Through the Bible – Day 357

Bible text(s)

Nahum 1

The fierce anger of the Lord

1I am Nahum from Elkosh. And this is the message that I wrote down about Nineveh.

The fierce anger of the LORD

2The LORD God demands loyalty.

In his anger, he takes revenge

on his enemies.

3The LORD is powerful,

yet patient;

he makes sure that the guilty

are always punished.

He can be seen in storms

and in whirlwinds;

clouds are the dust from his feet.

4At the LORD's command,

oceans and rivers dry up.

Bashan, Mount Carmel,

and Lebanon wither,

and their flowers fade.

5At the sight of the LORD,

mountains and hills

tremble and melt;

the earth and its people

shudder and shake.

6Who can stand the heat

of his furious anger?

It flashes out like fire

and shatters stones.

Assyria's doom brings hope for the Lord's people

The power of Assyria will be broken

7The LORD is good.

He protects those who trust him

in times of trouble.

8But like a roaring flood,

the LORD chases his enemies

into dark places

and destroys them.

9So don't plot against the LORD!

He wipes out his enemies,

and they never revive.

10They are like drunkards

overcome by wine,

or like dry thorn bushes

burning in a fire.

11Assyria, one of your rulers

has made evil plans

against the LORD.

12But the LORD says, “Assyria,

no matter how strong you are,

you are doomed!

My people Judah,

I have troubled you before,

but I won't do it again.

13I'll snap your chains

and set you free

from the Assyrians.”

14Assyria, this is what else

the LORD says to you:

“Your name will be forgotten.

I will destroy every idol

in your temple,

and I will send you to the grave,

because you are worthless.”

15Look towards the mountains,

people of Judah!

Here comes a messenger

with good news of peace.

Celebrate your festivals.

Keep your promises to God.

Your evil enemies are destroyed

and will never again

invade your country.

Nahum 2

Nineveh, the capital of Assyria, will be destroyed

1Nineveh, someone is coming

to attack and scatter you.

Guard your fortresses!

Watch the road! Be brave!

Prepare for battle!

2Judah and Israel are like trees

with branches broken

by their enemies.

But the LORD is going to restore

their power and glory.

3-4Nineveh, on this day of attack,

your enemies' shields are red;

their uniforms are crimson.

Their horses prance,

and their armoured chariots

dart around like lightning

or flaming torches.

5An officer gives a command.

But his soldiers stumble,

as they hasten to build

a shelter to protect themselves

against rocks thrown down

from the city wall.

6The river gates fly open,

and panic floods the palace.

7Nineveh is disgraced.

The queen is dragged off.

Her servant women mourn;

they sound like doves,

and they beat their breasts

in sorrow.

8Nineveh is like a pond

with leaking water.

Shouts of “Stop! Don't go!”

can be heard everywhere.

But everyone is leaving.

9Enemy soldiers shout,

“The city is full of treasure

and all kinds of wealth.

Steal her silver! Grab her gold!”

10Nineveh is doomed! Destroyed!

Her people tremble with fear;

their faces turn pale.

11What happened to this city?

They were safer there

than powerful lions in a den,

with no one to disturb them.

12These are the same lions

that ferociously attacked

their victims,

then dragged away the flesh

to feed their young.

13The LORD All-Powerful,

is against you, Nineveh.

God will burn your chariots

and send an army to kill

those young lions of yours.

You will never again

make victims of others

or send messengers to threaten

everyone on this earth.

Nahum 3

Punishment for Nineveh

The LORD said:

1Doom to the crime capital!

Nineveh, city of murder

and treachery,

2here is your fate—

cracking whips,

churning wheels;

galloping horses,

roaring chariots;

3cavalry attacking,

swords and spears flashing;

soldiers stumbling

over piles of dead bodies.

4You were nothing more

than a prostitute

using your magical charms

and witchcraft

to attract and trap nations.

