Through the Bible – Day 290

Bible text(s)

Isaiah 59

Social injustice is condemned

1The LORD hasn't lost

his powerful strength;

he can still hear

and answer prayers.

2Your sins are the roadblock

between you and your God.

That's why he doesn't answer

your prayers

or let you see his face.

3Your talk is filled with lies

and plans for violence;

every finger on your hands

is covered with blood.

4You falsely accuse others

and tell lies in court;

sin and trouble are the names

of your children.

5You eat the deadly eggs

of poisonous snakes,

and more snakes crawl out

from the eggs left to hatch.

You weave spider's webs,

6but you can't make clothes

with those webs

or hide behind them.

You're sinful and brutal.

7You hurry off to do wrong

or murder innocent victims.

All you think about is sin;

you leave ruin and destruction

wherever you go.

8You don't know how

to live in peace

or to be fair with others.

The roads you make are crooked;

your followers cannot find peace.

The people confess their sins

9No one has come to defend us

or to bring about justice.

We hoped for a day of sunshine,

but all we found

was a dark, gloomy night.

10We feel our way along,

as if we were blind;

we stumble at midday,

as if it were night.

We can see no better

than someone dead.

11We growl like bears

and mourn like doves.

We hope for justice and victory,

but they escape us.

12How often have we sinned

and turned against you,

the LORD God?

Our sins condemn us!

We have done wrong.

13We have rebelled and refused

to follow you.

Our hearts were deceitful,

and so we lied;

we planned to abuse others

and turn our backs on you.

14Injustice is everywhere;

justice seems far away.

Truth is chased out of court;

honesty is shoved aside.

15Everyone tells lies;

those who turn from crime

end up ruined.

The LORD will rescue his people

When the LORD noticed

that justice had disappeared,

he became very displeased.

16It disgusted him even more

to learn that no one

would do a thing about it.

So with his own powerful arm,

he won victories for truth.

17Justice was the LORD's armour;

saving power was his helmet;

anger and revenge

were his clothes.

18Now the LORD will get furious

and do to his enemies,

both near and far,

what they did to his people.

19He will attack like a flood

in a mighty storm.

Nations in the west and the east

will then honour and praise

his wonderful name.

20The LORD has promised to rescue

the city of Zion

and Jacob's descendants

who turn from sin.

21The LORD says: “My people,

I promise to give you my Spirit

and my message.

These will be my gifts to you

and your families for ever.

I, the LORD, have spoken.”

Isaiah 60

The future glory of Jerusalem

A new day for Jerusalem

1Jerusalem, stand up! Shine!

Your new day is dawning.

The glory of the LORD

shines brightly on you.

2The earth and its people

are covered with darkness,

but the glory of the LORD

is shining upon you.

3Nations and kings

will come to the light

of your dawning day.

Crowds are coming to Jerusalem

The LORD said:

4Open your eyes! Look around!

Crowds are coming.

Your sons are on their way

from distant lands;

your daughters are being carried

like little children.

5When you see this,

your faces will glow;

your hearts will pound

and swell with pride.

Treasures from across the sea

and the wealth of nations

will be brought to you.

6Your country will be covered

with caravans of young camels

from Midian and Ephah.

The people of Sheba

will bring gold and spices

in praise of me, the LORD.

7Every sheep of Kedar

will come to you;

rams from Nebaioth

will be yours as well.

I will accept them as offerings

and bring honour to my temple.

8What is that sailing by

like clouds

or like doves flying home?

9On those distant islands

your people are waiting

for me, the LORD.

Seagoing ships lead the way

to bring them home

with their silver and gold.

I, the holy LORD God of Israel,

do this to honour your people,

so they will honour me.

Jerusalem will be rebuilt

The LORD said:

10Jerusalem, your city walls

will be rebuilt by foreigners;

their rulers will become

your slaves.

I punished you in my anger;

now I will be kind

and treat you with mercy.

11Your gates will be open

day and night

to let the rulers of nations

lead their people to you

with all their treasures.

12Any nation or kingdom

that refuses to serve you

will be wiped out.

13Wood from Lebanon's best trees

will be brought to you—

the pines, the firs,

and the cypress trees.

It will be used in my temple

to make beautiful the place

where I rest my feet.

14The descendants of enemies

who hated and ill-treated you

will kneel at your feet.

They will say, “You are Zion,

the city of the LORD,

the holy God of Israel.”

15You were hated and deserted,

rejected by everyone.

But I will make you beautiful,

a city to be proud of

for all time to come.

16You will drain the wealth

of kings and foreign nations.

You will know that I,

the mighty LORD God of Israel,

have saved and rescued you.

17I will bring bronze and iron

in place of wood and stone;

in place of bronze and iron,

I will bring gold and silver.

I will appoint peace and justice

as your rulers and leaders.

18Violence, destruction, and ruin

will never again be heard of

within your borders.

“Victory” will be the name

you give to your walls;

“Praise” will be the name

you give to your gates.

19You won't need the light

of the sun or the moon.

