Through the Bible – Day 348

Bible text(s)

Hosea 11

God's love for his people

1When Israel was a child,

I loved him, and I called

my son out of Egypt.

2But as the saying goes,

“The more they were called,

the more they rebelled.”

They never stopped offering

incense and sacrifices

to the idols of Baal.

3I took Israel by the arm

and taught them to walk.

But they would not admit

that I was the one

who had healed them.

4I led them with kindness

and with love,

not with ropes.

I held them close to me;

I bent down to feed them.

5But they trusted Egypt

instead of returning to me;

now Assyria will rule them.

6War will visit their cities,

and their plans will fail.

7My people are determined

to reject me for a god

they think is stronger,

but he can't help.

8Israel, I can't let you go.

I can't give you up.

How could I possibly destroy you

as I did the towns of Admah

and Zeboiim?

I just can't do it.

My feelings for you

are much too strong.

9Israel, I won't lose my temper

and destroy you again.

I am the Holy God—

not merely a human being,

and I won't stay angry.

10I, the LORD, will roar like a lion,

and my children will return,

trembling from the west.

11They will come back,

fluttering like birds from Egypt

or like doves from Assyria.

Then I will bring them

back to their homes.

I, the LORD, have spoken!

Israel and Judah are doomed

Israel and Judah compared

12Israel is deceitful to me,

their loyal and holy God;

they surround me with lies,

and Judah worships

other gods.

Hosea 12

1All day long Israel chases

wind from the desert;

deceit and violence

are found everywhere.

Treaties are made with Assyria;

olive oil is taken to Egypt.

Israel and Judah condemned

2The LORD also brings charges

against the people of Judah,

the descendants of Jacob.

He will punish them

for what they have done.

3Even before Jacob was born,

he cheated his brother,

and when he grew up,

he fought against God.

4At Bethel, Jacob wrestled

with an angel and won;

then with tears in his eyes,

he asked for a blessing,

and God spoke to us there.

5God's name is the LORD,

the LORD God All-Powerful.

6So return to your God.

Patiently trust him,

and show love and justice.

7Israel, you enjoy cheating

and taking advantage

of others.

8You say to yourself, “I'm rich!

I earned it all on my own,

without committing a sin.”

The LORD is still the God of Israel

9Israel, I, the LORD,

am still your God,

just as I have been

since the time

you were in Egypt.

Now I will force you

to live in tents once again,

as you did in the desert.

10I spoke to the prophets—

often I spoke in visions.

And so, I will send my prophets

with messages of doom.

11Gilead is terribly sinful

and will end up ruined.

Bulls are sacrificed in Gilgal

on altars made of stones,

but those stones will be scattered

in every field.

12Jacob escaped to Syria

where he tended sheep

to earn himself a wife.

13I sent the prophet Moses

to lead Israel from Egypt

and to keep them safe.

14Israel, I will make you pay

for your terrible sins

and for insulting me.

Hosea 13

Israel is doomed

The LORD said:

1When your leaders spoke,

everyone in Israel trembled

and showed great respect.

But you sinned by worshipping Baal,

and you were destroyed.

2Now you continue to sin

by designing and making

idols of silver

in the shape of calves.

You are told to sacrifice

to these idols

yes, even to kiss them.

3And so, all of you will vanish

like the mist or the dew

of early morning,

or husks of grain in the wind

or smoke from a chimney.

4I, the LORD, have been your God

since the time

you were in Egypt.

I am the only God you know,

the only one who can save.

5I took care of you

in a thirsty desert.

6I fed you till you were satisfied,

then you became proud

and forgot about me.

7Now I will attack like a lion,

ambush you like a leopard,

8and rip you apart like a bear

robbed of her cubs.

I will gnaw on your bones,

as though I were a lion

or some other wild animal.

9Israel, you are done for.

Don't expect help from me.

10You wanted a king and rulers.

Where is your king now?

What cities have rulers?

11In my anger, I gave you a king;

in my fury, I took him away.

Israel's terrible fate

The LORD said:

12Israel, your terrible sins

are written down

and stored away.

13You are like a senseless child

who refuses to be born

at the proper time.

14Should I, the LORD, rescue you

from death and the grave?

No! I call death and the grave

to strike you like a plague.

I refuse to show mercy.

15No matter how much you prosper

more than the other tribes,

I, the LORD, will wipe you out,

just as a scorching desert wind

dries up streams of water.

I will take away

your precious treasures.

16Samaria will be punished

for turning against me.

It will be destroyed in war—

children will be beaten

against rocks,

and pregnant women

will be ripped open.

Hosea 14

Future forgiveness and blessings

Turn back to the LORD

1Israel, return! Come back

to the LORD, your God.

Sin has made you fall.

2Return to the LORD and say,

“Please forgive our sins.

Accept our good sacrifices

of praise instead of bulls.

3Assyria can't save us,

and chariots can't help.

So we will no longer worship

the idols we have made.

Our LORD, you show mercy

to orphans.”

The LORD promises to forgive

4Israel, you have rejected me,

but my anger is gone;

I will heal you and love you

without limit.

5I will be like the dew—

then you will blossom like lilies

and have roots like a tree.

6Your branches will spread

with the beauty

of an olive tree

and with the aroma

of Lebanon Forest.

7You will rest in my shade,

and your grain will grow.

You will blossom

like a vineyard

and be famous as the wine

from Lebanon.

8Israel, give up your idols!

I will answer your prayers

and take care of you.

I am that glorious tree,

the source of your fruit.

9If you are wise, you will know

and understand what I mean.

I am the LORD, and I lead you

along the right path.

If you obey me,

we will walk together,

but if you are wicked,

you will stumble.

Hosea 11:1-14:9CEVOpen in Bible reader

Revelation 5

A scroll with seven seals

The scroll and the Lamb

1In the right hand of the one sitting on the throne I saw a scroll that had writing on the inside and on the outside. And it was sealed in seven places. 2I saw a mighty angel ask with a loud voice, “Who is worthy to open the scroll and break its seals?” 3No one in heaven or on earth or under the earth was able to open the scroll or see inside it.

4I cried hard because no one was found worthy to open the scroll or see inside it. 5Then one of the elders said to me, “Stop crying and look! The one who is called both the ‘Lion from the Tribe of Judah’ and ‘King David's Great Descendant’ has won the victory. He will open the book and its seven seals.”

6Then I looked and saw a Lamb standing in the centre of the throne that was surrounded by the four living creatures and the elders. The Lamb looked as if it had once been killed. It had seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven spirits of God, sent out to all the earth.

7The Lamb went over and took the scroll from the right hand of the one who sat on the throne. 8After he had taken it, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders knelt down before him. Each of them had a harp and a gold bowl full of incense, which are the prayers of God's people. 9Then they sang a new song,

“You are worthy

to receive the scroll

and open its seals,

because you were killed.

And with your own blood

you bought for God

people from every tribe,

language, nation, and race.

10You let them become kings

and serve God as priests,

and they will rule on earth.”

11As I looked, I heard the voices of a lot of angels around the throne and the voices of the living creatures and of the elders. There were millions and millions of them, 12and they were saying in a loud voice,

“The Lamb who was killed

is worthy to receive power,

riches, wisdom, strength,

honour, glory, and praise.”

13Then I heard all beings in heaven and on the earth and under the earth and in the sea offer praise. Together, all of them were saying,

“Praise, honour, glory,

and strength

for ever and ever

to the one who sits

on the throne

and to the Lamb!”

14The four living creatures said “Amen”, while the elders knelt down and worshipped.

Revelation 5:1-14CEVOpen in Bible reader
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