Through the Bible – Day 240

Bible text(s)

Proverbs 8

In praise of wisdom

1With great understanding,

Wisdom is calling out

2as she stands at the crossroads

and on every hill.

3She stands by the city gate

where everyone enters the city,

and she shouts:

4“I am calling out

to each one of you!

5Good sense and sound judgment

can be yours.

6Listen, because what I say

is worthwhile and right.

7I always speak the truth

and refuse to tell a lie.

8Every word I speak is honest,

not one is misleading

or deceptive.

9“If you have understanding,

you will see that my words

are just what you need.

10Let instruction and knowledge

mean more to you than silver

or the finest gold.

11Wisdom is worth much more

than precious jewels

or anything else you desire.”

Wisdom speaks

12I am Wisdom—Common Sense

is my closest friend;

I possess knowledge

and sound judgment.

13If you respect the LORD,

you will hate evil.

I hate pride and conceit

and deceitful lies.

14I am strong, and I offer

sensible advice

and sound judgment.

15By my power kings govern,

and rulers make laws

that are fair.

16Every honest leader rules

with help from me.

17I love everyone who loves me,

and I will be found by all

who honestly search.

18I can make you rich and famous,

important and successful.

19What you receive from me

is more valuable

than even the finest gold

or the purest silver.

20I always do what is right,

21and I give great riches

to everyone who loves me.

22From the beginning,

I was with the LORD.

I was there before he began

23to create the earth.

At the very first,

the LORD gave life to me.

24When I was born,

there were no oceans

or springs of water.

25My birth was before

mountains were formed

or hills were put in place.

26It happened long before God

had made the earth

or any of its fields

or even the dust.

27I was there when the LORD

put the heavens in place

and stretched the sky

over the surface of the sea.

28I was with him when he placed

the clouds in the sky

and created the springs

that fill the ocean.

29I was there when he set

boundaries for the sea

to make it obey him,

and when he laid foundations

to support the earth.

30I was right beside the LORD,

helping him plan and build.

I made him happy each day,

and I was happy at his side.

31I was pleased with his world

and pleased with its people.

32Pay attention, my children!

Follow my advice,

and you will be happy.

33Listen carefully

to my instructions,

and you will be wise.

34Come to my home each day

and listen to me.

You will find happiness.

35By finding me, you find life,

and the LORD will be pleased

with you.

36But if you don't find me,

you hurt only yourself,

and if you hate me,

you are in love with death.

Proverbs 8:1-36CEVOpen in Bible reader

1 Corinthians 9

A race and a fight

24You know that many runners enter a race, and only one of them wins the prize. So run to win! 25Athletes work hard to win a crown that cannot last, but we do it for a crown that will last for ever. 26I don't run without a goal. And I don't box by beating my fists in the air. 27I keep my body under control and make it my slave, so I won't lose out after telling the good news to others.

1 Corinthians 10

Don't worship idols

1Friends, I want to remind you that all our ancestors walked under the cloud and went through the sea. 2This was like being baptized and becoming followers of Moses. 3All of them also ate the same spiritual food 4and drank the same spiritual drink, which flowed from the spiritual rock that followed them. That rock was Christ. 5But most of them did not please God. So they died, and their bodies were scattered all over the desert.

6What happened to them is a warning to keep us from wanting to do the same evil things. 7They worshipped idols, just as the Scriptures say, “The people sat down to eat and drink. Then they got up to dance around.” So don't worship idols. 8Some of those people did shameful things, and in a single day about twenty-three thousand of them died. Don't do shameful things as they did. 9And don't try to test Christ, as some of them did and were later bitten by poisonous snakes. 10Don't even grumble, as some of them did and were killed by the destroying angel. 11These things happened to them as a warning to us. All this was written in the Scriptures to teach us who live in these last days.

12Even if you think you can stand up to temptation, be careful not to fall. 13You are tempted in the same way that everyone else is tempted. But God can be trusted not to let you be tempted too much, and he will show you how to escape from your temptations.

14My friends, you must keep away from idols. 15I am speaking to you as people who have enough sense to know what I am talking about. 16When we drink from the cup that we ask God to bless, isn't that sharing in the blood of Christ? When we eat the bread that we break, isn't that sharing in the body of Christ? 17By sharing in the same loaf of bread, we become one body, even though there are many of us.

18Aren't the people of Israel sharing in the worship when they gather around the altar and eat the sacrifices offered there? 19Am I saying that either the idols or the food sacrificed to them is anything at all? 20No, I am not! That food is really sacrificed to demons and not to God. I don't want you to have anything to do with demons. 21You cannot drink from the cup of demons and still drink from the Lord's cup. You cannot eat at the table of demons and still eat at the Lord's table. 22We would make the Lord jealous if we did that. And we are not stronger than the Lord.

1 Corinthians 9:24-10:22CEVOpen in Bible reader
Canadian Bible Societyv.4.29.1
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