Through the Bible – Day 342

Bible text(s)

Daniel 7

Daniel's vision of four beasts

1-2Daniel wrote:

In the first year of King Belshazzar of Babylonia, I had some dreams and visions while I was asleep one night, and I wrote them down.

The four winds were stirring up the mighty sea, 3when suddenly four powerful beasts came out of the sea. Each beast was different. 4The first was like a lion with the wings of an eagle. As I watched, its wings were pulled off. Then it was lifted to an upright position and made to stand on two feet, just like a human, and it was given a human mind.

5The second beast looked like a bear standing on its hind legs. It held three ribs in its teeth, and it was told, “Attack! Eat all the flesh you want.”

6The third beast was like a leopard—except that it had four wings and four heads. It was given authority to rule.

7The fourth beast was stronger and more terrifying than the others. Its huge teeth were made of iron, and what it didn't grind with its teeth, it smashed with its feet. It was different from the others, and it had horns on its head—ten of them. 8Just as I was thinking about these horns, a smaller horn appeared, and three of the other horns were pulled up by the roots to make room for it. This horn had the eyes of a human and a mouth that spoke with great pride.


Daniel wrote:

9Thrones were set up

while I was watching,

and the Eternal God

took his place.

His clothing and his hair

were white as snow.

His throne was a blazing fire

with fiery wheels,

10and flames were dashing out

from all around him.

Countless thousands

were standing there

to serve him.

The time of judgment began,

and the books were opened.

11I watched closely to see what would happen to this smaller horn because of the arrogant things it was saying. Then before my very eyes, the fourth beast was killed and its body destroyed by fire. 12The other three beasts had their authority taken from them, but they were allowed to live a while longer. 13As I continued to watch the vision that night,

I saw what looked like

a son of man

coming with the clouds of heaven,

and he was presented

to the Eternal God.

14He was crowned king

and given power and glory,

so that all people

of every nation and race

would serve him.

He will rule for ever,

and his kingdom is eternal,

never to be destroyed.

The meaning of Daniel's vision

15Daniel wrote:

I was terrified by these visions, and I didn't know what to think. 16So I asked one of those standing there, and he explained, 17“The four beasts are four earthly kingdoms. 18But God Most High will give his kingdom to his chosen ones, and it will be theirs for ever and ever.”

19I wanted to know more about the fourth beast, because it was so different and much more terrifying than the others. What was the meaning of its iron teeth and bronze claws and of its feet that smashed what the teeth and claws had not ground and crushed? 20I also wanted to know more about all ten of those horns on its head. I especially wanted to know more about the one that took the place of three of the others—the horn that had eyes and spoke with arrogance and seemed greater than the others. 21While I was looking, this horn attacked God's chosen ones and was winning the battle. 22Then God Most High, the Eternal God, came and judged in favour of his chosen ones, because the time had arrived for them to be given the kingdom.

23Then I was told

by the one standing there:

“The fourth beast

will be a fourth kingdom

to appear on earth.

It will be different

from all the others—

it will trample the earth

and crush it to pieces.

24All ten of those horns are kings

who will come from this kingdom,

and one more will follow.

This horn will be different

from the others,

and it will conquer

three other kings.

25“This king will speak evil

of God Most High,

and he will be cruel

to God's chosen ones.

He will try to change God's Law

and the sacred seasons.

And he will be able to do this

for a time, two times,

and half a time.

26But he will finally be judged,

and his kingdom

completely destroyed.

27“Then the greatest kingdom of all

will be given to the chosen ones

of God Most High.

His kingdom will be eternal,

and all others will serve

and obey him.”

28That was what I saw and heard. I turned pale with fear and kept it all to myself.

Daniel 8

Daniel's vision of a ram and a goat

1Daniel wrote:

In the third year of King Belshazzar of Babylonia, I had a second vision 2in which I was in Susa, the chief city of Babylonia's Elam Province. I was beside the River Ulai, 3when I looked up and saw a ram standing there with two horns on its head—both of them were long, but the second one was longer than the first. 4The ram went charging towards the west, the north, and the south. No other animals were strong enough to oppose him, and nothing could save them from his power. So he did as he pleased and became even more powerful.