I, the LORD your God,

will be your eternal light

and bring you honour.

20Your sun will never set

or your moon go down.

I, the LORD, will be

your everlasting light,

and your days of sorrow

will come to an end.

21Your people will live right

and always own the land;

they are the trees I planted

to bring praise to me.

22Even the smallest family

will be a powerful nation.

I am the LORD,

and when the time comes,

I will quickly do all this.

Isaiah 61

The good news of victory

1The Spirit of the LORD God

has taken control of me!

The LORD has chosen and sent me

to tell the oppressed

the good news,

to heal the brokenhearted,

and to announce freedom

for prisoners and captives.

2This is the year

when the LORD God

will show kindness to us

and punish our enemies.

The LORD has sent me

to comfort those who mourn,

3especially in Jerusalem.

He sent me to give them flowers

in place of their sorrow,

olive oil in place of tears,

and joyous praise

in place of broken hearts.

They will be called

“Trees of Justice”,

planted by the LORD

to honour his name.

4Then they will rebuild cities

that have been in ruins

for many generations.

5They will hire foreigners

to take care of their sheep

and their vineyards.

6But they themselves will be

priests and servants

of the LORD our God.

The treasures of the nations

will belong to them,

and they will be famous.

7They were terribly insulted

and horribly ill-treated;

now they will be greatly blessed

and joyful for ever.

The LORD loves justice

8I, the LORD, love justice!

But I hate robbery

and injustice.

My people, I solemnly promise

to reward you

with an eternal agreement.

9Your descendants will be known

in every nation.

All who see them will realize

that they have been blessed,

by me, the LORD.

Celebrate and shout

10I celebrate and shout

because of my LORD God.

His saving power and justice

are the very clothes I wear.

They are more beautiful

than the jewellery worn

by a bride or a groom.

11The LORD will bring about

justice and praise

in every nation on earth,

like flowers blooming

in a garden.

Isaiah 62

Jerusalem will be saved

1Jerusalem, I will speak up

for your good.

I will never be silent

till you are safe and secure,

sparkling like a flame.

2Your great victory will be seen

by every nation and king;

the LORD will even give you

a new name.

3You will be a glorious crown,

a royal headband,

for the LORD your God.

4Your name will no longer be

“Deserted and Childless”,

but “Happily Married”.

You will please the LORD;

your country

will be his bride.

5Your people will take the land,

just as a young man

takes a bride.

The LORD will be pleased

because of you,

just as a husband is pleased

with his bride.

6Jerusalem, on your walls

I have stationed guards,

whose duty it is

to speak out day and night,

without resting.

They must remind the LORD

7and not let him rest

till he makes Jerusalem strong

and famous everywhere.

8The LORD has given his word

and made this promise:

“Never again will I give

to your enemies

the grain and grapes

for which you struggled.

9As surely as you harvest

your grain and grapes,

you will eat your bread

with thankful hearts,

and you will drink your wine

in my temple.”

10People of Jerusalem,

open your gates!

Repair the road to the city

and clear it of stones;

raise a banner to help

the nations find their way.

11Here is what the LORD has said

for all the earth to hear:

“Soon I will come to save

the city of Zion,

and to reward you.

12Then you will be called,

‘The LORD's Own People,

The Ones He Rescued!’

Your city will be known

as a good place to live

and a city full of people.”

Isaiah 59:1-62:12CEVOpen in Bible reader

1 Timothy 3

Church officials

1It is true that anyone who desires to be a church official wants to be something worthwhile. 2That's why officials must have a good reputation and be faithful in marriage. They must be self-controlled, sensible, well-behaved, friendly to strangers, and able to teach. 3They must not be heavy drinkers or troublemakers. Instead, they must be kind and gentle and not love money.

4Church officials must be in control of their own families, and they must see that their children are obedient and always respectful. 5If they don't know how to control their own families, how can they look after God's people?

6They must not be new followers of the Lord. If they are, they might become proud and be doomed along with the devil. 7Finally, they must be well respected by people who are not followers. Then they won't be trapped and disgraced by the devil.

Church officers

8Church officers should be serious. They must not be liars, heavy drinkers, or greedy for money. 9And they must have a clear conscience and hold firmly to what God has shown us about our faith. 10They must first prove themselves. Then if no one has anything against them, they can serve as officers.

11Women must also be serious. They must not gossip or be heavy drinkers, and they must be faithful in everything they do.

12Church officers must be faithful in marriage. They must be in full control of their children and everyone else in their home. 13Those who serve well as officers will earn a good reputation and will be highly respected for their faith in Christ Jesus.

The mystery of our religion

14I hope to visit you soon. But I am writing these instructions, 15so that if I am delayed, you will know how everyone who belongs to God's family ought to behave. After all, the church of the living God is the strong foundation of truth.

16Here is the great mystery of our religion:

Christ came as a human.

The Spirit proved

that he pleased God,

and he was seen by angels.

Christ was preached

to the nations.

People in this world

put their faith in him,

and he was taken up to glory.

1 Timothy 3:1-16CEVOpen in Bible reader
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