Through the Bible – Day 356

Bible text(s)

Micah 4

A new temple in a new Israel

Peace and prosperity

1In the future, the mountain

with the LORD's temple

will be the highest of all.

It will reach above the hills,

and every nation

will rush to it.

2People of many nations

will come and say,

“Let's go up to the mountain

of the LORD God of Jacob

and worship in his temple.”

The LORD will teach us his Law

from Jerusalem,

and we will obey him.

3He will settle arguments

between distant

and powerful nations.

They will beat their swords

and their spears

into rakes and shovels;

they will never again make war

or attack one another.

4Everyone will find rest

beneath their own fig trees

or grapevines,

and they will live in peace.

This is a solemn promise

of the LORD All-Powerful.

5Others may follow their gods,

but we will always follow

the LORD our God.

The LORD will lead his people home

6The LORD said:

At that time

I will gather my people—

the lame and the outcasts,

and all into whose lives

I have brought sorrow.

7Then the lame and the outcasts

will belong to my people

and become a strong nation.

I, the LORD, will rule them

from Mount Zion for ever.

8Mount Zion in Jerusalem,

guardian of my people,

you will rule again.

9Jerusalem, why are you crying?

Don't you have a king?

Have your advisers gone?

Are you suffering

like a woman in childbirth?

10Keep on groaning with pain,

you people of Jerusalem!

If you escape from your city

to the countryside,

you will still be taken

as prisoners to Babylonia.

But later I will rescue you

from your enemies.

11Zion, because of your sins

you are surrounded

by many nations who say,

“We can hardly wait

to see you disgraced.”

12But they don't know

that I, the LORD,

have gathered them here

to grind them like grain.

13Smash them to pieces, Zion!

I'll let you be like a bull

with iron horns

and bronze hoofs.

Crush those nations

and bring their wealth to me,

the LORD of the earth.

Micah 5

A promised ruler

1Jerusalem, enemy troops

have surrounded you;

they have struck Israel's ruler

in the face with a stick.

2Bethlehem Ephrath,

you are one of the smallest towns

in the nation of Judah.

But the LORD will choose

one of your people

to rule the nation—

someone whose family

goes back to ancient times.

3The LORD will abandon Israel

only until this ruler is born,

and the rest of his family

returns to Israel.

4Like a shepherd

taking care of his sheep,

this ruler will lead

and care for his people

by the power and glorious name

of the LORD his God.

His people will live securely,

and the whole earth will know

his true greatness,

5because he will bring peace.

Assyria will be defeated

Let Assyria attack our country

and our palaces.

We will counter-attack,

led by a number of rulers

6whose strong army will defeat

the nation of Assyria.

Yes, our leaders will rescue us,

if those Assyrians

dare to invade our land.

The survivors will be safe

7A few of Jacob's descendants

survived and are scattered

among the nations.

But the LORD will let them

cover the earth like dew and rain

that refreshes the soil.

8At present they are scattered,

but later they will attack,

as though they were fierce lions

pouncing on sheep.

Their enemies will be torn

to shreds,

with no one to save them;

9they will be helpless,

completely destroyed.

Idols will be destroyed in Israel

10The LORD said:

At that time I will wipe out

your cavalry and chariots,

11as well as your cities

and your fortresses.

12I will stop you

from telling fortunes

and practising witchcraft.

13You will no longer worship

the idols or stone images

you have made—

I will destroy them,

14together with the sacred poles

and even your towns.

15I will become furious

and take revenge on the nations

that refuse to obey me.

Micah 6

Israel is declared guilty

The LORD's challenge to his people

1The LORD said to his people:

Come and present your case

to the hills and mountains.

2Israel, I am bringing charges

against you—

I call upon the mountains

and the earth's firm foundation

to be my witnesses.

3My people, have I wronged you

in any way at all?

Please tell me.

4I rescued you from Egypt,

where you were slaves.

I sent Moses, Aaron, and Miriam

to be your leaders.

5Don't forget the evil plans

of King Balak of Moab

or what Balaam son of Beor

said to him.

Remember how I, the LORD,

saved you many times

on your way from Acacia

to Gilgal.

True obedience

6What offering should I bring

when I bow down to worship

the LORD God Most High?

Should I try to please him

by sacrificing

calves a year old?

7Will thousands of sheep

or rivers of olive oil

make God satisfied with me?

Should I sacrifice to the LORD

my firstborn child as payment

for my terrible sins?

8The LORD God has told us

what is right

and what he demands:

“See that justice is done,

let mercy be your first concern,

and humbly obey your God.”

Cheating and violence

9I am the LORD,

and it makes sense to respect

my power to punish.

So listen to my message

for the city of Jerusalem:

10You store up stolen treasures

and use dishonest scales.

11But I, the LORD, will punish you

for cheating with weights

and with measures.

12You rich people are violent,

and everyone tells lies.

13Because of your sins,

I will wound you and leave you

ruined and defenceless.

14You will eat,

but still be hungry;

you will store up goods,

but lose everything—

I, the LORD, will let it all

be captured in war.

