Through the Bible – Day 284

Bible text(s)

Isaiah 44

The LORD's promise to Israel

1People of Israel,

I have chosen you

as my servant.

2I am your Creator.

You were in my care

even before you were born.

Israel, don't be terrified!

You are my chosen servant,

my very favourite.

3I will bless the thirsty land

by sending streams of water;

I will bless your descendants

by giving them my Spirit.

4They will spring up like grass

or like willow trees

near flowing streams.

5They will worship me

and become my people.

They will write my name

on the back of their hands.

6I am the LORD All-Powerful,

the first and the last,

the one and only God.

Israel, I have rescued you!

I am your King.

7Can anyone compare with me?

If so, let them speak up

and tell me now.

Let them say what has happened

since I made my nation

long ago,

and let them tell

what is going to happen.

8Don't tremble with fear!

Didn't I tell you long ago?

Didn't you hear me?

I alone am God—

no one else is a mighty rock.

Idols can't do a thing

The LORD said:

9Those people who make idols

are nothing themselves,

and the idols they treasure

are just as worthless.

Worshippers of idols are blind,

stupid, and foolish.

10Why make an idol or an image

that can't do a thing?

11Everyone who makes idols

and all who worship them

are mere humans,

who will end up

sadly disappointed.

Let them face me in court

and be terrified.

Idols and firewood

12A metalworker shapes an idol

by using a hammer

and heat from the fire.

In his powerful hand

he holds a hammer,

as he pounds the metal

into the proper shape.

But he gets hungry and thirsty

and loses his strength.

13Some woodcarver measures

a piece of wood,

then draws an outline.

The idol is carefully carved

with each detail exact.

At last it looks like a person

and is placed in a temple.

14Cedar, cypress, oak,

or any tree from the forest

may be chosen.

Or even a pine tree planted

by the woodcarver

and watered by the rain.

15Some of the wood is used

to make a fire for heating

or for cooking.

One piece is made into an idol,

then the woodcarver bows down

and worships it.

16He enjoys the warm fire

and the meat that was roasted

over the burning coals.

17Afterwards, he bows down

to worship the wooden idol.

“Protect me!” he says.

“You are my god.”

18Those who worship idols are stupid and blind! 19They don't have enough sense to say to themselves, “I made a fire with half of the wood and cooked my bread and meat on it. Then I made something worthless with the other half. Why worship a block of wood?”

20How can anyone be stupid enough to trust something that can be burnt to ashes? No one can save themselves like that. Don't they realize that the idols they hold in their hands are not really gods?

The LORD won't forget his people

21People of Israel,

you are my servant,

so remember all of this.

Israel, I created you,

and you are my servant.

I won't forget you.

22Turn back to me!

I have rescued you

and swept away your sins

as though they were clouds.

Sing praises to the LORD

23Tell the heavens and the earth

to start singing!

Tell the mountains

and every tree in the forest

to join in the song!

The LORD has rescued his people;

now they will worship him.

The LORD created everything

24Israel, I am your LORD.

I am your source of life,

and I have rescued you.

I created everything

from the sky above

to the earth below.

25I make liars of false prophets

and fools of fortune-tellers.

I take human wisdom

and turn it into nonsense.

26I will make the message

of my prophets come true.

They are saying, “Jerusalem

will be filled with people,

and the LORD will rebuild

the towns of Judah.”

27I am the one who commands

the sea and its streams

to run dry.

28I am also the one who says,

“Cyrus will lead my people

and obey my orders.

Jerusalem and the temple

will be rebuilt.”

Isaiah 45

Cyrus obeys the LORD's commands

1The LORD said to Cyrus, his chosen one:

I have taken hold

of your right hand

to help you capture nations

and remove kings from power.

City gates will open for you;

not one will stay closed.

2As I lead you,

I will level mountains

and break the iron bars

on bronze gates of cities.

3I will give you treasures

hidden in dark

and secret places.

Then you will know that I,

the LORD God of Israel,

have called you by name.

4Cyrus, you don't even know me!

But I have called you by name

and highly honoured you

because of Israel,

my chosen servant.

5Only I am the LORD!

There are no other gods.

I have made you strong,

though you don't know me.

6Now everyone from east to west

will learn that I am the LORD.

No other gods are real.

7I create light and darkness,

happiness and sorrow.

I, the LORD, do all of this.

8Tell the heavens

to send down justice

like showers of rain.

Prepare the earth

for my saving power

to sprout and produce justice

that I, the LORD, create.

The LORD's mighty power

The LORD said:

9Israel, you have no right

to argue with your Creator.

You are merely a clay pot

shaped by a potter.

The clay doesn't ask,

“Why did you make me this way?

Where are the handles?”

