Through the Bible – Day 84

Bible text(s)

Judges 3

Othniel, Ehud, and Shamgar


7The Israelites sinned against the LORD by forgetting him and worshipping idols of Baal and Astarte. 8This made the LORD angry, so he let Israel be defeated by King Cushan Rishathaim of northern Syria, who ruled Israel eight years and made everyone pay taxes. 9The Israelites begged the LORD for help, and he chose Othniel to rescue them. Othniel was the son of Caleb's younger brother Kenaz. 10The Spirit of the LORD took control of Othniel, and he led Israel in a war against Cushan Rishathaim. The LORD gave Othniel victory, 11and Israel was at peace until Othniel died about forty years later.


12Once more the Israelites started disobeying the LORD. So he let them be defeated by King Eglon of Moab, 13who had joined forces with the Ammonites and the Amalekites to attack Israel. Eglon and his army captured Jericho. 14Then he ruled Israel for eighteen years and forced the Israelites to pay heavy taxes.

15-16The Israelites begged the LORD for help, and the LORD chose Ehud from the Benjamin tribe to rescue them. They put Ehud in charge of taking the taxes to King Eglon, but before Ehud went, he made a double-edged dagger. Ehud was left-handed, so he strapped the dagger to his right thigh, where it would be hidden under his robes.

17-18Ehud and some other Israelites took the taxes to Eglon, who was a very fat man. As soon as they gave the taxes to Eglon, Ehud said it was time to go home.

19-20Ehud went with the other Israelites as far as the statues at Gilgal. Then he turned back and went upstairs to the cool room where Eglon had his throne. Ehud said, “Your Majesty, I need to talk with you in private.”

Eglon replied, “Don't say anything yet!” His officials left the room, and Eglon stood up as Ehud came closer.

“Yes,” Ehud said, “I have a message for you from God!” 21Ehud pulled out the dagger with his left hand and shoved it so far into Eglon's stomach 22-23that even the handle was buried in his fat. Ehud left the dagger there. Then after closing and locking the doors to the room, he climbed through a window on to the porch 24and left.

When the king's officials came back and saw that the doors were locked, they said, “The king is probably inside relieving himself.” 25They stood there waiting until they felt foolish, but Eglon never opened the doors. Finally, they unlocked the doors and found King Eglon lying dead on the floor. 26But by that time, Ehud had already escaped past the statues.

Ehud went to the town of Seirah 27-28in the hill country of Ephraim and started blowing a signal on a trumpet. The Israelites came together, and he shouted, “Follow me! The LORD will help us defeat the Moabites.”

The Israelites followed Ehud down to the Jordan valley, and they captured the places where people cross the river on the way to Moab. They would not let anyone go across, 29and before the fighting was over, they killed about ten thousand Moabite warriors—not one escaped alive.

30Moab was so badly defeated that it was a long time before they were strong enough to attack Israel again. And Israel was at peace for eighty years.


31Shamgar the son of Anath was the next to rescue Israel. In one battle, he used a sharp wooden pole to kill six hundred Philistines.

Judges 4

Deborah, Barak, and Jael

Deborah and Barak

1After the death of Ehud, the Israelites again started disobeying the LORD. 2So the LORD let the Canaanite King Jabin of Hazor conquer Israel. Sisera, the commander of Jabin's army, lived in Harosheth-Ha-Goiim. 3Jabin's army had nine hundred iron chariots, and for twenty years he made life miserable for the Israelites, until finally they begged the LORD for help.

4Deborah the wife of Lappidoth was a prophet and a leader of Israel during those days. 5She would sit under Deborah's Palm Tree between Ramah and Bethel in the hill country of Ephraim, where Israelites would come and ask her to settle their legal cases.

6One day, Barak the son of Abinoam was in Kedesh in Naphtali, and Deborah sent word for him to come and talk with her. When he arrived, she said:

I have a message for you from the LORD God of Israel! You are to get together an army of ten thousand men from the Naphtali and Zebulun tribes and lead them to Mount Tabor. 7The LORD will trick Sisera into coming out to fight you at the River Kishon. Sisera will be leading King Jabin's army as usual, and they will have their chariots, but the LORD has promised to help you defeat them.

8“I'm not going unless you go!” Barak told her.

9“All right, I'll go!” she replied. “But I'm warning you that the LORD is going to let a woman defeat Sisera, and no one will honour you for winning the battle.”