15You won't harvest what you plant

or use the oil

from your olive trees

or drink the wine

from grapes you grow.

16Jerusalem, this will happen

because you followed

the sinful example

of kings Omri and Ahab.

Now I will destroy you

and your property.

Then the people of every nation

will make fun and insult you.

Micah 7

Israel is corrupt

1I feel so empty inside—

like someone starving

for grapes or figs,

after the vines and trees

have all been picked clean.

2No one is loyal to God;

no one does right.

Everyone is brutal

and eager to deceive

everyone else.

3People cooperate to commit crime.

Judges and leaders demand bribes,

and rulers cheat in court.

4The most honest of them

is worse than a thorn patch.

Your doom has come!

Lookouts sound the warning,

and everyone panics.

5Don't trust anyone,

not even your best friend,

and be careful what you say

to the one you love.

6Sons refuse to respect

their own fathers,

daughters rebel against

their own mothers,

and daughters-in-law despise

their mothers-in-law.

Your family is now your enemy.

7But I trust the LORD God

to save me,

and I will wait for him

to answer my prayer.

The nation turns to God

8My enemies, don't be glad

because of my troubles!

I may have fallen,

but I will get up;

I may be sitting in the dark,

but the LORD is my light.

9I have sinned against the LORD.

And so I must endure his anger,

until he comes to my defence.

But I know that I will see him

making things right for me

and leading me to the light.

10You, my enemies, said,

“The LORD God is helpless.”

Now each of you

will be disgraced

and put to shame.

I will see you trampled

like mud in the street.

A bright future

11Towns of Judah, the day is coming

when your walls will be rebuilt,

and your boundaries enlarged.

12People will flock to you

from Assyria and Egypt,

from Babylonia

and everywhere else.

13Those nations will suffer disaster

because of what they did.

Micah's prayer and the LORD's answer

14Lead your people, LORD!

Come and be our shepherd.

Grasslands surround us,

but we live in a forest.

So lead us to Bashan and Gilead,

and let us find pasture

as we did long ago.

15I, the LORD, will work miracles

just as I did when I led you

out of Egypt.

16Nations will see this

and be ashamed because

of their helpless armies.

They will be in shock,

unable to speak or hear,

17because of their fear of me,

your LORD and God.

Then they will come trembling,

crawling out of their fortresses

like insects or snakes,

lapping up the dust.

No one is like God

The people said:

18Our God, no one is like you.

We are all that is left

of your chosen people,

and you freely forgive

our sin and guilt.

You don't stay angry for ever;

you're glad to have pity

19and pleased to be merciful.

You will trample on our sins

and throw them in the sea.

20You will keep your word

and be faithful to Jacob

and to Abraham,

as you promised our ancestors

many years ago.

Micah 4:1-7:20CEVOpen in Bible reader

Revelation 13

The two beasts

1I looked and saw a beast coming up from the sea. This one had ten horns and seven heads, and a crown was on each of its ten horns. On each of its heads were names that were an insult to God. 2The beast that I saw had the body of a leopard, the feet of a bear, and the mouth of a lion. The dragon handed over its own power and throne and great authority to this beast. 3One of its heads seemed to have been fatally wounded, but now it was well. Everyone on earth marvelled at this beast, 4and they worshipped the dragon who had given its authority to the beast. They also worshipped the beast and said, “No one is like this beast! No one can fight against it.”

5The beast was allowed to boast and claim to be God, and for forty-two months it was allowed to rule. 6The beast cursed God, and it cursed the name of God. It even cursed the place where God lives, as well as everyone who lives in heaven with God. 7It was allowed to fight against God's people and defeat them. It was also given authority over the people of every tribe, nation, language, and race. 8The beast was worshipped by everyone whose name wasn't written before the time of creation in the book of the Lamb who was killed.

9If you have ears,

then listen!

10If you are doomed

to be captured,

you will be captured.

If you are doomed

to be killed by a sword,

you will be killed

by a sword.

This means that God's people must learn to endure and be faithful!

11I now saw another beast. This one came out of the ground. It had two horns like a lamb, but spoke like a dragon. 12It worked for the beast whose fatal wound had been healed. And it used all its authority to force the earth and its people to worship that beast. 13It performed mighty miracles, and while people watched, it even made fire come down from the sky.

14This second beast fooled people on earth by performing miracles for the first one. Then it talked them into making an idol in the form of the beast that did not die after being wounded by a sword. 15It was allowed to put breath into the idol, so that it could speak. Everyone who refused to worship the idol of the beast was put to death. 16All people were forced to put a mark on their right hand or forehead. Whether they were powerful or weak, rich or poor, free people or slaves, 17they all had to have this mark, or else they could not buy or sell anything. This mark stood for the name of the beast and for the number of its name.

18You need wisdom to understand the number of the beast! But if you are clever enough, you can work this out. Its number is six hundred and sixty-six, and it stands for a person.

Revelation 13:1-18CEVOpen in Bible reader
Canadian Bible Societyv.4.29.1
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