Through the Bible – Day 344

Bible text(s)

Daniel 11

The angel's message to Daniel

Part one: the four kings and their successors

2What I am going to tell you is certain to happen. Four kings will rule Persia, one after the other, but the fourth one will become much richer than the others. In fact, his wealth will make him so powerful that he will turn everyone against the kingdom of Greece. 3Then a mighty king will come to power and will be able to do whatever he pleases. 4But suddenly his kingdom will be crushed and scattered to the four corners of the earth, where four more kingdoms will rise. But these won't be ruled by his descendants or be as powerful as his kingdom.

5The king of the south will grow powerful. Then one of his generals will rebel and take over most of the kingdom. 6Years later the southern kingdom and the northern kingdom will make a treaty, and the daughter of the king of the south will marry the king of the north. But she will lose her power. Then she, her husband, their child, and the servants who came with her will all be killed.

After this, 7one of her relatives will become the ruler of the southern kingdom. He will attack the army of the northern kingdom and capture its fortresses. 8Then he will carry their idols to Egypt, together with their precious treasures of silver and gold, but it will be a long time before he attacks the northern kingdom again. Some years later 9the king of the north will invade the southern kingdom, but he will be forced back to his own country.

10The sons of the king of the north will gather a huge army that will sweep down like a roaring flood, reaching all the way to the fortress of the southern kingdom. 11But this will make the king of the south angry, and he will defeat this large army from the north. 12The king of the south will feel proud because of the many thousands he has killed. But his victories won't last long, 13because the king of the north will gather a larger and more powerful army than ever before. Then in a few years, he will start invading other countries.

14At this time many of your own people will try to make this vision come true by rebelling against the king of the south, but their rebellion will fail. 15Then the army from the north will surround and capture a fortress in the south, and not even the most experienced troops of the southern kingdom will be able to make them retreat. 16The king who invaded from the north will do as he pleases, and he will even capture and destroy the holy land. 17In fact, he will decide to invade the south with his entire army. Then he will attempt to make peace by giving the king of the south a bride from the northern kingdom, but this won't be successful.

18Afterwards, this proud king of the north will invade and conquer many of the nations along the coast, but a military leader will defeat him and make him lose his pride. 19He will retreat to his fortresses in his own country, but on the way he will be defeated and never again be seen.

20The next king of the north will try to collect taxes for the glory of his kingdom. However, he will come to a sudden end in some mysterious way, instead of in battle or because of someone's anger.

Part two: the evil king from the north

21The successor of this king of the north will be a worthless nobody, who doesn't come from a royal family. He will suddenly appear and gain control of the kingdom by treachery. 22Then he will destroy armies and remove God's chosen high priest. 23He will make a treaty, but he will be deceitful and break it, even though he has only a few followers. 24Without warning, he will successfully invade a wealthy province, which is something his ancestors never did. Then he will divide among his followers all of its treasures and property. But none of this will last very long.

25He will gather a large and powerful army, and with great courage he will attack the king of the south. The king of the south will meet him with a much stronger army, but he will lose the battle, because he will be betrayed 26by members of the royal court. He will be ruined, and most of his army will be slaughtered.

27The two kings will meet around a table and tell evil lies to each other. But their plans will fail, because God has already decided what will happen. 28Then the king of the north will return to his country with great treasures. But on the way, he will attack the religion of God's people and do whatever else he pleases.

29At the time God has decided, the king of the north will invade the southern kingdom again, but this time, things will be different. 30Ships from the west will come to attack him, and he will be discouraged. Then he will start back to his own country and take out his anger on the religion of God's faithful people, while showing kindness to those who are unfaithful. 31He will send troops to pollute the temple and the fortress, and he will stop the daily sacrifices. Then he will set up that “Horrible Thing” that causes destruction. 32The king will use deceit to win followers from those who are unfaithful to God, but those who remain faithful will do everything possible to oppose him.

33Wise leaders will instruct many of the people. But for a while, some of these leaders will either be killed with swords or burnt alive, or else robbed of their possessions and thrown into prison. 34They will receive only a little help in their time of trouble, and many of their followers will be treacherous. 35Some of those who are wise will suffer, so that God will make them pure and acceptable until the end, which will still come at the time he has decided.

36This king will do as he pleases. He will proudly claim to be greater than any god and will insult the only true God. Indeed, he will be successful until God is no longer angry with his people. 37This king will reject the gods his ancestors worshipped and the god preferred by women. In fact, he will put himself above all gods 38and worship only the so called god of fortresses, who was unknown to his ancestors. And he will honour it with gold, silver, precious stones, and other costly gifts. 39With the help of this foreign god, he will capture the strongest fortresses. Everyone who worships this god will be put in a position of power and rewarded with wealth and land.

