Through the Bible – Day 294

Bible text(s)

Jeremiah 3

Sin and shame

1The LORD said to the people of Israel:

If a divorced woman marries,

can her first husband

ever marry her again?

No, because this

would pollute the land.

But you have more gods

than a prostitute has lovers.

Why should I take you back?

2Just try to find one hilltop

where you haven't gone

to worship other gods

by having sex.

You sat beside the road

like a robber in ambush,

except you offered yourself

to every passer-by.

Your sins of unfaithfulness

have polluted the land.

3So I, the LORD, refused

to let the spring rains fall.

But just like a prostitute,

you still have no shame

for what you have done.

4You call me your father

or your long-lost friend;

5you beg me to stop being angry,

but you won't stop sinning.

The LORD asks Israel to come back to him

6When Josiah was king, the LORD said:

Jeremiah, the kingdom of Israel was like an unfaithful wife who became a prostitute on the hilltops and in the shade of large trees. 7-8I knew that the kingdom of Israel had been unfaithful and committed many sins, yet I still hoped she might come back to me. But she didn't, so I divorced her and sent her away.

Her sister, the kingdom of Judah, saw what happened, but she wasn't worried in the least, and I watched her become unfaithful like her sister. 9The kingdom of Judah wasn't sorry for being a prostitute, and she didn't care that she had made both herself and the land unclean by worshipping idols of stone and wood. 10And worst of all, the people of Judah pretended to come back to me. 11Even the people of Israel were honest enough not to pretend.

12Jeremiah, shout towards the north:

Israel, I am your LORD

come back to me!

You were unfaithful

and made me furious,

but I am merciful,

and so I will forgive you.

13Just admit that you rebelled

and worshipped foreign gods

under large trees everywhere.

14You are unfaithful children,

but you belong to me.

Come home!

I'll take one or two of you

from each town and clan

and bring you to Zion.

15Then I'll appoint wise rulers

who will obey me,

and they will care for you

like shepherds.

16You will increase in numbers,

and there will be no need

to remember the sacred chest

or to make a new one.

17The whole city of Jerusalem

will be my throne.

All nations will come here

to worship me,

and they will no longer follow

their stubborn, evil hearts.

18Then, in countries to the north,

you people of Judah and Israel

will be reunited,

and you will return to the land

I gave your ancestors.

19I have always wanted

to treat you as my children

and give you the best land,

the most beautiful on earth.

I wanted you to call me “Father”

and not turn from me.

20But instead, you are like a wife

who broke her wedding vows.

You have been unfaithful to me.

I, the LORD, have spoken.

The people confess their sins

The LORD said:

21Listen to the noise

on the hilltops!

It's the people of Israel,

weeping and begging me

to answer their prayers.

They forgot about me

and chose the wrong path.

22I will tell them, “Come back,

and I will cure you

of your unfaithfulness.”

They will answer,

“We will come back, because you

are the LORD our God.

23On hilltops, we worshipped idols

and made loud noises,

but it was all for nothing—

only you can save us.

24Since the days of our ancestors

when our nation was young,

that shameful god Baal has taken

our crops and livestock,

our sons and daughters.

25We have rebelled against you

just like our ancestors,

and we are ashamed of our sins.”

Jeremiah 4

How Israel can return to the LORD

1The LORD said:

Israel, if you really want

to come back to me, get rid

of those disgusting idols.

2Make promises only in my name,

and do what you promise!

Then all nations will praise me,

and I will bless them.

3People of Jerusalem and Judah,

don't be so stubborn!

Your hearts have become hard,

like unploughed ground

where thorn bushes grow.

4With all your hearts,

keep the agreement

I made with you.

But if you are stubborn

and keep on sinning,

my anger will burn like a fire

that cannot be put out.

Disaster is coming

The LORD said:

5-6“Sound the trumpets, my people.

Warn the people of Judah,

‘Run for your lives!

Head for Jerusalem

or another walled town!’

“Jeremiah, tell them I'm sending

disaster from the north.

7An army will come out,

like a lion from its den.

It will destroy nations

and leave your towns empty

and in ruins.”

8Then I said

to the people of Israel,

“Put on sackcloth!

