Through the Bible – Day 267

Bible text(s)

Song of Songs 1

Love is better than wine

1This is Solomon's

most beautiful song.

She speaks:

2Kiss me tenderly!

Your love is better than wine,

3and you smell so sweet.

All the young women adore you;

the very mention of your name

is like spreading perfume.

4-5Hurry, my king! Let's hurry.

Take me to your home.

The young women speak:

We are happy for you!

And we praise your love

even more than wine.

She speaks:

Young women of Jerusalem,

it is only right

that you should adore him.

My skin is dark and beautiful,

like a tent in the desert

or like Solomon's curtains.

6Don't stare at me

just because the sun

has darkened my skin.

My brothers were angry with me;

they made me work in the vineyard,

and so I neglected

my complexion.

Don't let the other shepherds

think badly of me.

7I'm not one of those women

who shamelessly follow

after shepherds.

My darling, I love you!

Where do you feed your sheep

and let them rest at midday?

He speaks:

8My dearest, if you don't know,

just follow the path

of the sheep.

Then feed your young goats

near the shepherds' tents.

9You move as gracefully

as the pony that leads

the chariot of the king.

10Earrings add to your beauty,

and you wear a necklace

of precious stones.

11Let's make you some jewellery

of gold, woven with silver.

She speaks:

12My king, while you

were on your couch,

my love was a magic charm.

13My darling, you are perfume

between my breasts;

14you are flower blossoms

from the gardens of En-Gedi.

He speaks:

15My darling, you are lovely,

so very lovely—

your eyes are those of a dove.

She speaks:

16My love, you are handsome,

truly handsome—

the fresh green grass

will be our wedding bed

17in the shade of cedar

and cypress trees.

Song of Songs 2

Love makes everything beautiful

She speaks:

1I am merely a rose

from the land of Sharon,

a lily from the valley.

He speaks:

2My darling, when compared

with other young women,

you are a lily among thorns.

She speaks:

3And you, my love,

are an apple tree

among trees of the forest.

Your shade brought me pleasure;

your fruit was sweet.

4You led me to your banquet room

and showered me with love.

5Refresh and strengthen me

with raisins and apples.

I am hungry for love!

6Put your left hand under my head

and embrace me

with your right arm.

7Young women of Jerusalem,

promise me by the power

of deer and gazelles

never to awaken love

before it is ready.

Winter is past

She speaks:

8I hear the voice

of the one I love,

as he comes leaping

over mountains and hills

9like a deer or a gazelle.

Now he stands outside our wall,

looking through the window

10and speaking to me.

He speaks:

My darling, I love you!

Let's go away together.

11Winter is past,

the rain has stopped;

12flowers cover the earth,

it's time to sing.

The cooing of doves

is heard in our land.

13Fig trees are bearing fruit,

while blossoms on grapevines

fill the air with perfume.

My darling, I love you!

Let's go away together.

14You are my dove

hiding among the rocks

on the side of a cliff.

Let me see how lovely you are!

Let me hear the sound

of your melodious voice.

15Our vineyards are in blossom;

we must catch the little foxes

that destroy the vineyards.

She speaks:

16My darling, I am yours,

and you are mine,

as you feed your sheep

among the lilies.

17Pretend to be a young deer

dancing on mountain slopes

until daylight comes

and shadows fade away.

Song of Songs 3

Beautiful dreams

She speaks:

1While in bed at night,

I reached for the one I love

with heart and soul.

I looked for him,

but he wasn't there.

2So I searched through the town

for the one I love.

I looked in every street,

but he wasn't there.

3I even asked the guards

patrolling the town,

“Have you seen the one

I love so much?”

4Straight after that, I found him.

I held him and would not let go

until I had taken him

to the home of my mother.

5Young women of Jerusalem,

promise me by the power

of deer and gazelles,

never to awaken love

before it is ready.

The wedding

The groom and the wedding party

Their friends speak:

6What do we see approaching

from the desert

like a cloud of smoke?

With it comes the sweet smell

of spices, including myrrh

and frankincense.

7It is King Solomon

carried on a throne,

surrounded by sixty

of Israel's best soldiers.

8Each of them wears a sword.

They are experts at fighting,

even in the dark.

9The throne is made of trees

from Lebanon.

