.

8It is better to trust the LORD

for protection

than to trust anyone else,

9including strong leaders.

10Nations surrounded me,

but I got rid of them

by the power of the LORD.

11They attacked from all sides,

but I got rid of them

by the power of the LORD.

12They swarmed around like bees,

but by the power of the LORD,

I got rid of them

and their fiery sting.

13Their attacks were so fierce

that I nearly fell,

but the LORD helped me.

14My power and my strength

come from the LORD,

and he has saved me.

15From the tents of God's people

come shouts of victory:

“The LORD is powerful!

16With his mighty arm

the LORD wins victories!

The LORD is powerful!”

17And so my life is safe,

and I will live to tell

what the LORD has done.

18He punished me terribly,

but he did not let death

lay its hands on me.

19Open the gates of justice!

I will enter and tell the LORD

how thankful I am.

20Here is the gate of the LORD!

Everyone who does right

may enter this gate.

21I praise the LORD

for answering my prayers

and saving me.

22The stone that the builders

tossed aside

has now become

the most important stone.

23The LORD has done this,

and it is amazing to us.

24This day belongs to the LORD!

Let's celebrate

and be glad today.

25We'll ask the LORD to save us!

We'll sincerely ask the LORD

to let us win.

26God bless the one who comes

in the name of the LORD!

We praise you from here

in the house of the LORD.

27The LORD is our God,

and he has given us light!

Start the celebration!

March with palm branches

all the way to the altar.

28The LORD is my God!

I will praise him and tell him

how thankful I am.

29Tell the LORD

how thankful you are,

because he is kind

and always merciful.

Psalms 117:1-118:29CEVOpen in Bible reader

Romans 11

13I am now speaking to you Gentiles, and as long as I am an apostle to you, I will take pride in my work. 14I hope in this way to make some of my own people jealous enough to be saved. 15When Israel rejected God, the rest of the people in the world were able to turn to him. So when God makes friends with Israel, it will be like bringing the dead back to life. 16If part of a batch of dough is made holy by being offered to God, then all the dough is holy. If the roots of a tree are holy, the rest of the tree is holy too.

17You Gentiles are like branches of a wild olive tree that were made to be part of a cultivated olive tree. You have taken the place of some branches that were cut away from it. And because of this, you enjoy the blessings that come from being part of that cultivated tree. 18But don't think you are better than the branches that were cut away. Just remember that you are not supporting the roots of that tree. Its roots are supporting you.

19Perhaps you think those branches were cut away, so that you could be put in their place. 20That's true enough. But they were cut away because they did not have faith, and you are where you are because you do have faith. So don't be proud, but be afraid. 21If God cut away those natural branches, couldn't he do the same to you?

22Now you see both how kind and how hard God can be. He was hard on those who fell, but he was kind to you. And he will keep on being kind to you, if you keep on trusting in his kindness. Otherwise, you will be cut away too.

23If those other branches will start having faith, they will be made a part of that tree again. God has the power to put them back. 24After all, it wasn't natural for branches to be cut from a wild olive tree and to be made part of a cultivated olive tree. So it is much more likely that God will join the natural branches back to the cultivated olive tree.

The people of Israel will be brought back

25My friends, I don't want you Gentiles to be too proud of yourselves. So I will explain the mystery of what has happened to the people of Israel. Some of them have become stubborn, and they will stay like that until the complete number of you Gentiles has come in. 26In this way all Israel will be saved, as the Scriptures say,

“From Zion someone will come

to rescue us.

Then Jacob's descendants

will stop being evil.

27This is what the Lord

has promised to do

when he forgives their sins.”

28The people of Israel are treated as God's enemies, so that the good news can come to you Gentiles. But they are still the chosen ones, and God loves them because of their famous ancestors. 29God doesn't take back the gifts he has given or forget about the people he has chosen.

30At one time you Gentiles rejected God. But now Israel has rejected God, and you have been shown mercy. 31And because of the mercy shown to you, they will also be shown mercy. 32All people have disobeyed God, and that's why he treats them as prisoners. But he does this, so that he can have mercy on all of them.

33Who can measure the wealth and wisdom and knowledge of God? Who can understand his decisions or explain what he does?

34“Has anyone known

the thoughts of the Lord

or given him advice?

35Has anyone loaned

something to the Lord

that must be repaid?”

36Everything comes from the Lord. All things were made because of him and will return to him. Praise the Lord for ever! Amen.

Romans 11:13-36CEVOpen in Bible reader
Canadian Bible Societyv.4.29.1
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