Through the Bible – Day 318

Bible text(s)

Lamentations 3

There is still hope

The prophet speaks:

1I have suffered much

because God was angry.

2He chased me into a dark place,

where no light could enter.

3I am the only one he punishes

over and over again,

without ever stopping.

4God caused my skin and flesh

to waste away,

and he crushed my bones.

5He attacked and surrounded me

with hardships and trouble;

6he forced me to sit in the dark

like someone long dead.

7God built a fence around me

that I cannot climb over,

and he chained me down.

8Even when I shouted

and prayed for help,

he refused to listen.

9God put big rocks in my way

and made me follow

a crooked path.

10God was like a bear or a lion

waiting in ambush for me;

11he dragged me from the road,

then tore me to shreds.

12God took careful aim

and shot his arrows

13straight through my heart.

14I am a joke to everyone—

no one ever stops

making fun of me.

15God has turned my life sour.

16He made me eat gravel

and rubbed me in the earth.

17I cannot find peace

or remember happiness.

18I tell myself, “I am finished!

I can't count on the LORD

to do anything for me.”

19Just thinking of my troubles

and my lonely wandering

makes me miserable.

20That's all I ever think about,

and I am depressed.

21Then I remember something

that fills me with hope.

22The LORD's kindness never fails!

If he had not been merciful,

we would have been destroyed.

23The LORD can always be trusted

to show mercy each morning.

24Deep in my heart I say,

“The LORD is all I need;

I can depend on him!”

25The LORD is kind to everyone

who trusts and obeys him.

26It is good to wait patiently

for the LORD to save us.

27When we are young,

it is good to struggle hard

28and to sit silently alone,

if this is what

the LORD intends.

29Being rubbed in the earth

can teach us a lesson;

30we can also learn from insults

and hard knocks.

31The Lord won't always reject us!

32He causes a lot of suffering,

but he also has pity

because of his great love.

33The Lord doesn't enjoy

sending grief or pain.

34Don't trample prisoners

under your feet

35or cheat anyone out of

what is rightfully theirs.

God Most High sees everything,

36and he knows when you refuse

to give someone a fair trial.

37No one can do anything

without the Lord's approval.

38Good and bad each happen

at the command

of God Most High.

39We're still alive!

We shouldn't complain

when we are being punished

for our sins.

40Instead, we should think

about the way we are living,

and turn back to the LORD.

41When we lift our hands

in prayer to God in heaven,

we should offer him our hearts

and say, 42“We've sinned!

We've rebelled against you,

and you haven't forgiven us!

43Anger is written all over you,

as you pursue and slaughter us

without showing pity.

44You are behind a wall of clouds

that blocks out our prayers.

45You allowed nations

to treat us like rubbish;

46our enemies curse us.

47We are terrified and trapped,

caught and crushed.”

48My people are destroyed!

Tears flood my eyes,

49and they won't stop

50until the LORD looks down

from heaven and helps.

51I am horrified when I see

what enemies have done

to the young women of our city.

52No one had reason to hate me,

but I was hunted down

like a bird.

53Then they tried to kill me

by tossing me into a pit

and throwing stones at me.

54Water covered my head—

I thought I was gone.

55From the bottom of the pit,

I prayed to you, LORD.

56I begged you to listen.

“Help!” I shouted. “Save me!”

You answered my prayer

57and came when I was in need.

You told me, “Don't worry!”

58You rescued me

and saved my life.

59You saw them abuse me, LORD,

so make things right.

60You know every plot

they have made against me.

61Yes, you know their insults

and their evil plans.

62All day long they attack

with words and whispers.

63No matter what they are doing,

they keep on mocking me.

64Pay them back for everything

they have done, LORD!

65Put your curse on them

and make them suffer.

66Get angry and go after them

until not a trace is left

under the heavens.

Lamentations 4

Fourth lament

The punishment of Jerusalem

The prophet speaks:

1The purest gold is ruined

and has lost its shine;

jewels from the temple

lie scattered in the streets.

2These are Zion's people,

worth more than purest gold;

yet they are counted worthless

like dishes of clay.

3Even jackals nurse their young,

but my people are like ostriches

that abandon their own.

4Babies are so thirsty

that their tongues are stuck

to the roof of the mouth.

Children go begging for food,

but no one gives them any.

5All who ate expensive foods

lie starving in the streets;

those who grew up in luxury

now sit on rubbish heaps.

6My nation was punished worse

than the people of Sodom,

whose city was destroyed

in a flash without the help

of human hands.

7The leaders of Jerusalem

were purer than snow

and whiter than milk;

their bodies were healthy

and glowed like jewels.

8Now they are blacker than tar,

and no one recognizes them;

their skin clings to their bones

and is drier than firewood.

9Being killed with a sword

is better than slowly

starving to death.

10Life in the city is so bad

that loving mothers have boiled

and eaten their own children.

11The LORD was so fiercely angry

that he burnt the city of Zion

to the ground.

12Not a king on this earth

or the people of any nation

believed enemies could break

through her gates.

13Jerusalem was punished because

her prophets and her priests

had sinned and caused the death

of innocent victims.

14Yes, her prophets and priests

were covered with blood;

no one would come near them,

as they wandered

from street to street.