Mourn and cry out,

‘The LORD is still angry

with us.’ ”

9The LORD said,

“When all this happens,

the king and his officials,

the prophets and the priests

will be shocked and terrified.”

10I said, “You are the LORD God. So why have you fooled everyone, especially the people of Jerusalem? Why did you promise peace, when a knife is at our throats?”

The coming disaster

11-12When disaster comes, the LORD will tell you people of Jerusalem,

“I am sending a storm

from the desert—

not a welcome breeze.

And it will sweep you away

as punishment for your sins.

13Look! The enemy army

swoops down like an eagle;

their cavalry and chariots

race faster than storm clouds

blown by the wind.”

Then you will answer,

“We are doomed!”

14But Jerusalem, there is still time

for you to be saved.

Wash the evil from your hearts

and stop making sinful plans,

15before a message of disaster

arrives from the hills of Ephraim

and the town of Dan.

16-17The LORD said,

“Tell the nations that my people

have rebelled against me.

And so an army will come

from far away

to surround Jerusalem

and the towns of Judah.

I, the LORD, have spoken.

18“People of Judah,

your hearts will be in pain,

but it's your own fault

that you will be punished.”

Jeremiah's vision of the coming punishment

19I can't stand the pain!

My heart pounds,

as I twist and turn in agony.

I hear the signal trumpet

and the battle cry of the enemy,

and I cannot be silent.

20I see the enemy defeating us

time after time,

leaving everything in ruins.

Even my own home

is destroyed in a moment.

21How long will I see enemy flags

and hear their trumpets?

22I heard the LORD say,

“My people ignore me.

They are foolish children

who do not understand

that they will be punished.

All they know is how to sin.”

23After this, I looked around.

The earth was barren,

with no form of life.

The sun, moon, and stars

had disappeared.

24The mountains were shaking;

25no people could be seen,

and all the birds

had flown away.

26Farmland had become a desert,

and towns were in ruins.

The LORD's fierce anger

had done all of this.

The death of Jerusalem

27-28The LORD said:

I have made my decision,

and I won't change my mind.

This land will be destroyed,

although not completely.

The sky will turn dark,

and the earth will mourn.

29Enemy cavalry and archers

shout their battle cry.

People run for their lives

and try to find safety

among trees and rocks.

Every town is empty.

30Jerusalem, your land

has been wiped out.

But you act like a prostitute

and try to win back your lovers,

who now hate you.

You can put on a red dress,

gold jewellery, and eye shadow,

but it's no use—

your lovers are out to kill you!

31I heard groaning and crying.

Was it a woman giving birth

to her first child?

No, it was Jerusalem.

She was gasping for breath

and begging for help.

“I'm dying!” she said.

“They have murdered me.”

Jeremiah 3:1-4:31CEVOpen in Bible reader

1 Timothy 6

Fighting a good fight for the faith

11Timothy, you belong to God, so keep away from all these evil things. Try your best to please God and to be like him. Be faithful, loving, dependable, and gentle. 12Fight a good fight for the faith and claim eternal life. God offered it to you when you clearly told about your faith, while so many people listened. 13Now I ask you to make a promise. Make it in the presence of God, who gives life to all, and in the presence of Jesus Christ, who openly told Pontius Pilate about his faith. 14Promise to obey completely and fully all that you have been told until our Lord Jesus Christ returns.

15The glorious God

is the only Ruler,

the King of kings

and Lord of lords.

At the time that God

has already decided,

he will send Jesus Christ

back again.

16Only God lives for ever!

And he lives in light

that no one can come near.

No human has ever seen God

or ever can see him.

God will be honoured,

and his power

will last for ever. Amen.

17Warn the rich people of this world not to be proud or to trust in wealth that is easily lost. Tell them to have faith in God, who is rich and blesses us with everything we need to enjoy life. 18Instruct them to do as many good deeds as they can and to help everyone. Remind the rich to be generous and share what they have. 19This will lay a solid foundation for the future, so that they will know what true life is like.

20Timothy, guard what God has placed in your care! Don't pay any attention to that godless and stupid talk that sounds clever but really isn't. 21Some people have even lost their faith by believing this talk.

I pray that the Lord will be kind to all of you!

1 Timothy 6:11-21CEVOpen in Bible reader
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