
a. Why do you think people discriminate against those who are ethnically, religiously, or culturally different from them?

b. How is racism or the mistreatment of those who are different evident in society?

c. Are there barriers that prevent the poor and those who are ethnically or religiously different from mainstream society from improving the quality of their lives? If so, what do you think they may be?

d. In what ways do you think you can address the issues of racism and discrimination, and make a difference?

Bible text(s)

Galatians 3

28Faith in Christ Jesus is what makes each of you equal with each other, whether you are a Jew or a Greek, a slave or a free person, a man or a woman.

Galatians 3:28CEVOpen in Bible reader

For millennia, the Word of God has spoken to the issue of racism. The Bible provides a perspective on humankind that is necessary to know and understand today.

The study What the Bible Says About Race opens the Bible and helps one hear its truth, and challenges the reader to live more justly towards all people.

We invite you to check the video series What the Bible Says About Race, where Canadians share their thoughts on the verses you have encountered in this Bible study. Watch at

The Canadian Bible Society’s mission is to help the world hear God speak through His Unchanging Word. Where people are at risk, when faith is under siege, to millions craving hope and a generation seeking purpose, God speaks. We help them hear.

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