Through the Bible – Day 315

Bible text(s)

Jeremiah 50

The LORD's commands to the enemies of Babylonia

21The LORD said:

I have told

the enemies of Babylonia,

“Attack the people of Merathaim

and Pekod.

Kill them all!

Destroy their possessions!”

22Sounds of war

and the noise of destruction

can be heard.

23Babylonia was a hammer

pounding every country,

but now it lies broken.

What a shock to the nations

of the world!

24Babylonia challenged me,

the LORD God All-Powerful,

but that nation doesn't know

it is caught in a trap

that I set.

25I've brought out my weapons,

and with them I will put a curse

on Babylonia.

26Come from far away,

you enemies of Babylon!

Pile up the grain

from its storehouses,

and destroy it completely,

along with everything else.

27Kill the soldiers of Babylonia,

because the time has come

for them to be punished.

28The Babylonian army

destroyed my temple,

but soon I will take revenge.

Then refugees from Babylon

will tell about it in Zion.

29Attack Babylon, enemy archers;

set up camp around the city,

and don't let anyone escape.

It challenged me, the holy God,

so do to it

what it did to other cities.

Proud Babylon will fall

30People of Babylon,

I, the LORD, promise

that even your best soldiers

will lie dead in the streets.

31Babylon, you should be named,

“The Proud One”.

But the time has come when I,

the LORD All-Powerful,

will punish you.

32You are proud,

but you will stumble and fall,

and no one will help you up.

I will set your villages on fire,

and everything around you

will go up in flames.

33You Babylonians were cruel

to Israel and Judah.

You took them captive, and now

you refuse to let them go.

34But I, the LORD All-Powerful,

will rescue and protect them.

I will bring peace to their land

and trouble to yours.

35I have declared war on you,

your officials, and advisers.

36This war will prove

that your prophets

are liars and fools.

And it will frighten

your warriors.

37Then your chariot horses

and the foreigners in your army

will refuse to go into battle,

and the enemy will carry away

everything you treasure.

38Your rivers and canals

will dry up.

All this will happen,

because your land

is full of idols,

and they have made fools

of you.

39Never again will people live

in your land—

only desert animals, jackals,

and unclean birds.

40I destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah

and the nearby towns,

and I will destroy Babylon

just as completely.

No one will live there again.

Babylonia is invaded

The LORD said:

41Far to the north,

a nation and its allies

have been awakened.

They are powerful

and ready for war.

42Bows and arrows and swords

are in their hands.

The soldiers are cruel

and show no pity.

The hoofbeats of their horses

echo like ocean waves

crashing against the shore.

The army has lined up for battle

and is coming to attack you,

people of Babylonia!

43Ever since your king heard

about this army,

he has been weak with fear;

he twists and turns in pain

like a woman giving birth.

44Babylonia, I will attack you

like a lion from the forest,

attacking sheep in a meadow

along the Jordan.

In a moment the flock runs,

and the land is empty.

Who will I choose to attack you?

I will do it myself!

No one can force me to fight

or chase me away.

45Listen to my plans for you,

people of Babylonia.

Your children will be dragged off,

and your country destroyed.

46The sounds of your destruction

will be heard among the nations,

and the earth will shake.

Jeremiah 51

Babylon will be destroyed

1I, the LORD, am sending

a wind to destroy

the people of Babylonia

and Babylon, its capital.

2Foreign soldiers will come

from every direction,

and when the disaster is over,

Babylonia will be empty

and worthless.

3I will tell these soldiers,

“Attack quickly,

before the Babylonians

can string their bows

or put on their armour.

Kill their best soldiers

and destroy their army!”

4Their troops will fall wounded

in the streets of Babylon.

5Everyone in Israel and Judah

is guilty.

But I, the LORD All-Powerful,

their holy God,

have not abandoned them.

6Get out of Babylon!

Run for your lives!

If you stay, you will be killed

when I take revenge on the city

and punish it for its sins.

7Babylon was my golden cup,

filled with the wine

of my anger.

The nations of the world

got drunk on this wine

and went insane.

8But suddenly, Babylon will fall

and be destroyed.

I, the LORD, told the foreigners

who lived there,

“Weep for the city!

Get medicine for its wounds;

perhaps they will heal.”

9The foreigners answered,

“We have already tried

to treat Babylon's wounds,

but they would not heal.

Come on, let's all go home

to our own countries.

Nothing is left in Babylonia;

everything is destroyed.”

10The people of Israel said,

“Tell everyone in Zion!

The LORD has taken revenge

for what Babylon did to us.”

The LORD wants Babylon destroyed

11I, the LORD,

want Babylon destroyed,

because its army

destroyed my temple.

So, you kings of Media,

sharpen your arrows

and pick up your shields.

12Raise the signal flag

and attack the city walls.

Post more guards.

Command soldiers to watch the city

and set up ambushes.

I have made plans

to destroy Babylon,

and nothing will stop me.

13People of Babylon, you live

along the River Euphrates

and are surrounded by canals.

