Through the Bible – Day 328

Bible text(s)

Ezekiel 25

Judgment on foreign nations

Judgment on Ammon

1The LORD God said:

2Ezekiel, son of man, condemn the people of Ammon 3and tell them:

You celebrated when my temple was destroyed, when Israel was defeated, and when my people were taken away as prisoners. 4Now I am going to let you be conquered by tribes from the eastern desert. They will set up their camps in your land and eat your fruit and drink your milk. 5Your capital city of Rabbah will be nothing but pasture land for camels, and the rest of the country will be pastures for sheep. Then you will know that I am the LORD God.

6You hated Israel so much that you clapped and shouted and celebrated. 7And so I will hand you over to enemies who will rob you. I will completely destroy you. There won't be enough of your people left to be a nation ever again, and you will know that I, the LORD, have done these things.

Judgment on Moab

8The LORD God said, “The people of Moab thought Judah was no different from any other nation. 9So I will let Moab's fortress towns along its border be attacked, including Beth-Jeshimoth, Baal-Meon, and Kiriathaim. 10The same eastern desert tribes that invade Ammon will invade Moab, and just as Ammon will be forgotten for ever, 11Moab will be punished. Then the people there will know that I am the LORD.”

Judgment on Edom

12The LORD God then said, “The people of Edom are guilty of taking revenge on Judah. 13So I will punish Edom by killing all its people and livestock. It will be an empty wasteland all the way from Teman to Dedan. 14I will send my own people to take revenge on the Edomites by making them feel my fierce anger. And when I punish them, they will know that I am the LORD God.”

Judgment on Philistia

15The LORD God said, “The cruel Philistines have taken revenge on their enemies over and over and have tried to destroy them. 16Now it's my turn to treat the Philistines as my enemies and to kill everyone living in their towns along the coast. 17In my fierce anger, I will take revenge on them. And when I punish them, they will know that I am the LORD.”

Ezekiel 26

Judgment on the city of Tyre

1Eleven years after King Jehoiachin and the rest of us had been led away as prisoners to Babylonia, the LORD spoke to me on the first day of the month. He said:

2Ezekiel, son of man, the people of the city of Tyre have celebrated Jerusalem's defeat by singing,

“Jerusalem has fallen!

It used to be powerful,

a centre of trade.

Now the city is shattered,

and we will take its place.”

3Because the people of Tyre have sung that song, I have the following warning for them: I am the LORD God, and I am now your enemy! I will send nations to attack you, like waves crashing against the shore. 4They will tear down your city walls and defence towers. I will sweep away the ruins until all that's left of you is a bare rock, 5where fishermen can dry their nets along the coast. I promise that you will be robbed 6and that the people who live in your towns along the coast will be killed. Then you will know that I am the LORD.

7King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylonia is the world's most powerful king, and I will send him to attack you. He will march from the north with a powerful army, including horses and chariots and cavalry troops. 8First, he will attack your towns along the coast and kill the people who live there. Then he will build earth ramps up to the top of your city walls and set up rows of shields around you. 9He will command some of his troops to use large wooden poles to beat down your walls, while others use iron rods to knock down your watchtowers. 10He will have so many horses that the dust they stir up will seem like a thick fog. And as his chariots and cavalry approach, even the walls will shake, especially when he proudly enters your ruined city. 11His troops will ride through your streets, killing people left and right, and your strong columns will crumble to the ground. 12The troops will steal your valuable possessions; they will break down your walls, and crush your expensive houses. Then the stones and wood and all the remains will be dumped into the sea. 13You will have no reason to sing or play music on harps, 14because I will turn you into a bare rock where fishermen can dry their nets. And you will never rebuild your city. I, the LORD God, make this promise.

15The people of the nations up and down the coast will shudder when they hear your screams and moans of death. 16The kings will step down from their thrones, then take off their royal robes and fine clothes, and sit on the ground, trembling. They will be so shocked at the news of your defeat that they will shake in fear 17and sing this funeral song:

“The great city beside the sea

is destroyed!

Its people once ruled the coast

and terrified everyone there.

18But now Tyre is in ruins,

and the people on the coast

stare at it in horror

and tremble in fear.”

19I, the LORD God, will turn you into a ghost town. The ocean depths will rise over you 20and carry you down to the world of the dead, where you will join people of ancient times and towns ruined long ago. You will stay there and never again be a city filled with people. 21You will die a horrible death! People will come looking for your city, but it will never be found. I, the LORD, have spoken.

Ezekiel 27

A funeral song for Tyre

1The LORD said:

2Ezekiel, son of man, sing a funeral song for Tyre, 3the city that is built along the sea and that trades with nations along the coast. Tell the people of Tyre that the following message is from me:

Tyre, you boast about

your perfect beauty,

4and your control of the sea.

You are a ship

built to perfection.

5Builders used cypress trees

from Mount Hermon

to make your planks

and a cedar tree from Lebanon

for your tall mast.

6Oak trees from Bashan

were shaped into oars;

pine trees from Cyprus

were cut for your deck,

which was then decorated

with strips of ivory.

7The builders used fine linen

from Egypt for your sails,

so everyone could see you.

Blue and purple cloth

from Cyprus was used

to shade your deck.

8Men from Sidon and Arvad

did the rowing,

and your own skilled workers

were the captains.

