Through the Bible – Day 358

Bible text(s)

Habakkuk 1

Habakkuk complains, and the Lord answers

1I am Habakkuk the prophet. And this is the message that the LORD gave me.

Habakkuk complains to the LORD

2Our LORD, how long must I beg

for your help

before you listen?

How long before you save us

from all this violence?

3Why do you make me watch

such terrible injustice?

Why do you allow violence,

lawlessness, crime, and cruelty

to spread everywhere?

4Laws cannot be enforced;

justice is always the loser;

criminals crowd out honest people

and twist the laws around.

The LORD answers Habakkuk

5Look and be amazed

at what's happening

among the nations!

Even if you were told,

you would never believe

what's taking place now.

6I am sending the Babylonians.

They are fierce and cruel—

marching across the land,

conquering cities and towns.

7How fearsome and frightening.

Their only laws and rules

are the ones they make up.

8Their cavalry troops are faster

than leopards,

more ferocious than wolves

hunting at sunset,

and swifter than hungry eagles

suddenly swooping down.

9They are eager to destroy,

and they gather captives

like handfuls of sand.

10They make fun of rulers

and laugh at fortresses,

while building earth mounds

so they can capture cities.

11Then suddenly they disappear

like a gust of wind—

those sinful people who worship

their own strength.

Habakkuk complains again

12Holy LORD God, mighty rock,

you are eternal,

and we are safe from death.

You are using those Babylonians

to judge and punish others.

13But you can't stand sin or wrong.

So don't sit by in silence

while they gobble up people

who are better than they are.

14The people you put on this earth

are like fish or reptiles

without a leader.

15Then an enemy comes along

and takes them captive

with hooks and nets.

It makes him so happy

16that he offers sacrifices

to his fishing nets,

because they make him rich

and provide choice foods.

17Will he keep hauling in his nets

and destroying nations

without showing mercy?

Habakkuk 2

The LORD answers Habakkuk again

1While standing guard

on the watchtower,

I waited for the LORD's answer,

before explaining the reason

for my complaint.

2Then the LORD told me:

“I will give you my message

in the form of a vision.

Write it clearly enough

to be read at a glance.

3At the time I have decided,

my words will come true.

You can trust what I say

about the future.

It may take a long time,

but keep on waiting—

it will happen!

4“I, the LORD, refuse to accept

anyone who is proud.

Only those who live by faith

are acceptable to me.”

Trouble for evil people

5Wine is treacherous,

and arrogant people

are never satisfied.

They are no less greedy

than death itself—

they open their mouths as wide

as the world of the dead

and swallow everyone.

6But they will be mocked

with these words:

You're doomed!

You stored up stolen goods

and cheated others

of what belonged to them.

7But without warning,

those you owe

will demand payment.

Then you will become

a frightened victim.

8You robbed cities and nations

everywhere on earth

and murdered their people.

Now those who survived

will be as cruel to you.

9You're doomed!

You made your family rich

at the expense of others.

You even said to yourself,

“I'm above the law.”

10But you will bring shame

on your family

and ruin to yourself

for what you did to others.

11The very stones and wood

in your home

will testify against you.

12You're doomed! You built a city

on crime and violence.

13But the LORD All-Powerful

sends up in flames

what nations and people

work so hard to gain.

14Just as water fills the sea,

the land will be filled

with people who know

and honour the LORD.

15You're doomed!

You get your friends drunk,

just to see them naked.

16Now you will be disgraced

instead of praised.

The LORD will make you drunk,

and when others see you naked,

you will lose their respect.

17You destroyed trees and animals

on Mount Lebanon;

you were ruthless to towns

and people everywhere.

Now you will be terrorized.

Idolatry is foolish

18What is an idol worth?

It's merely a false god.

Why trust a speechless image

made from wood or metal

by human hands?

19What can you learn from idols

covered with silver or gold?

They can't even breathe.

Pity anyone who says to an idol

of wood or stone,

“Get up and do something!”

20Let all the world be silent—

the LORD is present

in his holy temple.

Habakkuk 3

Habakkuk gives praise to the Lord

Habakkuk's prayer

1This is my prayer:

2I know your reputation, LORD,

and I am amazed

at what you have done.