You are rich,

but now the time has come

for you to die.

14I, the LORD All-Powerful,

swear by my own life

that enemy soldiers

will fill your streets

like a swarm of locusts.

They will shout

and celebrate their victory.

A hymn of praise

15God used his wisdom and power

to create the earth

and spread out the heavens.

16The waters in the heavens roar

at his command.

He makes clouds appear;

he sends the wind

from his storehouse

and makes lightning flash

in the rain.

17People who make idols

are stupid!

They will be disappointed,

because their false gods

cannot breathe.

18Idols are merely a joke,

and when the time is right,

they will be destroyed.

19But the LORD, Israel's God,

is all-powerful.

He created everything,

and he chose Israel

to be his very own.

God's hammer

The LORD said:

20Babylonia, you were my hammer;

I used you to pound nations

and break kingdoms,

21to shatter cavalry and chariots,

22as well as men and women,

young and old,

23shepherds and their flocks,

farmers and their oxen,

and governors and leaders.

24But now, my people will watch,

while I repay you

for what you did to Zion.

25You destroyed the nations

and seem strong as a mountain,

but I am your enemy.

I might even grab you

and roll you off a cliff.

When I have finished,

you'll only be a pile

of scorched bricks.

26Your stone blocks won't be reused

for cornerstones

or foundations,

and I promise that for ever

you will be a desert.

I, the LORD, have spoken.

The nations will attack Babylon

The LORD said:

27Signal the nations

to get ready to attack.

Raise a flag and blow a trumpet.

Send for the armies of Ararat,

Minni, and Ashkenaz.

Choose a commander;

let the cavalry attack

like a swarm of locusts.

28Tell the kings and governors,

the leaders and the people

of the kingdoms of the Medes

to prepare for war!

29The earth twists and turns

in torment,

because I have decided

to make Babylonia a desert

where no one can live,

and I won't change my mind.

30The Babylonian soldiers

have lost their strength

and courage.

They stay in their fortresses,

unable to fight,

while the enemy breaks through

the city gates,

then sets their homes on fire.

31One messenger after another

announces to the king,

“Babylon has been captured!

32The enemy now controls

the river crossings!

The marshes are on fire!

Your army has panicked!”

33I am the LORD All-Powerful,

the God of Israel,

and I make this promise—

“Soon Babylon will be levelled

and packed down

like a threshing place

at harvest time.”

Jeremiah 50:21-51:33CEVOpen in Bible reader

Hebrews 11

17-18Abraham had been promised that Isaac, his only son, would continue his family. But when Abraham was tested, he had faith and was willing to sacrifice Isaac, 19because he was sure that God could raise people to life. This was just like getting Isaac back from death.

20Isaac had faith, and he promised blessings to Jacob and Esau. 21Later, when Jacob was about to die, he leaned on his walking stick and worshipped. Then because of his faith he blessed each of Joseph's sons. 22And just before Joseph died, he had faith that God would lead the people of Israel out of Egypt. So he told them to take his bones with them.

23Because Moses' parents had faith, they kept him hidden until he was three months old. They saw that he was a beautiful child, and they were not afraid to disobey the king's orders. 24Then after Moses grew up, his faith made him refuse to be called Pharaoh's grandson. 25He chose to be ill-treated with God's people instead of having the good time that sin could bring for a little while. 26Moses knew that the treasures of Egypt were not as wonderful as what he would receive from suffering for the Messiah, and he looked forward to his reward.

27Because of his faith, Moses left Egypt. Moses had seen the invisible God and wasn't afraid of the king's anger. 28His faith also made him celebrate Passover. He sprinkled the blood of animals on the doorposts, so that the firstborn sons of the people of Israel would not be killed by the destroying angel.

29Because of their faith, the people walked through the Red Sea on dry land. But when the Egyptians tried to do it, they were drowned.

30God's people had faith, and when they had walked around the city of Jericho for seven days, its walls fell down.

31Rahab had been a prostitute, but she had faith and welcomed the spies. So she wasn't killed with the people who disobeyed.

32What else can I say? There isn't enough time to tell about Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah, David, Samuel, and the prophets. 33Their faith helped them conquer kingdoms, and because they did right, God made promises to them. They closed the jaws of lions 34and put out raging fires and escaped from the swords of their enemies. Although they were weak, they were given the strength and power to chase foreign armies away.

35Some women received their loved ones back from death. Many of these people were tortured, but they refused to be released. They were sure that they would get a better reward when the dead are raised to life. 36Others were made fun of and beaten with whips, and some were chained in jail. 37Still others were stoned to death or sawn in two or killed with swords. Some had nothing but sheep skins or goat skins to wear. They were poor, ill-treated, and tortured. 38The world did not deserve these good people, who had to wander in deserts and on mountains and had to live in caves and holes in the ground.

39All of them pleased God because of their faith! But still they died without being given what had been promised. 40This was because God had something better in store for us. And he did not want them to reach the goal of their faith without us.

Hebrews 11:17-40CEVOpen in Bible reader
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