Through the Bible – Day 353

Bible text(s)

Obadiah 1

Edom's pride and punishment

1The LORD God gave Obadiah

a message about Edom,

and this is what we heard:

“I, the LORD, have sent

a messenger

with orders for the nations

to attack Edom.”

2The LORD said to Edom:

I will make you the weakest

and most despised nation.

3You live in a mountain fortress,

because your pride

makes you feel safe from attack,

but you are mistaken.

4I will still bring you down,

even if you fly higher

than an eagle

or nest among the stars.

I, the LORD, have spoken!

5If thieves break in at night,

they steal

only what they want.

And people who harvest grapes

always leave some unpicked.

But, Edom, you are doomed!

6Everything you treasure most

will be taken from you.

7Your allies can't be trusted.

They will force you out

of your own country.

Your best friends

will trick and trap you,

even before you know it.

8Edom, when this happens,

I, the LORD, will destroy

all your marvellous wisdom.

9Warriors from the city of Teman

will be terrified,

and you descendants of Esau

will be wiped out.

Edom's cruelty

The LORD condemns Edom's cruelty

10You were cruel to your relatives,

the descendants of Jacob.

Now you will be destroyed,

disgraced for ever.

11You stood there and watched

as foreigners entered Jerusalem

and took what they wanted.

In fact, you were no better

than those foreigners.

12Why did you celebrate

when such a dreadful disaster

struck your relatives?

Why were you so pleased

when everyone in Judah

was suffering?

13They are my people,

and you were cruel to them.

You went through their towns,

sneering and stealing

whatever was left.

14In their time of torment,

you ambushed refugees

and handed them over

to their attackers.

Victory for Israel

The LORD will judge the nations

15The day is coming

when I, the LORD,

will judge the nations.

And, Edom, you will pay in full

for what you have done.

16I forced the people of Judah

to drink the wine of my anger

on my sacred mountain.

Soon the neighbouring nations

must drink their fill—

then vanish without a trace.

Victory for Israel

17The LORD's people who escape

will go to Mount Zion,

and it will be holy.

Then Jacob's descendants

will capture the land of those

who took their land.

18Israel will be a fire,

and Edom will be straw

going up in flames.

The LORD has spoken!

19The people of Israel

who live in the Southern Desert

will take the land of Edom.

Those who live in the hills

will capture Philistia,

Ephraim, and Samaria.

And the tribe of Benjamin

will conquer Gilead.

20Those who return from captivity

will control Phoenicia

as far as Zarephath.

Captives from Jerusalem

who were taken to Sepharad

will capture the towns

of the Southern Desert.

21Those the LORD has saved

will live on Mount Zion

and rule over Edom.

Then the kingdom will belong

to the LORD.

Obadiah 1:1-21CEVOpen in Bible reader

Revelation 10

The angel and the little scroll

1I saw another powerful angel come down from heaven. This one was covered with a cloud, and a rainbow was over his head. His face was like the sun, his legs were like columns of fire, 2and with his hand he held a little scroll that had been unrolled. He stood there with his right foot on the sea and his left foot on the land. 3Then he shouted with a voice that sounded like a growling lion. Thunder roared seven times.

4After the thunder stopped, I was about to write what it had said. But a voice from heaven shouted, “Keep it secret! Don't write these things.”

5The angel I had seen standing on the sea and the land then held his right hand up towards heaven. 6He made a promise in the name of God who lives for ever and who created heaven, earth, the sea, and every living creature. The angel said, “You won't have to wait any longer. 7God told his secret plans to his servants the prophets, and it will all happen by the time the seventh angel sounds his trumpet.”

8Once again the voice from heaven spoke to me. It said, “Go and take the open scroll from the hand of the angel standing on the sea and the land.”

9When I went over to ask the angel for the little scroll, the angel said, “Take the scroll and eat it! Your stomach will turn sour, but the taste in your mouth will be as sweet as honey.” 10I took the little scroll from the hand of the angel and ate it. The taste was as sweet as honey, but my stomach turned sour.

11Then some voices said, “Keep on telling what will happen to the people of many nations, races, and languages, and also to kings.”

Revelation 10:1-11CEVOpen in Bible reader
Canadian Bible Societyv.4.29.1
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