10Children don't have the right

to demand of their parents,

“What have you done

to make us what we are?”

11I am the LORD, the Creator,

the holy God of Israel.

Do you dare question me

about my own nation

or about what I have done?

12I created the world

and covered it with people;

I stretched out the sky

and filled it with stars.

13I have done the right thing

by placing Cyrus in power,

and I will make the roads easy

for him to follow.

I am the LORD All-Powerful!

Cyrus will rebuild my city

and set my people free

without being paid a thing.

I, the LORD, have spoken.

The LORD alone can save

14My people, I, the LORD, promise

that the riches of Egypt

and the treasures of Ethiopia

will belong to you.

You will force into slavery

those tall people of Seba.

They will bow down and say,

“The only true God is with you;

there are no other gods.”

15People of Israel,

your God is a mystery,

though he alone can save.

16Anyone who makes idols

will be confused

and terribly disgraced.

17But Israel, I, the LORD,

will always keep you safe

and free from shame.

Everyone is invited

18The LORD alone is God!

He created the heavens

and made a world

where people can live,

instead of creating

an empty desert.

The LORD alone is God;

there are no others.

19The LORD did not speak

in a dark secret place

or command Jacob's descendants

to search for him in vain.

The LORD speaks the truth,

and this is what he says

20to every survivor

from every nation:

“Gather around me!

Learn how senseless it is

to worship wooden idols

or pray to helpless gods.

21“Why don't you get together

and meet me in court?

Didn't I tell you long ago

what would happen?

I am the only God!

There are no others.

I bring about justice,

and have the power to save.

22“I invite the whole world

to turn to me and be saved.

I alone am God!

No others are real.

23I have made a solemn promise,

one that won't be broken:

everyone will bow down

and worship me.

24They will admit that I alone

can bring about justice.

Everyone who is angry with me

will be terribly ashamed

and will turn to me.

25I, the LORD, will give

victory and great honour

to the people of Israel.”

Isaiah 44:1-45:25CEVOpen in Bible reader

1 Thessalonians 4

What to expect when the Lord returns

13My friends, we want you to understand how it will be for those followers who have already died. Then you won't grieve over them and be like people who don't have any hope. 14We believe that Jesus died and was raised to life. We also believe that when God brings Jesus back again, he will bring with him all who had faith in Jesus before they died. 15Our Lord Jesus told us that when he comes, we won't go up to meet him ahead of his followers who have already died.

16With a loud command and with the shout of the chief angel and a blast of God's trumpet, the Lord will return from heaven. Then those who had faith in Christ before they died will be raised to life. 17Next, all of us who are still alive will be taken up into the clouds together with them to meet the Lord in the sky. From that time on we will all be with the Lord for ever. 18Encourage each other with these words.

1 Thessalonians 5

1I don't need to write to you about the time or date when all this will happen. 2You know that the Lord's return will be as a thief coming at night. 3People will think they are safe and secure. But destruction will suddenly strike them like the pains of a woman about to give birth. And they won't escape.

4My dear friends, you don't live in darkness, and so that day won't surprise you like a thief. 5You belong to the light and live in the day. We don't live in the night or belong to the dark. 6Others may sleep, but we should stay awake and be alert. 7People sleep during the night, and some even get drunk. 8But we belong to the day. So we must stay sober and let our faith and love be like a suit of armour. Our firm hope that we will be saved is our helmet.

9God doesn't intend to punish us, but wants us to be saved by our Lord Jesus Christ. 10Christ died for us, so that we could live with him, whether we are alive or dead when he comes. 11That's why you must encourage and help each other, just as you are already doing.

Final instructions and greetings

12My friends, we ask you to be thoughtful of your leaders who work hard and tell you how to live for the Lord. 13Show them great respect and love because of their work. Try to get along with each other. 14My friends, we beg you to warn anyone who isn't living right. Encourage anyone who feels left out, help all who are weak, and be patient with everyone. 15Don't be hateful to people, just because they are hateful to you. Rather, be good to each other and to everyone else.

16Always be joyful 17and never stop praying. 18Whatever happens, keep thanking God because of Jesus Christ. This is what God wants you to do.

19Don't turn away God's Spirit 20or ignore prophecies. 21Put everything to the test. Accept what is good 22and don't have anything to do with evil.

23I pray that God, who gives peace, will make you completely holy. And may your spirit, soul, and body be kept healthy and faultless until our Lord Jesus Christ returns. 24The one who chose you can be trusted, and he will do this.

25Friends, please pray for us.

26Give the Lord's followers a warm greeting.

27In the name of the Lord I beg you to read this letter to all his followers.

28I pray that our Lord Jesus Christ will be kind to you!

1 Thessalonians 4:13-5:28CEVOpen in Bible reader
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