Through the Bible – Day 327

Bible text(s)

Ezekiel 23

Two sinful sisters

1The LORD said:

2Ezekiel, son of man, listen to this story about two sisters. 3While they were young and living in Egypt, they became prostitutes. 4The elder one was named Oholah, which stands for Samaria; the younger one was Oholibah, which stands for Jerusalem. They became my wives and gave birth to my children.

5Even though Oholah was my wife, she continued to be a prostitute and chased after Assyrian lovers. 6She offered herself to soldiers in purple uniforms, to every handsome, high-ranking officer, and to cavalry troops. 7She had sex with all the important Assyrian officials and even worshipped their disgusting idols. 8Once she started doing these things in Egypt, she never stopped. Men slept with her, and she was always ready for sex.

9So I gave Oholah to the Assyrian lovers she wanted so badly. 10They ripped off her clothes, then captured her children and killed her. Women everywhere talked about what had happened to Oholah.

11Oholibah saw all this, but she was more sinful and wanted sex more than her sister Oholah ever did. 12Oholibah also chased after good-looking Assyrian officers, uniformed soldiers, and cavalry troops. 13Just like her sister, she did vulgar things.

14But Oholibah behaved worse than her sister. Oholibah saw images of Babylonian men carved into walls and painted red. 15They had belts around their waists and large turbans on their heads, and they reminded her of Babylonian cavalry officers. 16As soon as she looked at them, she wanted to have sex with them. And so, she sent messengers to bring them to her. 17Men from Babylonia came and had sex with her so many times that she got disgusted with them. 18She let everyone see her naked body and didn't care if they knew she was a prostitute. That's why I turned my back on her, just as I had done with her elder sister.

19Oholibah didn't stop there, but became even more immoral and acted as she had back in Egypt. 20She eagerly wanted to go to bed with Egyptian men, who were famous for their sexual powers. 21And she longed for the days when she was a young prostitute, when men enjoyed having sex with her.

The LORD will punish Oholibah

22The LORD God said:

Oholibah, though you no longer want to be with your lovers, they will surround you like enemies, when I turn them against you. 23I will gather all the handsome young officials and the high-ranking cavalry officers from Babylonia and Assyria, as well as from the Chaldean tribes of Pekod, Shoa, and Koa. 24Their large armies will come from the north with chariots and wagons carrying weapons. They will wear shields and helmets and will surround you, and I will let them judge and sentence you according to their own laws. 25I am angry with you, so I will let them be very cruel. They will cut off your nose and ears; they will kill your children and put to death anyone in your family who is still alive. 26Your clothes and jewellery will be torn off. 27I will stop your wickedness and the prostitution you started back in Egypt. You will never want to think about those days again.

28I, the LORD God, am ready to hand you over to those hateful enemies that you find so disgusting. 29They will cruelly take away everything you have worked for and strip you naked. Then everyone will see you for the prostitute you really are. Your own vulgar sins 30have led to this. You were the one determined to have sex with men from other nations and to worship their idols. 31You have turned out no better than your elder sister, and now you must drink from the cup filled with my anger.

32I, the LORD God, gave your sister a large, deep cup filled with my anger. And when you drink from that cup, you will be mocked and insulted. 33You will end up drunk and devastated, because that cup is filled with horror and ruin. 34But you must drink every drop! Then smash the cup to pieces and use them to cut your breasts in sorrow. I, the LORD God, have spoken.

35You have completely rejected me, and so I promise that you will be punished for the disgusting things you did as a prostitute.

The two sisters are condemned

36The LORD said:

Ezekiel, son of man, it's time for you to tell Oholah and Oholibah that they are guilty. Remind them of their evil ways! 37They have been unfaithful by worshipping idols, and they have committed murder by sacrificing my own children as offerings to idols. 38-39They came into my temple that same day, and that made it unfit as a place to worship me. They have even stopped respecting the Sabbath.

40They sent messengers to attract men from far away. When those men arrived, the two sisters took baths and put on eye shadow and jewellery. 41They sat on a fine couch, and in front of them was a table for the olive oil and incense that had belonged to me. 42Their room was always filled with a noisy crowd of drunkards brought in from the desert. These men gave the women bracelets and beautiful crowns, 43and I noticed that the men were eager to have sex with these women, though they were exhausted from being prostitutes. 44In fact, the men had sex over and over with Oholah and Oholibah, the two sinful sisters. 45But good men will some day accuse those two of murder and of being unfaithful, because they are certainly guilty.

