Through the Bible – Day 34

Bible text(s)

Exodus 35

Laws for the Sabbath

1Moses called together the people of Israel and told them that the LORD had said:

2You have six days in which to do your work. But the seventh day must be dedicated to me, your LORD, as a day of rest. Whoever works on the Sabbath will be put to death. 3Don't even build a cooking fire at home on the Sabbath.

Offerings for the sacred tent

4Moses told the people of Israel that the LORD had said:

5I would welcome an offering from anyone who wants to give something. You may bring gold, silver, or bronze; 6blue, purple, or red wool; fine linen; goat hair; 7tanned ram skin or fine leather; acacia wood; 8olive oil for the lamp; sweet-smelling spices for the oil of dedication and for the incense; or 9onyx stones or other gems for the sacred apron and breastpiece.

10If you have any skills, you should use them to help make what I have commanded: 11the sacred tent with its covering and hooks, its framework and crossbars, and its post and stands; 12the sacred chest with its carrying poles, its place of mercy, and the curtain in front of it; 13the table with all that goes on it, including the sacred bread; 14the lamp with its equipment and oil; 15the incense altar with its carrying poles and sweet-smelling incense; the ordination oil; the curtain for the entrance to the sacred tent; 16the altar for sacrifices with its bronze grating, its carrying poles, and its equipment; the large bronze bowl with its stand; 17the curtains with the posts and stands that go around the courtyard; 18the pegs and ropes for the tent and the courtyard; 19and the finely woven priestly clothes for Aaron and his sons.

Gifts for the LORD

20Moses finished speaking, and everyone left. 21Then those who wanted to bring gifts to the LORD, brought them to be used for the sacred tent, the worship services, and the priestly clothes. 22Men and women came willingly and gave all kinds of gold jewellery such as pins, earrings, rings, and necklaces. 23Everyone brought their blue, purple, and red wool, their fine linen, and their cloth made of goat hair, as well as their ram skins dyed red and their fine leather. 24Anyone who had silver or bronze or acacia wood brought it as a gift to the LORD.

25The women who were good at weaving cloth brought the blue, purple, and red wool and the fine linen they had made. 26And the women who knew how to make cloth from goat hair were glad to do so.

27The leaders brought different kinds of jewels to be sewn on the special clothes and the breastpiece for the high priest. 28They also brought sweet-smelling spices to be mixed with the incense and olive oil that were for the lamps and for ordaining the priests. 29Moses had told the people what the LORD wanted them to do, and many of them decided to bring their gifts.

Bezalel and Oholiab

30Moses said to the people of Israel:

The LORD has chosen Bezalel of the Judah tribe. 31-33Not only has the LORD filled him with his Spirit, but he has given him wisdom and made him a skilled craftsman who can create objects of art with gold, silver, bronze, stone, and wood. 34The LORD is urging him and Oholiab from the tribe of Dan to teach others. 35And he has given them all kinds of artistic skills, including the ability to design and embroider with blue, purple, and red wool and to weave fine linen.

Exodus 36

1The LORD has given to Bezalel, Oholiab, and others the skills needed for building a place of worship, and they will follow the LORD's instructions.

2Then Moses brought together these workers who were eager to work, 3and he gave them the money that the people of Israel had donated for building the place of worship. In fact, so much money was being given each morning, 4that finally everyone stopped working 5and said, “Moses, there is already more money than we need for what the LORD has assigned us to do.” 6So Moses sent word for the people to stop giving, and they did. 7But there was already more than enough to do what needed to be done.

Skilled workers make the sacred tent and its furnishings

The curtains and coverings for the sacred tent

(Exodus 26.1-14)

8-9The skilled workers got together to make the sacred tent and its linen curtains woven with blue, purple, and red wool and embroidered with figures of winged creatures. Each of the ten panels was twelve metres long and two metres wide, 10and they were sewn together to make two curtains with five panels each. 11-13Then fifty loops of blue cloth were put along one of the wider sides of each curtain, and the two curtains were fastened together at the loops with fifty gold hooks.

14-15As the material for the tent, goat hair was used to weave eleven sections thirteen metres by two metres each. 16These eleven sections were joined to make two panels, one with five and the other with six sections. 17Fifty loops were put along one of the wider sides of each panel, 18and the two panels were fastened at the loops with fifty bronze hooks. 19Two other coverings were made—one with fine leather and the other with ram skins dyed red.

The framework for the sacred tent

(Exodus 26.15-30)

20Acacia wood was used to build the framework for the walls of the sacred tent. 21Each frame was four metres high and sixty-six centimetres wide 22-26with two wooden pegs near the bottom. Then two silver stands were placed under each frame with sockets for the pegs, so they could be joined together. Twenty of these frames were used along the south side and twenty more along the north. 27Six frames were used for the back wall along the west side 28-29with two more at the south-west and north-west corners. These corner frames were joined from top to bottom. 30Altogether, along the back wall there were eight frames with two silver stands under each of them.

31-33Five crossbars were made for each of the wooden frames, with the centre crossbar running the full length of the wall. 34The frames and crossbars were covered with gold, and gold rings were attached to the frames to run the crossbars through.