10Its posts are silver,

the back is gold,

and the seat is covered

with purple cloth.

You women of Jerusalem

have taken great care

to furnish the inside.

11Now come and see the crown

given to Solomon by his mother

on his happy wedding day.

Song of Songs 4

What a beautiful bride

He speaks:

1My darling, you are lovely,

so very lovely—

as you look through your veil,

your eyes are those of a dove.

Your hair tosses about

as gracefully as goats

coming down from Gilead.

2Your teeth are whiter

than sheep freshly washed;

they match perfectly,

not one is missing.

3Your lips are crimson cords,

your mouth is shapely;

behind your veil are hidden

beautiful rosy cheeks.

4Your neck is more graceful

than the tower of David,

decorated with thousands

of warriors' shields.

5Your breasts are perfect;

they are twin deer

feeding among lilies.

6I will hasten to those hills

sprinkled with sweet perfume

and stay there till sunrise.

7My darling, you are lovely

in every way.

8My bride, together

we will leave Lebanon!

We will say goodbye

to the peaks of Mount Amana,

Senir, and Hermon,

where lions and leopards

live in the caves.

9My bride, my very own,

you have stolen my heart!

With one glance from your eyes

and the glow of your necklace,

you have stolen my heart.

10Your love is sweeter than wine;

the smell of your perfume

is more fragrant than spices.

11Your lips are a honeycomb;

milk and honey

flow from your tongue.

Your dress has the aroma

of cedar trees from Lebanon.

12My bride, my very own,

you are a garden, a fountain

closed off to all others.

13Your arms are vines,

covered with delicious fruits

and all sorts of spices—

henna, nard, 14saffron,

calamus, cinnamon,

frankincense, myrrh, and aloes— all the finest spices.

15You are a spring in the garden,

a fountain of pure water,

and a refreshing stream

from Mount Lebanon.

She speaks:

16Let the north wind blow,

the south wind too!

Let them spread the aroma

of my garden,

so the one I love

may enter and taste

its delicious fruits.

Song of Songs 1:1-4:16CEVOpen in Bible reader

Ephesians 1


1From Paul, chosen by God to be an apostle of Christ Jesus.

To God's people who live in Ephesus and are faithful followers of Christ Jesus.

2I pray that God our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ will be kind to you and will bless you with peace!

Christ brings spiritual blessings

3Praise the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ for the spiritual blessings that Christ has brought us from heaven! 4Before the world was created, God had Christ choose us to live with him and to be his holy and innocent and loving people. 5God was kind and decided that Christ would choose us to be God's own adopted children. 6God was very kind to us because of the Son he dearly loves, and so we should praise God.

7-8Christ sacrificed his life's blood to set us free, which means that our sins are now forgiven. Christ did this because God was so kind to us. God has great wisdom and understanding, 9and by what Christ has done, God has shown us his own mysterious ways. 10Then when the time is right, God will do all that he has planned, and Christ will bring together everything in heaven and on earth.

11God always does what he plans, and that's why he appointed Christ to choose us. 12He did this so that we Jews would bring honour to him and be the first ones to have hope because of him. 13Christ also brought you the truth, which is the good news about how you can be saved. You put your faith in Christ and were given the promised Holy Spirit to show that you belong to God. 14The Spirit also makes us sure that we will be given what God has stored up for his people. Then we will be set free, and God will be honoured and praised.

Paul's prayer

15I have heard about your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all God's people. 16So I never stop being grateful for you, as I mention you in my prayers. 17I ask the glorious Father and God of our Lord Jesus Christ to give you his Spirit. The Spirit will make you wise and let you understand what it means to know God. 18My prayer is that light will flood your hearts and that you will understand the hope that was given to you when God chose you. Then you will discover the glorious blessings that will be yours together with all God's people.

19I want you to know about the great and mighty power that God has for us followers. It is the same wonderful power he used 20when he raised Christ from death and let him sit at his right side in heaven. 21There Christ rules over all forces, authorities, powers, and rulers. He rules over all beings in this world and will rule in the future world as well. 22God has put all things under the power of Christ, and for the good of the church he has made him the head of everything. 23The church is Christ's body and is filled with Christ who completely fills everything.

Ephesians 1:1-23CEVOpen in Bible reader
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