46So I, the LORD God, now say to these sisters:

I will call together an angry mob that will abuse and rob you. 47They will stone you to death and cut you to pieces; they will kill your children and burn down your houses. 48I will get rid of sinful prostitution in this country, so that women everywhere will be warned not to act as you have. 49You will be punished for becoming prostitutes and for worshipping idols, and you will know that I am the LORD God.

Ezekiel 24

A cooking pot

1Nine years after King Jehoiachin and the rest of us had been led away as prisoners to Babylonia, the LORD spoke to me on the tenth day of the tenth month. He said:

2Ezekiel, son of man, write down today's date, because the king of Babylonia has just begun attacking the city of Jerusalem. 3Then tell my rebellious people:

“Pour water in a cooking pot

and set it over a fire.

4-5Throw in the legs and shoulders

of your finest sheep

and put in the juicy bones.

Pile wood underneath the pot,

and let the meat and bones

boil until they are done.”

6These words mean that Jerusalem is doomed! The city is filled with murderers and is like an old, rusty pot. The meat is taken out piece by piece, and no one cares what happens to it. 7The people of Jerusalem murdered innocent people in the city and didn't even try to cover-up the blood that flowed out on the hard ground. 8But I have seen that blood, and it cries out for me to take revenge.

9I, the LORD God, will punish that city of violence! I will make a huge pile of firewood, 10so bring more wood and light it. Cook the meat and boil away the broth to let the bones scorch. 11Then set the empty pot over the hot coals until it is red-hot. That will clean the pot and burn off the rust. 12I've tried everything else. Now the rust must be burnt away.

13Jerusalem is so full of sin and evil that I can't get it clean, even though I have tried. It will stay filthy until I let loose my fierce anger against it. 14That time will certainly come! And when it does, I won't show the people of Jerusalem any pity or change my mind. They must be punished for the evil they have done. I, the LORD God, have spoken.

Ezekiel's wife dies

15The LORD said, 16“Ezekiel, son of man, I will suddenly take the life of the person you love most. But I don't want you to complain or cry. 17Mourn in silence and don't show that you are grieving. Don't remove your turban or take off your sandals; don't cover your face to show your sorrow, or eat the food that mourners eat.”

18One morning, I was talking with the people as usual, and by sunset my wife was dead. The next day I did what the LORD told me, 19and when people saw me, they asked, “Why aren't you mourning for your wife?”

20I answered:

The LORD God says 21he is ready to destroy the temple in which you take such pride and which makes you feel so safe. Your children who now live in Jerusalem will be killed. 22Then you will do the same things I have done. You will leave your face uncovered and refuse to eat the food that mourners usually eat. 23You won't take off your turbans and your sandals. You won't cry or mourn, but all day long you will go around groaning because of your sins.

24I am a warning sign—everything I have done, you will also do. And then you will know the LORD God has made these things happen.

25The LORD said, “Ezekiel, I will soon destroy the temple that makes everyone feel proud and safe, and I will take away their children as well. 26On that same day, someone will escape from the city and come to tell you what has happened. 27Then you will be able to speak again, and the two of you will talk. You will be a warning sign to the people, and they will know that I am the LORD.”

Ezekiel 23:1-24:27CEVOpen in Bible reader

1 Peter 2

Live as God's servants should

11Dear friends, you are foreigners and strangers on this earth. So I beg you not to surrender to those desires that fight against you. 12Always let others see you behaving properly, even though they may still accuse you of doing wrong. Then on the day of judgment, they will honour God by telling the good things they saw you do.

13The Lord wants you to obey all human authorities, especially the Emperor, who rules over everyone. 14You must also obey governors, because they are sent by the Emperor to punish criminals and to praise good citizens. 15God wants you to silence stupid and ignorant people by doing right. 16You are free, but still you are God's servants, and you must not use your freedom as an excuse for doing wrong. 17Respect everyone and show special love for God's people. Honour God and respect the Emperor.

The example of Christ's suffering

18Servants, you must obey your masters and always show respect to them. Do this, not only to those who are kind and thoughtful, but also to those who are cruel. 19God will bless you, even if others treat you unfairly for being loyal to him. 20You don't gain anything by being punished for some wrong you have done. But God will bless you, if you have to suffer for doing something good. 21After all, God chose you to suffer as you follow in the footsteps of Christ, who set an example by suffering for you.

22Christ did not sin

or ever tell a lie.

23Although he was abused,

he never tried to get even.

And when he suffered,

he made no threats.

Instead, he had faith in God,

who judges fairly.

24Christ carried the burden

of our sins.

He was nailed to the cross,

so that we would stop sinning

and start living right.

By his cuts and bruises

you are healed.

25You had wandered away

like sheep.

Now you have returned

to the one

who is your shepherd

and protector.

1 Peter 2:11-25CEVOpen in Bible reader
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