Through the Bible – Day 232

Bible text(s)

Psalms 146

Shout praises to the LORD

1Shout praises to the LORD!

With all that I am,

I will shout his praises.

2I will sing and praise

the LORD God

for as long as I live.

3You can't depend on anyone,

not even a great leader.

4Once they die and are buried,

that will be the end

of all their plans.

5The LORD God of Jacob blesses

everyone who trusts him

and depends on him.

6God made heaven and earth;

he created the sea

and everything else.

God always keeps his word.

7He gives justice to the poor

and food to the hungry.

The LORD sets prisoners free

8and heals blind eyes.

He gives a helping hand

to everyone who falls.

The LORD loves good people

9and looks after strangers.

He defends the rights

of orphans and widows,

but destroys the wicked.

10The LORD God of Zion

will rule for ever!

Shout praises to the LORD!

Psalms 147

Sing and praise the LORD

1Shout praises to the LORD!

Our God is kind,

and it is right and good

to sing praises to him.

2The LORD rebuilds Jerusalem

and brings the people of Israel

back home again.

3He renews our hopes

and heals our bodies.

4He decided how many stars

there would be in the sky

and gave each one a name.

5Our LORD is great and powerful!

He understands everything.

6The LORD helps the poor,

but he pulls the wicked

to the ground.

7Celebrate and sing!

Play your harps

for the LORD our God.

8He fills the sky with clouds

and sends rain to the earth,

so that the hills

will be green with grass.

9He provides food for cattle

and for the young ravens,

when they cry out.

10The LORD doesn't care about

the strength of horses

or powerful armies.

11The LORD is pleased only

with those who worship him

and trust his love.

12Everyone in Jerusalem,

come and praise

the LORD your God!

13He makes your city gates strong

and blesses your people

by giving them children.

14God lets you live in peace,

and he gives you

the very best wheat.

15As soon as God speaks,

the earth obeys.

16He covers the ground with snow

like a blanket of wool,

and he scatters frost

like ashes on the ground.

17God sends down hailstones

like chips of rocks.

Who can stand the cold?

18At his command the ice melts,

the wind blows,

and streams begin to flow.

19God gave his laws and teachings

to the descendants of Jacob,

the nation of Israel.

20But he has not given his laws

to any other nation.

Shout praises to the LORD!

Psalms 148

Come, praise the LORD

1Shout praises to the LORD!

Shout the LORD's praises

in the highest heavens.

2All you angels,

and all who serve him above,

come and offer praise.

3Sun and moon,

and all you bright stars,

come and offer praise.

4Highest heavens, and the water

above the highest heavens,

come and offer praise.

5Let all things praise

the name of the LORD,

because they were created

at his command.

6He made them to last for ever,

and nothing can change

what he has done.

7All creatures on earth,

you obey his commands,

so come, praise the LORD!

8Sea monsters and the deep sea,

fire and hail, snow and frost,

and every stormy wind,

come, praise the LORD!

9All mountains and hills,

fruit trees and cedars,

10every wild and tame animal,

all reptiles and birds,

come, praise the LORD!

11Every king and every ruler,

all nations on earth,

12every man and every woman,

young people and old,

come, praise the LORD!

13All creation, come and praise

the name of the LORD.

Praise his name alone.

The glory of God is greater

than heaven and earth.

14Like a bull with mighty horns,

the LORD protects

his faithful nation Israel,

because they belong to him.

Shout praises to the LORD!

Psalms 149

A new song of praise

1Shout praises to the LORD!

Sing him a new song of praise

when his loyal people meet.

2People of Israel, rejoice

because of your Creator.

People of Zion, celebrate

because of your King.

3Praise his name by dancing

and playing music on harps

and tambourines.

4The LORD is pleased

with his people,

and he gives victory

to those who are humble.

5All you faithful people,

praise our glorious Lord!

Celebrate and worship.

6Praise God with songs

on your lips

and a sword in your hand.

7Take revenge and punish

the nations.

8Put chains of iron

on their kings and rulers.

9Punish them as they deserve;

this is the privilege

of God's faithful people.

Shout praises to the LORD!

Psalms 150

The LORD is good to his people

1Shout praises to the LORD!

Praise God in his temple.

Praise him in heaven,

his mighty fortress.

2Praise our God!

His deeds are wonderful,

too marvellous to describe.

3Praise God with trumpets

and all kinds of harps.

4Praise him with tambourines

and dancing,

with stringed instruments

and woodwinds.

5Praise God with cymbals,

with clashing cymbals.

6Let every living creature

praise the LORD.

Shout praises to the LORD!

Psalms 146:1-150:6CEVOpen in Bible reader

1 Corinthians 3

Working together for God

1My friends, you are acting like the people of this world. That's why I could not speak to you as spiritual people. You are like babies as far as your faith in Christ is concerned. 2So I had to treat you like babies and feed you milk. You could not take solid food, and you still cannot, 3because you are not yet spiritual. You are jealous and argue with each other. This proves that you are not spiritual and that you are acting like the people of this world.

4Some of you say that you follow me, and others claim to follow Apollos. Isn't that how ordinary people behave? 5Apollos and I are merely servants who helped you to have faith. It was the Lord who made it all happen. 6I planted the seeds, Apollos watered them, but God made them sprout and grow. 7What matters isn't those who planted or watered, but God who made the plants grow. 8The one who plants is just as important as the one who waters. And each one will be paid for what they do. 9Apollos and I work together for God, and you are God's garden and God's building.

Only one foundation

10God was kind and let me become an expert builder. I laid a foundation on which others have built. But we must each be careful how we build, 11because Christ is the only foundation. 12-13Whatever we build on that foundation will be tested by fire on the day of judgment. Then everyone will find out if we have used gold, silver, and precious stones, or wood, hay, and straw. 14We will be rewarded if our building is left standing. 15But if it is destroyed by the fire, we will lose everything. Yet we ourselves will be saved, like someone escaping from flames.

16All of you know that you are God's temple and that his Spirit lives in you. 17Together you are God's holy temple, and God will destroy anyone who destroys his temple.

18Don't fool yourselves! If any of you think you are wise in the things of this world, you will have to become foolish before you can be truly wise. 19This is because God considers the wisdom of this world to be foolish. It is just as the Scriptures say, “God catches the wise when they try to outsmart him.” 20The Scriptures also say, “The Lord knows that the plans made by wise people are useless.” 21-22So stop boasting about what anyone has done. Paul and Apollos and Peter all belong to you. In fact, everything is yours, including the world, life, death, the present, and the future. Everything belongs to you, 23and you belong to Christ, and Christ belongs to God.

1 Corinthians 3:1-23CEVOpen in Bible reader
Canadian Bible Societyv.4.29.1
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