15Instead, everyone shouted,

“Go away! Don't touch us!

You're filthy and unfit

to belong to God's people!”

So they had to leave

and become refugees.

But foreign nations told them,

“You can't stay here!”

16The LORD is the one

who sent them scattering,

and he has forgotten them.

No respect or kindness

will be shown

to the priests or leaders.

17Our eyes became weary,

hopelessly looking

for help from a nation

that could not save us.

18Enemies hunted us down

on every public street.

Our time was up;

our doom was near.

19They swooped down faster

than eagles from the sky.

They hunted for us in the hills

and set traps to catch us

out in the desert.

20The LORD's chosen leader

was our hope for survival!

We thought he would keep us safe

somewhere among the nations,

but even he was caught

in one of their traps.

21You people of Edom

can celebrate now!

But your time will come

to suffer and stagger

around naked.

22The people of Zion

have paid for their sins,

and the Lord will soon

let them return home.

But, people of Edom,

you will be punished,

and your sins exposed.

Lamentations 5

Fifth lament

A prayer for mercy

The people of Jerusalem pray:

1Our LORD, don't forget

how we have suffered

and been disgraced.

2Foreigners and strangers

have taken our land

and our homes.

3We are like children

whose mothers are widows.

4The water we drink

and the wood we burn

cost far too much.

5We are terribly ill-treated;

we are worn out

and can find no rest.

6We had to surrender

to Egypt and Assyria

because we were hungry.

7Our ancestors sinned,

but they are dead,

and we are left to pay

for their sins.

8Slaves are now our rulers,

and there is no one

to set us free.

9We are in danger

from brutal desert tribes;

we must risk our lives

just to bring in our crops.

10Our skin is scorched

from fever and hunger.

11On Zion and everywhere in Judah

our wives and daughters

are being raped.

12Our rulers are strung up

by their arms,

and our nation's advisers

are treated shamefully.

13Young men are forced

to do the work of slaves;

boys must carry

heavy loads of wood.

14Our leaders are not allowed

to decide cases in court,

and young people

no longer play music.

15Our hearts are sad;

instead of dancing,

we mourn.

16Zion's glory has disappeared!

And we are doomed

because of our sins.

17We feel sick all over

and can't even see straight;

18our city is in ruins,

overrun by wild dogs.

19You will rule for ever, LORD!

You are King for all time.

20Why have you forgotten us

for so long?

21Bring us back to you!

Give us a fresh start.

22Or do you despise us so much

that you don't want us?

Lamentations 3:1-5:22CEVOpen in Bible reader

Hebrews 13

Service that pleases God

1Keep being concerned about each other as the Lord's followers should.

2Be sure to welcome strangers into your home. By doing this, some people have welcomed angels as guests, without even knowing it.

3Remember the Lord's people who are in jail and be concerned for them. Don't forget those who are suffering, but imagine that you are there with them.

4Have respect for marriage. Always be faithful to your partner, because God will punish anyone who is immoral or unfaithful in marriage.

5Don't fall in love with money. Be satisfied with what you have. The Lord has promised that he will not leave us or desert us. 6That should make you feel like saying,

“The Lord helps me!

Why should I be afraid

of what people

can do to me?”

7Don't forget about your leaders who taught you God's message. Remember what kind of lives they lived and try to have faith like theirs.

8Jesus Christ never changes! He is the same yesterday, today, and for ever. 9Don't be fooled by any kind of strange teachings. It is better to receive strength from God's undeserved kindness than to depend on certain foods. After all, these foods don't really help the people who eat them. 10But we have an altar where even the priests who serve in the place of worship have no right to eat.

11After the high priest offers the blood of animals as a sin offering, the bodies of those animals are burnt outside the camp. 12Jesus himself suffered outside the city gate, so that his blood would make people holy. 13That's why we should go outside the camp to Jesus and share in his disgrace. 14On this earth we don't have a city that lasts for ever, but we are waiting for such a city.

15Our sacrifice is to keep offering praise to God in the name of Jesus. 16But don't forget to help others and to share your possessions with them. This too is like offering a sacrifice that pleases God.

17Obey your leaders and do what they say. They are watching over you, and they must answer to God. So don't make them sad as they do their work. Make them happy. Otherwise, they won't be able to help you at all.

18Pray for us. Our consciences are clear, and we always try to live right. 19I especially want you to pray that I can visit you again soon.

Final prayers and greetings

20God gives peace, and he raised our Lord Jesus Christ from death. Now Jesus is like a Great Shepherd whose blood was used to make God's eternal agreement with his flock. 21I pray that God will make you ready to obey him and that you will always be eager to do right. May Jesus help you do what pleases God. To Jesus Christ be glory for ever and ever! Amen.

22My friends, I have written only a short letter to encourage you, and I beg you to pay close attention to what I have said.

23By now you must know that our friend Timothy is out of jail. If he gets here in time, I will bring him with me when I come to visit you.

24Please give my greetings to your leaders and to the rest of the Lord's people.

His followers from Italy send you their greetings.

25I pray that God will be kind to all of you!

Hebrews 13:1-25CEVOpen in Bible reader
Canadian Bible Societyv.4.29.1
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