9Experienced men from Byblos

repaired any damages.

Sailors from all over

shopped at the stores

in your port.

10Brave soldiers from Persia,

Lydia, and Libya

served in your navy,

protecting you with shields

and helmets,

and making you famous.

11Your guards came from

Arvad and Cilicia,

and men from Gamad

stood watch in your towers.

With their weapons

hung on your walls,

your beauty was complete.

12Merchants from southern Spain traded silver, iron, tin, and lead for your products. 13The people of Greece, Tubal, and Meshech traded slaves and things made of bronze, 14and those from Beth-Togarmah traded work horses, war horses, and mules. 15You also did business with people from Rhodes, and people from nations along the coast gave you ivory and ebony in exchange for your goods. 16Edom traded emeralds, purple cloth, embroidery, fine linen, coral, and rubies. 17Judah and Israel gave you their finest wheat, best figs, honey, olive oil, and spices in exchange for your merchandise. 18The people of Damascus saw what you had to offer and brought you wine from Helbon and wool from Zahar. 19Vedan and Javan near Uzal traded you iron and spices. 20The people of Dedan supplied you with saddle blankets, 21while people from Arabia and the rulers of Kedar traded lambs, sheep, and goats. 22Merchants from Sheba and Raamah gave you excellent spices, precious stones, and gold in exchange for your products. 23You also did business with merchants from the cities of Haran, Canneh, Eden, Sheba, Asshur, and Chilmad, 24and they gave you expensive clothing, purple and embroidered cloth, brightly-coloured rugs, and strong rope. 25Large, seagoing ships carried your goods wherever they needed to go.

You were like a ship

loaded with heavy cargo

26and sailing across the sea,

but you were wrecked

by strong eastern winds.

27Everything on board was lost—

your valuable cargo,

your sailors and carpenters,

merchants and soldiers.

28The shouts of your drowning crew

were heard on the shore.

29Every ship is deserted;

rowers and sailors and captains

all stand on shore,

30mourning for you.

They show their sorrow

by putting dust on their heads

and rolling in ashes;

31they shave their heads

and dress in sackcloth

as they cry in despair.

32In their grief they sing

a funeral song for you:

“Tyre, you were greater

than all other cities.

But now you lie in silence

at the bottom of the sea.

33“Nations that received

your merchandise

were always pleased;

kings everywhere got rich

from your costly goods.

34But now you are wrecked

in the deep sea,

with your cargo and crew

scattered everywhere.

35People living along the coast

are shocked at the news.

Their rulers are horrified,

and terror is written

across their faces.

36The merchants of the world

can't believe what happened.

Your death was gruesome,

and you are gone for ever.”

Ezekiel 25:1-27:36CEVOpen in Bible reader

1 Peter 3

Being a Christian and suffering

Wives and husbands

1If you are a wife, you must put your husband first. Even if he opposes our message, you will win him over by what you do. No one else will have to say anything to him, 2because he will see how you honour God and live a pure life. 3Don't depend on things like fancy hair styles or gold jewellery or expensive clothes to make you look beautiful. 4Be beautiful in your heart by being gentle and quiet. This kind of beauty will last, and God considers it very special.

5Long ago those women who worshipped God and put their hope in him made themselves beautiful by putting their husbands first. 6For example, Sarah obeyed Abraham and called him her master. You are her true children, if you do right and don't let anything frighten you.

7If you are a husband, you should be thoughtful of your wife. Treat her with honour, because she isn't as strong as you are, and she shares with you in the gift of life. Then nothing will stand in the way of your prayers.

Suffering for doing right

8Finally, all of you should agree and have concern and love for each other. You should also be kind and humble. 9Don't be hateful and insult people just because they are hateful and insult you. Instead, treat everyone with kindness. You are God's chosen ones, and he will bless you. The Scriptures say,

10“Do you really love life?

Do you want to be happy?

Then stop saying cruel things

and stop telling lies.

11Give up your evil ways

and do right,

as you find and follow

the road that leads

to peace.

12The Lord watches over

everyone who obeys him,

and he listens

to their prayers.

But he opposes everyone

who does evil.”

13Can anyone really harm you for being eager to do good deeds? 14Even if you have to suffer for doing good things, God will bless you. So stop being afraid and don't worry about what people might do. 15Honour Christ and let him be the Lord of your life.

Always be ready to give an answer when someone asks you about your hope. 16Give a kind and respectful answer and keep your conscience clear. This way you will make people ashamed for saying bad things about your good conduct as a follower of Christ. 17You are better off to obey God and suffer for doing right than to suffer for doing wrong.

18Christ died once for our sins.

An innocent person died

for those who are guilty.

Christ did this

to bring you to God,

when his body

was put to death

and his spirit

was made alive.

19Christ then preached to the spirits that were being kept in prison. 20They had disobeyed God while Noah was building the boat, but God had been patient with them. Eight people went into that boat and were brought safely through the flood.

21Those flood waters were like baptism that now saves you. But baptism is more than just washing your body. It means turning to God with a clear conscience, because Jesus Christ was raised from death. 22Christ is now in heaven, where he sits at the right side of God. All angels, authorities, and powers are under his control.

1 Peter 3:1-22CEVOpen in Bible reader
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