The inside curtain for the sacred tent

(Exodus 26.31-37)

35They made the inside curtain of fine linen woven with blue, purple, and red wool, and embroidered with figures of winged creatures. 36They also made four acacia wood posts and covered them with gold. Then gold rings were fastened to the posts, which were set on silver stands.

37For the entrance to the tent, they used a curtain of fine linen woven with blue, purple, and red wool and embroidered with fancy needlework. 38They made five posts, covered them completely with gold, and set them each on a gold-covered bronze stand. Finally, they attached hooks for the curtain.

Exodus 37

The sacred chest

1Bezalel built a chest of acacia wood one hundred and ten centimetres long, sixty-six centimetres wide, and sixty-six centimetres high. 2He covered it inside and out with pure gold and put a gold edging around the top. 3He made four gold rings and fastened one of them to each of the four legs of the chest. 4Then he made two poles of acacia wood, covered them with gold, 5and put them through the rings, so the chest could be carried by the poles.

6The entire lid of the chest, which was also covered with pure gold, was the place of mercy. 7-9On each of the two ends of the chest he made a winged creature of hammered gold. They faced each other, and their wings covered the place of mercy.

The table for the sacred bread

10Bezalel built a table of acacia wood eighty-eight centimetres long, forty-four centimetres wide, and sixty-six centimetres high. 11-12He covered it with pure gold and put a gold edging around it with a border seventy-five millimetres wide. 13He made four gold rings and attached one to each of the legs 14near the edging. The poles for carrying the table were placed through these rings 15and were made of acacia wood covered with gold. 16Everything that was to be set on the table was made of pure gold—the bowls, plates, jars, and cups for wine offerings.

The lampstand

17Bezalel made a lampstand of pure gold. The whole lampstand, including its decorative flowers, was made from a single piece of hammered gold, 18with three branches on each of its two sides. 19There were three decorative almond blossoms on each branch 20and four on the stem. 21There was also a blossom where each pair of branches came out from the stem. 22The lampstand, including its branches and decorative flowers, was made from a single piece of hammered pure gold. 23-24The lamp and its equipment, including the tongs and trays, were made of about thirty-five kilogrammes of pure gold.

The altar for burning incense

25For burning incense, Bezalel made an altar of acacia wood. It was forty-five centimetres square and ninety centimetres high with each of its four corners sticking up like the horn of a bull. 26He covered it with pure gold and put a gold edging around it. 27Then below the edging on opposite sides he attached two gold rings through which he put the poles for carrying the altar. 28These poles were also made of acacia wood and covered with gold.

The oil for dedication and the incense

29Bezalel mixed the oil for dedication and the sweet-smelling spices for the incense.

Exodus 35:1-37:29CEVOpen in Bible reader

Matthew 21

Jesus enters Jerusalem

1When Jesus and his disciples came near Jerusalem, he went to Bethphage on the Mount of Olives and sent two of them on ahead. 2He told them, “Go into the next village, where you will at once find a donkey and her colt. Untie the two donkeys and bring them to me. 3If anyone asks why you are doing that, just say, ‘The Lord needs them.’ Straight away he will let you have the donkeys.”

4So God's promise came true, just as the prophet had said,

5“Announce to the people

of Jerusalem:

‘Your king is coming to you!

He is humble

and rides on a donkey.

He comes on the colt

of a donkey.’ ”

6The disciples left and did what Jesus had told them to do. 7They brought the donkey and its colt and laid some clothes on their backs. Then Jesus got on.

8Many people spread clothes in the road, while others put down branches which they had cut from trees. 9Some people walked ahead of Jesus and others followed behind. They were all shouting,

“Hooray for the Son of David!

God bless the one who comes

in the name of the Lord.

Hooray for God

in heaven above!”

10When Jesus came to Jerusalem, everyone in the city was excited and asked, “Who can this be?”

11The crowd answered, “This is Jesus, the prophet from Nazareth in Galilee.”

Jesus in the temple

12Jesus went into the temple and chased out everyone who was selling or buying. He turned over the tables of the moneychangers and the benches of the ones who were selling doves. 13He told them, “The Scriptures say, ‘My house should be called a place of worship.’ But you have turned it into a place where robbers hide.”

14Blind and lame people came to Jesus in the temple, and he healed them. 15But the chief priests and the teachers of the Law of Moses were angry when they saw his miracles and heard the children shouting praises to the Son of David. 16The men said to Jesus, “Don't you hear what those children are saying?”

“Yes, I do!” Jesus answered. “Don't you know that the Scriptures say, ‘Children and infants will sing praises’?” 17Then Jesus left the city and went out to the village of Bethany, where he spent the night.

Jesus puts a curse on a fig tree

18When Jesus got up the next morning, he was hungry. He started out for the city, 19and along the way he saw a fig tree. But when he came to it, he found only leaves and no figs. So he told the tree, “You will never again grow any fruit!” At once the fig tree dried up.

20The disciples were shocked when they saw how quickly the tree had dried up. 21But Jesus said to them, “If you have faith and don't doubt, I promise that you can do what I did to this tree. And you will be able to do even more. You can tell this mountain to get up and jump into the sea, and it will. 22If you have faith when you pray, you will be given whatever you ask for.”

Matthew 21:1-22CEVOpen in Bible reader
Canadian Bible Societyv.4.29.1
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