5But I, the LORD All-Powerful,

am now your enemy.

I will pull up your skirt

and let nations and kingdoms

stare at your nakedness.

6I will cover you with rubbish,

treat you like trash,

and rub you in the dirt.

7Everyone who sees you

will turn away and shout,

“Nineveh is done for!

Is anyone willing to mourn

or to give her comfort?”

Nineveh's fate is sealed

8Nineveh, do you feel safer

than the city of Thebes?

The River Nile

was its wall of defence.

9Thebes trusted the mighty power

of Ethiopia and Egypt;

the nations of Put and Libya

were her allies.

10But she was captured and taken

to a foreign country.

Her children were murdered

at every street corner.

The members of her royal family

were auctioned off,

and her high officials

were bound in chains.

11Nineveh, now it's your turn!

You will get drunk and try to hide

from your enemy.

12Your fortresses are fig trees

with ripe figs.

Merely shake the trees,

and fruit will fall

into every open mouth.

13Your army is weak.

Fire has destroyed the crossbars

on your city gates;

now they stand wide open

to your enemy.

14Your city is under attack.

Haul in extra water!

Strengthen your defences!

Start making bricks!

Stir the mortar!

15You will still go up in flames

and be cut down by swords

that will wipe you out like wheat

attacked by grasshoppers.

So, go ahead and increase

like a swarm of locusts!

16More merchants are in your city

than there are stars

in the sky—

but they are like locusts

that eat everything,

then fly away.

17Your guards and your officials

are swarms of locusts.

On a chilly day

they settle on a fence,

but when the sun comes out,

they take off

to who-knows-where.

18King of Assyria,

your officials and leaders

sleep the eternal sleep,

while your people are scattered

in the mountains.

Yes, your people are sheep

without a shepherd.

19You're fatally wounded.

There's no hope for you.

But everyone claps

when they hear this news,

because your constant cruelty

has caused them pain.

Nahum 1:1-3:19CEVOpen in Bible reader

Revelation 14

Visions of God's judgment and protection

The Lamb and his 144,000 followers

1I looked and saw the Lamb standing on Mount Zion! With him were a hundred and forty-four thousand, who had his name and his Father's name written on their foreheads. 2Then I heard a sound from heaven that was like a roaring flood or loud thunder or even like the music of harps. 3And a new song was being sung in front of God's throne and in front of the four living creatures and the elders. No one could learn that song, except the one hundred and forty-four thousand who had been rescued from the earth. 4All these are pure virgins, and they follow the Lamb wherever he leads. They have been rescued to be presented to God and the Lamb as the most precious people on earth. 5They never tell lies, and they are innocent.

The messages of the three angels

6I saw another angel. This one was flying across the sky and had the eternal good news to announce to the people of every race, tribe, language, and nation on earth. 7The angel shouted, “Worship and honour God! The time has come for him to judge everyone. Kneel down before the one who created heaven and earth, the oceans, and every stream.”

8A second angel followed and said, “The great city of Babylon has fallen! This is the city that made all nations drunk and immoral. Now God is angry, and Babylon has fallen.”

9Finally, a third angel came and shouted:

Here is what will happen if you worship the beast and the idol and have the mark of the beast on your hand or forehead. 10You will have to drink the wine that God gives to everyone who makes him angry. You will feel his mighty anger, and you will be tortured with fire and burning sulphur, while the holy angels and the Lamb look on.

11If you worship the beast and the idol and accept the mark of its name, you will be tortured day and night. The smoke from your torture will go up for ever and ever, and you will never be able to rest.

12God's people must learn to endure. They must also obey his commands and have faith in Jesus.

13Then I heard a voice from heaven say, “Put this in writing. From now on, the Lord will bless everyone who has faith in him when they die.”

The Spirit answered, “Yes, they will rest from their hard work, and they will be rewarded for what they have done.”

Revelation 14:1-13CEVOpen in Bible reader
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