Deborah and Barak left for Kedesh, 10where Barak called together the troops from Zebulun and Naphtali. Ten thousand soldiers gathered there, and Barak led them out from Kedesh. Deborah went too.

11At this time, Heber of the Kenite clan was living near the village of Oak in Zaanannim, not far from Kedesh. The Kenites were descendants of Hobab, the father-in-law of Moses, but Heber had moved and had set up his tents away from the rest of the clan.

12When Sisera learnt that Barak had led an army to Mount Tabor, 13he called his troops together and got all nine hundred iron chariots ready. Then he led his army away from Harosheth-Ha-Goiim to the River Kishon.

14Deborah shouted, “Barak, it's time to attack Sisera! Because today the LORD is going to help you defeat him. In fact, the LORD has already gone on ahead to fight for you.”

Barak led his ten thousand troops down from Mount Tabor. 15And during the battle, the LORD confused Sisera, his chariot drivers, and his whole army. Everyone was so afraid of Barak and his army, that even Sisera jumped down from his chariot and tried to escape. 16Barak's forces went after Sisera's chariots and army as far as Harosheth-Ha-Goiim.

Sisera's entire army was wiped out. 17Only Sisera escaped. He ran to Heber's camp, because Heber and his family had a peace treaty with the king of Hazor. Sisera went to the tent that belonged to Jael, Heber's wife. 18She came out to greet him and said, “Come in, sir! Please come on in. Don't be afraid.”

After they had gone inside, Sisera lay down, and Jael covered him with a blanket. 19“Could I have a little water?” he asked. “I'm thirsty.”

Jael opened a leather bottle and poured him some milk, then she covered him up again.

20“Stand at the entrance to the tent,” Sisera told her. “If someone comes by and asks if anyone is inside, tell them ‘No.’ ”

21Sisera was exhausted and soon fell fast asleep. Jael took a hammer and drove a tent peg through his head into the ground, and he died.

22Meanwhile, Barak had been following Sisera, and Jael went out to meet him. “The man you're looking for is inside,” she said. “Come in and I'll show him to you.”

They went inside, and there was Sisera—dead and stretched out with a tent peg through his skull.

23That same day the Israelites defeated the Canaanite King Jabin, and his army was no longer powerful enough to attack the Israelites. 24Jabin grew weaker while the Israelites kept growing stronger, and at last the Israelites destroyed him.

Judges 5

Deborah and Barak sing for the LORD

1After the battle was over that day, Deborah and Barak sang this song:

2We praise you, LORD!

Our soldiers volunteered,

ready to follow you.

3Listen, kings and rulers,

while I sing for the LORD,

the God of Israel.

4-5Our LORD, God of Israel,

when you came from Seir,

where the Edomites live,

rain poured from the sky,

the earth trembled,

and mountains shook.

6In the time of Shamgar

son of Anath,

and now again in Jael's time,

roads were too dangerous

for caravans.

Travellers had to take

the back roads,

7and villagers couldn't work

in their fields.

Then Deborah took command,

protecting Israel as a mother

protects her children.

8The Israelites worshipped

other gods,

and the gates of their towns

were then attacked.

But they had no shields

or spears to fight with.

9I praise you, LORD,

and I am grateful

for those leaders and soldiers

who volunteered.

10Listen, everyone!

Whether you ride a donkey

with a padded saddle

or have to walk.

11Even those who carry water

to the animals will tell you,

“The LORD has won victories,

and so has Israel.”

Then the LORD's people marched

down to the town gates

12and said, “Deborah, let's go!

Let's sing as we march.

Barak, capture our enemies.”

13The LORD's people who were left

joined with their leaders

and fought at my side.

14Troops came from Ephraim,

where Amalekites once lived.

Others came from Benjamin;

officers and leaders came

from Machir and Zebulun.

15The rulers of Issachar

came along with Deborah,

and Issachar followed Barak

into the valley.

But the tribe of Reuben

was no help at all!

16Reuben, why did you stay

among your sheep pens?

Was it to listen to shepherds

whistling for their sheep?

No one could understand

why Reuben wouldn't come.

17The people of Gilead stayed

across the Jordan.

Why did the tribe of Dan

remain on their ships

and the tribe of Asher

stay along the coast

near the harbours?

18But soldiers of Zebulun

and Naphtali

risked their lives

to attack the enemy.

19Canaanite kings fought us

at Taanach by the stream

near Megiddo

but they couldn't rob us

of our silver.

