Through the Bible – Day 231

Bible text(s)

Psalms 143

(A psalm by David.)

A prayer in time of danger

1Listen, LORD, as I pray!

You are faithful and honest

and will answer my prayer.

2I am your servant.

Don't try me in your court,

because no one is innocent

by your standards.

3My enemies are chasing me,

crushing me in the ground.

I am in total darkness,

like someone long dead.

4I have given up all hope,

and I feel numb all over.

5I remember to think about

the many things you did

in years gone by.

6Then I lift my hands in prayer,

because my soul is a desert,

thirsty for water from you.

7Please hurry, LORD,

and answer my prayer.

I feel hopeless.

Don't turn away

and leave me here to die.

8Each morning let me learn

more about your love

because I trust you.

I come to you in prayer,

asking for your guidance.

9Please rescue me

from my enemies, LORD!

I come to you for safety.

10You are my God. Show me

what you want me to do,

and let your gentle Spirit

lead me in the right path.

11Be true to your name, LORD,

and keep my life safe.

Use your saving power

to protect me from trouble.

12I am your servant.

Show how much you love me

by destroying my enemies.

Psalms 144

(By David.)

A prayer for the nation

1I praise you, LORD!

You are my mighty rock,

and you teach me

how to fight my battles.

2You are my friend,

and you are my fortress

where I am safe.

You are my shield,

and you made me the ruler

of our people.

3Why do we humans mean anything

to you, our LORD?

Why do you care about us?

4We disappear like a breath;

we last no longer

than a faint shadow.

5Open the heavens like a curtain

and come down, LORD.

Touch the mountains

and make them send up smoke.

6Use your lightning as arrows

to scatter my enemies

and make them run away.

7Reach down from heaven

and set me free.

Save me from the mighty flood

8of those lying foreigners

who can't tell the truth.

9In praise of you, our God,

I will sing a new song,

while playing my harp.

10By your power, kings win wars,

and your servant David is saved

from deadly swords.

11Won't you keep me safe

from those lying foreigners

who can't tell the truth?

12Let's pray that our young sons

will grow like strong plants

and that our daughters

will be as lovely as columns

in the corner of a palace.

13May our barns be filled

with all kinds of crops.

May our fields be covered

with sheep by the thousands,

14and every cow have calves.

Don't let our city be captured

or any of us be taken away,

and don't let cries of sorrow

be heard in our streets.

15Our LORD and our God,

you give these blessings

to all who worship you.

Psalms 145

(By David for praise.)

The LORD is kind and merciful

1I will praise you,

my God and King,

and always honour your name.

2I will praise you each day

and always honour your name.

3You are wonderful, LORD,

and you deserve all praise,

because you are much greater

than anyone can understand.

4Each generation will announce

to the next your wonderful

and powerful deeds.

5I will keep thinking about

your marvellous glory

and your mighty miracles.

6Everyone will talk about

your fearsome deeds,

and I will tell all nations

how great you are.

7They will celebrate and sing

about your matchless mercy

and your power to save.

8You are merciful, LORD!

You are kind and patient

and always loving.

9You are good to everyone,

and you take care

of all your creation.

10All creation will thank you,

and your loyal people

will praise you.

11They will tell about

your marvellous kingdom

and your power.

12Then everyone will know about

the mighty things you do

and your glorious kingdom.

13Your kingdom will never end,

and you will rule for ever.

Our LORD, you keep your word

and do everything you say.

14When someone stumbles or falls,

you give a helping hand.

15Everyone depends on you,

and when the time is right,

you provide them with food.

16By your own hand you satisfy

the desires of all who live.

17Our LORD, everything you do

is kind and thoughtful,

18and you are near to everyone

whose prayers are sincere.

19You satisfy the desires

of all your worshippers,

and you come to save them

when they ask for help.

20You take care of everyone

who loves you,

but you destroy the wicked.

21I will praise you, LORD,

and everyone will respect

your holy name for ever.

Psalms 143:1-145:21CEVOpen in Bible reader

1 Corinthians 2

Telling about Christ and the cross

1Friends, when I came and told you the mystery that God had shared with us, I didn't use big words or try to sound wise. 2In fact, while I was with you, I made up my mind to speak only about Jesus Christ, who had been nailed to a cross.

3At first, I was weak and trembling with fear. 4When I talked with you or preached, I didn't try to prove anything by sounding wise. I simply let God's Spirit show his power. 5That way you would have faith because of God's power and not because of human wisdom.

6We do use wisdom when speaking to people who are mature in their faith. But it isn't the wisdom of this world or of its rulers, who will soon disappear. 7We speak of God's hidden and mysterious wisdom that God decided to use for our glory long before the world began. 8The rulers of this world didn't know anything about this wisdom. If they had known about it, they would not have nailed the glorious Lord to a cross. 9But it is just as the Scriptures say,

“What God has planned

for people who love him

is more than eyes have seen

or ears have heard.

It has never even

entered our minds!”

10God's Spirit has shown you everything. His Spirit finds out everything, even what is deep in the mind of God. 11You are the only one who knows what is in your own mind, and God's Spirit is the only one who knows what is in God's mind. 12But God has given us his Spirit. That's why we don't think the same way that the people of this world think. That's also why we can recognize the blessings that God has given us.

13Every word we speak was taught to us by God's Spirit, not by human wisdom. And this same Spirit helps us teach spiritual things to spiritual people. 14That's why only someone who has God's Spirit can understand spiritual blessings. Anyone who doesn't have God's Spirit thinks these blessings are foolish. 15People who are guided by the Spirit can make all kinds of judgments, but they cannot be judged by others. 16The Scriptures ask,

“Has anyone ever known

the thoughts of the Lord

or given him advice?”

But we understand what Christ is thinking.

1 Corinthians 2:1-16CEVOpen in Bible reader
Canadian Bible Societyv.4.29.1
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