5I kept on watching and saw a goat come from the west and charge across the entire earth, without even touching the ground. Between his eyes was a powerful horn, 6and with tremendous anger the goat started towards the ram that I had seen beside the river. 7The goat was so fierce that its attack broke both horns of the ram, leaving him powerless. Then the goat trampled on the ram, and no one could do anything to help. 8After this, the goat became even more powerful. But at the peak of his power, his mighty horn was broken, and four other mighty horns took its place—one pointing to the north and one to the east, one to the south and one to the west.

9A little horn came from one of these, and its power reached to the south, the east, and even to the holy land. 10It became so strong that it attacked the stars in the sky, which were heaven's army. Then it threw some of them down to the earth and trampled on them. 11-12It humiliated heaven's army and dishonoured its leader by keeping him from offering the daily sacrifices. In fact, it was so terrible that it even disgraced the temple and wiped out true worship. It also did everything else it wanted to do.

13Then one of the holy angels asked another, “When will the daily sacrifices be offered again? What about this horrible rebellion? When will the temple and heaven's army no longer be trampled in the dust?”

14The other answered, “It will be two thousand three hundred evenings and mornings before the temple is dedicated and in use again.”

Gabriel interprets the vision

15Daniel wrote:

I was trying to understand the meaning of the vision, when someone suddenly appeared there beside me. 16And from beside the River Ulai, a voice like that of a human said, “Gabriel, help him understand the vision.”

17Gabriel came over, and I fell to the ground in fear. Then he said, “You are merely a human, but you need to understand that this vision is about the end of time.”

18While he was speaking, I fell face down in a deep sleep. But he lifted me to my feet 19and said:

Listen, and I will tell you what will happen at the end of time, when God has chosen to show his anger. 20The two horns of the ram are the kings of Media and Persia, 21the goat is the kingdom of Greece, and the powerful horn between his eyes is the first of its kings. 22After this horn is broken, four other kingdoms will appear, but they won't be as strong.

23When these rulers have become as evil as possible, their power will end, and then a king who is dangerous and cannot be trusted will appear. 24He will gain strength, but not on his own, and he will cause terrible destruction. He will wipe out powerful leaders and God's people as well. 25His deceitful lies will make him so successful, that he will think he is really great. Suddenly he will kill many people, and he will even attack God, the Supreme Ruler. But God will crush him!

26This vision about the evenings and mornings is true, but these things won't happen for a long time, so don't tell it to others.

27After this, I was so worn out and weak that it was several days before I could get out of bed and go about my duties for the king. I was disturbed by this vision that made no sense to me.

Daniel 7:1-8:27CEVOpen in Bible reader

Jude 1

More warnings

17My dear friends, remember the warning you were given by the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ. 18They told you that near the end of time, selfish and godless people would start making fun of God. 19And now these people are already making you turn against each other. They think only about this life, and they don't have God's Spirit.

20Dear friends, keep building on the foundation of your most holy faith, as the Holy Spirit helps you to pray. 21And keep in step with God's love, as you wait for our Lord Jesus Christ to show how kind he is by giving you eternal life. 22Be helpful to all who may have doubts. 23Rescue any who need to be saved, as you would rescue someone from a fire. Then with fear in your own hearts, have mercy on everyone who needs it. But hate even the clothes of those who have been made dirty by their filthy deeds.

Final prayer

24-25Offer praise to God our Saviour because of our Lord Jesus Christ! Only God can keep you from falling and make you pure and joyful in his glorious presence. Before time began and now and for evermore, God is worthy of glory, honour, power, and authority. Amen.

Jude 1:17-25CEVOpen in Bible reader
Canadian Bible Societyv.4.29.1
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