20From their pathways in the sky

the stars fought Sisera,

21and his soldiers were swept away

by the ancient River Kishon.

I will march on and be brave.

22Sisera's horses galloped off,

their hoofs thundering

in retreat.

23The LORD's angel said,

“Put a curse on Meroz Town!

Its people refused

to help the LORD fight

his powerful enemies.”

24But honour Jael,

the wife of Heber

from the Kenite clan.

Give more honour to her

than to any other woman

who lives in tents.

Yes, give more honour to her

than to any other woman.

25Sisera asked for water,

but Jael gave him milk—

cream in a fine cup.

26She reached for a tent peg

and held a hammer

in her right hand.

And with a blow to the head,

she crushed his skull.

27Sisera sank to his knees

and fell dead at her feet.

28Sisera's mother looked out

through her window.

“Why is he taking so long?”

she asked.

“Why haven't we heard

his chariots coming?”

29She and her wisest women

gave the same answer:

30“Sisera and his troops

are finding treasures

to bring back—

a woman, or perhaps two,

for each man,

and beautiful dresses

for those women to wear.”

31Our LORD, we pray

that all your enemies

will die like Sisera.

But let everyone who loves you

shine brightly like the sun

at dawn.

Judges 6


Midian steals everything from Israel

There was peace in Israel for about forty years. 1Then once again the Israelites started disobeying the LORD, so he let the nation of Midian control Israel for seven years. 2The Midianites were so cruel that many Israelites ran to the mountains and hid in caves.

3Every time the Israelites would plant crops, the Midianites invaded Israel together with the Amalekites and other eastern nations. 4-5They rode in on their camels, set up their tents, and then let their livestock eat the crops as far as the town of Gaza. The Midianites stole food, sheep, cattle, and donkeys. Like a swarm of locusts, they could not be counted, and they ruined the land wherever they went.

6-7The Midianites took almost everything that belonged to the Israelites, and the Israelites begged the LORD for help. 8-9Then the LORD sent a prophet to them with this message:

I am the LORD God of Israel, so listen to what I say. You were slaves in Egypt, but I set you free and led you out of Egypt into this land. And when nations here made life miserable for you, I rescued you and helped you get rid of them and take their land. 10I am your God, and I told you not to worship Amorite gods, even though you are living in the land of the Amorites. But you refused to listen.

Judges 3:7-6:10CEVOpen in Bible reader

Luke 2

Simeon praises the Lord

22The time came for Mary and Joseph to do what the Law of Moses says a mother is supposed to do after her baby is born.

They took Jesus to the temple in Jerusalem and presented him to the Lord, 23just as the Law of the Lord says, “Each firstborn baby boy belongs to the Lord.” 24The Law of the Lord also says that parents have to offer a sacrifice, giving at least a pair of doves or two young pigeons. So that is what Mary and Joseph did.

25At this time a man named Simeon was living in Jerusalem. Simeon was a good man. He loved God and was waiting for God to save the people of Israel. God's Spirit came to him 26and told him that he would not die until he had seen Christ the Lord.

27When Mary and Joseph brought Jesus to the temple to do what the Law of Moses says should be done for a new baby, the Spirit told Simeon to go into the temple. 28Simeon took the baby Jesus in his arms and praised God,

29“Lord, I am your servant,

and now I can die in peace,

because you have kept

your promise to me.

30With my own eyes I have seen

what you have done

to save your people,

31and foreign nations

will also see this.

32Your mighty power is a light

for all nations,

and it will bring honour

to your people Israel.”

33Jesus' parents were surprised at what Simeon had said. 34Then he blessed them and told Mary, “This child of yours will cause many people in Israel to fall and others to stand. The child will be like a warning sign. Many people will reject him, 35and you, Mary, will suffer as though you had been stabbed by a dagger. But all this will show what people are really thinking.”

Anna speaks about the child Jesus

36The prophet Anna was also there in the temple. She was the daughter of Phanuel from the tribe of Asher, and she was very old. In her youth she had been married for seven years, but her husband had died. 37And now she was eighty-four years old. Night and day she served God in the temple by praying and often going without eating.

38At that time Anna came in and praised God. She spoke about the child Jesus to everyone who hoped for Jerusalem to be set free.

The return to Nazareth

39After Joseph and Mary had done everything that the Law of the Lord commands, they returned home to Nazareth in Galilee. 40The child Jesus grew. He became strong and wise, and God blessed him.

Luke 2:22-40CEVOpen in Bible reader
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