Part three: the time of the end

40At the time of the end, the king of the south will attack the kingdom of the north. But its king will rush out like a storm with war chariots, cavalry, and many ships. Indeed, his forces will flood one country after another, 41and when they reach the holy land, tens of thousands will be killed. But the countries of Edom and Moab and the ruler of Ammon will escape.

42The king of the north will invade many countries, including Egypt, 43and he will take its rich treasures of gold and silver. He will also conquer Libya and Ethiopia. 44But he will be alarmed by news from the east and the north, and he will become furious and cause great destruction. 45After this, he will set up camp between the Mediterranean Sea and Mount Zion. Then he will be destroyed, and no one will be able to save him.

Daniel 12

Part four: the dead will rise to life

1Michael, the chief of the angels, is the protector of your people, and he will come at a time of terrible suffering, the worst in all of history. And your people who have their names written in The Book will be protected. 2Many of those who lie dead in the ground will rise from death. Some of them will be given eternal life, and others will receive nothing but eternal shame and disgrace. 3Everyone who has been wise will shine as bright as the sky above, and everyone who has led others to please God will shine like the stars.

4Daniel, I now command you to keep the message of this book secret until the end of time, even though many people will go everywhere, searching for the knowledge to be found in it.

The end of time

5Daniel wrote:

I looked around and saw two other people—one on this side of the river and one on the other side. 6The angel who had spoken to me was dressed in linen and was standing upstream from them. So one of the two beside the river asked him, “How long before these amazing things happen?”

7The angel then raised both hands towards heaven and said, “In the name of the God who lives for ever, I solemnly promise that it will be a time, two times, and half a time. Everything will be over, when the suffering of God's holy people comes to an end.”

8I heard what the angel said, but I didn't understand. So I asked, “Sir, how will it all end?”

The angel in my vision then replied:

9Daniel, go about your business, because the meaning of this message will remain secret until the end of time. 10Many people will have their hearts and lives made pure and clean, but those who are evil will keep on being evil and never understand. Only the wise will understand. 11There will be one thousand two hundred and ninety days from the time that the daily sacrifices are stopped, until someone sets up the “Horrible Thing” that causes destruction. 12God will bless everyone who patiently waits until one thousand three hundred and thirty-five days have gone by.

13So, Daniel, be faithful until the end! You will rest, and at the end of time, you will rise from death to receive your reward.

Daniel 11:2-12:13CEVOpen in Bible reader

Revelation 2

The letter to Ephesus

The risen Lord said:

1This is what you must write to the angel of the church in Ephesus:

I am the one who holds the seven stars in my right hand, and I walk among the seven gold lampstands. Listen to what I say.

2I know everything you have done, including your hard work and how you have endured. I know you won't put up with anyone who is evil. When some people pretended to be apostles, you tested them and found out that they were liars. 3You have endured and gone through hard times because of me, and you have not given up.

4But I do have something against you! And it is this: you don't have as much love as you used to. 5Think about where you have fallen from, and then turn back and do as you did at first. If you don't turn back, I will come and take away your lampstand. 6But there is one thing you are doing right. You hate what the Nicolaitans are doing, and so do I.

7If you have ears, listen to what the Spirit says to the churches. I will let everyone who wins the victory eat from the life-giving tree in God's wonderful garden.

The letter to Smyrna

The risen Lord continued:

8This is what you must write to the angel of the church in Smyrna:

I am the first and the last. I died, but now I am alive! Listen to what I say.

9I know how much you suffer and how poor you are, but you are rich. I also know the cruel things being said about you by people who claim to be Jews. But they are not really Jews. They are a group that belongs to Satan.

10Don't worry about what you will suffer. The devil will throw some of you into jail, and you will be tested and made to suffer for ten days. But if you are faithful until you die, I will reward you with a glorious life.

11If you have ears, listen to what the Spirit says to the churches. Whoever wins the victory will not be hurt by the second death.

The letter to Pergamum

The risen Lord continued:

12This is what you must write to the angel of the church in Pergamum:

I am the one who has the sharp double-edged sword! Listen to what I say.

13I know that you live where Satan has his throne. But you have kept true to my name. There where Satan lives, my faithful witness Antipas was taken from you and put to death. Even then you did not give up your faith in me.

14I do have a few things against you. Some of you are following the teaching of Balaam. Long ago he told Balak to teach the people of Israel to eat food that had been offered to idols and to be immoral. 15Now some of you are following the teaching of the Nicolaitans. 16Turn back! If you don't, I will come quickly and fight against these people. And my words will cut like a sword.

17If you have ears, listen to what the Spirit says to the churches. To everyone who wins the victory, I will give some of the hidden food. I will also give each one a white stone with a new name written on it. No one will know that name except the one who is given the stone.

Revelation 2:1-17CEVOpen in Bible reader
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