Please turn from your anger

and be merciful;

do for us what you did

for our ancestors.

3You are the same Holy God

who came from Teman

and Paran to help us.

The brightness of your glory

covered the heavens,

and your praises were heard

everywhere on earth.

4Your glory shone like the sun,

and light flashed from your hands,

hiding your mighty power.

5Dreadful diseases and plagues

marched in front

and followed behind.

6When you stopped,

the earth shook;

when you stared,

nations trembled;

when you walked

along your ancient paths,

eternal mountains and hills

crumbled and collapsed.

7The tents of desert tribes

in Cushan and Midian

were ripped apart.

8Our LORD, were you angry

with the monsters

of the deep?

You attacked in your chariot

and wiped them out.

9Your arrows were ready

and obeyed your commands.

You split the earth apart

with rivers and streams;

10mountains trembled

at the sight of you;

rain poured from the clouds;

ocean waves roared and rose.

11The sun and moon stood still,

while your arrows and spears

flashed like lightning.

12In your furious anger,

you trampled on nations

13to rescue your people

and save your chosen one.

You crushed a nation's ruler

and stripped his evil kingdom

of its power.

14His troops had come like a storm,

hoping to scatter us

and glad to gobble us up.

To them we were refugees

in hiding—

but you smashed their heads

with their own weapons.

15Then your chariots churned

the waters of the sea.

Habakkuk's response to God's message

16When I heard this message,

I felt weak from fear,

and my lips quivered.

My bones seemed to melt,

and I stumbled around.

But I will patiently wait.

Some day those vicious enemies

will be struck by disaster.

Trust in a time of trouble

17Fig trees may no longer bloom,

or vineyards produce grapes;

olive trees may be fruitless,

and harvest time a failure;

sheep pens may be empty,

and cattle stalls vacant—

18but I will still celebrate

because the LORD God

saves me.

19The LORD gives me strength.

He makes my feet as sure

as those of a deer,

and he helps me stand

on the mountains.

To the music director:

Use stringed instruments.

Habakkuk 1:1-3:19CEVOpen in Bible reader

Revelation 14

The earth is harvested

14I looked and saw a bright cloud, and someone who seemed to be the Son of Man was sitting on the cloud. He wore a gold crown on his head and held a sharp sickle in his hand. 15An angel came out of the temple and shouted, “Start cutting with your sickle! Harvest season is here, and all crops on earth are ripe.” 16The one on the cloud swung his sickle and harvested the crops.

17Another angel with a sharp sickle then came out of the temple in heaven. 18After this, an angel with power over fire came from the altar and shouted to the angel who had the sickle. He said, “All grapes on earth are ripe! Harvest them with your sharp sickle.” 19The angel swung his sickle on earth and cut off its grapes. He threw them into a pit where they were trampled on as a sign of God's anger. 20The pit was outside the city, and when the grapes were squashed, blood flowed out. The blood turned into a river that was about three hundred kilometres long and almost deep enough to cover a horse.

Revelation 15

The last of the terrible troubles

1After this, I looked at the sky and saw something else that was strange and important. Seven angels were bringing the last seven terrible troubles. When these are ended, God will no longer be angry.

2Then I saw something that looked like a glass sea mixed with fire, and people were standing on it. They were the ones who had defeated the beast and the idol and the number that tells the name of the beast. God had given them harps, 3and they were singing the song that his servant Moses and the Lamb had sung. They were singing,

“Lord God All-Powerful,

you have done great

and marvellous things.

You are the ruler

of all nations,

and you do what is

right and fair.

4Lord, who doesn't honour

and praise your name?

You alone are holy,

and all nations will come

and worship you,

because you have shown

that you judge

with fairness.”

5After this, I noticed something else in heaven. The sacred tent used for a temple was open. 6And the seven angels who were bringing the terrible troubles were coming out of it. They were dressed in robes of pure white linen and wore belts made of pure gold. 7One of the four living creatures gave each of the seven angels a bowl made of gold. These bowls were filled with the anger of God who lives for ever and ever. 8The temple quickly filled with smoke from the glory and power of God. No one could enter it until the seven angels had finished pouring out the seven last troubles.

Revelation 14:14-15:8CEVOpen in Bible reader
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